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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. honestly the 4-4-2 bashing on here is so OTT, we really havn't been that bad :lol:


    It's not about being bad.


    We haven't looked awful or anything, but the strikers just aren't in the game, and Cabaye and Anita are seemingly being forced to play longer passes from deep a lot of the time.


    Unfortunately, neither of the strikers is really adept at receiving and maintaining possession of these types of balls too.


    Just feel we'd be a lot more threatening going forward if setup differently. Much like we were second half of the last match. They even highlighted this in the studio at the start.

  2. Say what ever you want, not basing it on just this game, but Cissé and Ba aren't tidy/technical enough in general play to play together!! Great strikers YES.


    Neither is that great at dropping into midfield and linking play, so it really makes life difficult for our midfield.


    Also, they're not doing a good job of pressing the opposition together, which certainly isn't helping.



  3. Okay, so we struggle against a poorer Tottenham team who played 3 in the middle, and felt we had to change it at half time right?


    Not sure how we then come in against a better team also playing 3 in the middle and start off in the same way we struggled last week.


    Frustrating. I just feel we could easily be so much better if we just setup a bit differently. Makes it much tougher to swallow.

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