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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Anybody seen much of Mustapha Yatabare? Has had a good start to the season in Ligue 1, and scored a bunch in Ligue 2 last year.


    Seen him twice since Guingamp came up and he has looked very decent, although very similar to Remy/Cisse in terms of style and size.


    I assume this is him playing at peak confidence, though, and at 27 I'm not sure he's good enough even if he was what we were in the market for.


    Assume you've been searching Transfermarkt for which Ligue 1 strikers we might be after too? :laugh:


    :blush: I'm ashamed to admit I have been having a think of who it might be, yes.


    Can't wait for next Tuesday, so I can get what's left of my life back tbh. 


    I need a girl :(



  2. I hope Ashley pushes the boat out for a couple of decent players, and when he sees it makes no difference to this idiot's performance, then hopefully the annoyance of that should see him send this garbage so called manager to the trash heap.



  3. As if its the same playing at home to City to playing away to City.


    We know its s*** at the moment but f*cking hell its 2 games in and i'd be very surprised if Cardiff get even close to getting anything from The Etihad.


    Are you serious?!


    what have we been doing at home that's anything close to that!


    Losing by 3 to Sunderland and not scoring a single goal, and losing by 6 to Liverpool and not scoring a single goal.


    Pardew needs to fuck off at this point.


    A complete and utter fraud and charlatan.

  4. Can't go back to sleep. I'm fuming.


    Honestly, how useless is Alan Pardew? Its impossible to fathom it really is.


    Look at that Cardiff side for goodness sake?! So upsetting.


    But hey! Managers don't matter it's all about spending money and buying players. Man City do it more than us, and so they should win every time.


    We couldn't even score at home against West Ham. Hideous.

  5. Could be bollocks but was told Pardew has basically been told he can sign the players he would like as long as they cost f*** all, while Carr will still be trying to find players that the club actually wants. So that's why we're hearing about the likes of Bent and Downing through Pardew blabbing about it but not really in for either, hence the laughable way the Bent issue was handled.


    They clearly don't trust Pardew which makes it all the more baffling that he's still here.


    James McCarthy was mentioned as someone who they'd be in for this week.


    Waiting for Poyet's court case to be settled maybe.


    Poyet was on AJS yesterday and seemed quite upbeat (as you'd expect him to be on television). No mention of the court case obviously, but he did talk us up, and said he wasn;t sure why we're failing to get results with a good set of players.


    Wow. That's interesting. Hope he's letting mA know the same behind the scenes.

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