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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. This s*** about not wanting to leave permanently is surely him just trying to avoid burning his bridges with their fans should a move fall through and/or he has to go back later. Barring a spectacular failure Rodgers will be there next season as well, so what's the point in him going out on loan and coming back? Perhaps it's Liverpool orchestrating it to try and solidify their position trying to get a permanent transfer.


    Or maybe he just doesn't want to give up his current wage packet.


    Perhaps he knows Newcastle are only interested in an initial loan, and so he has said he wants to go on loan first.

  2. England don't really have anyone that can cross the ball well consistently at the moment.


    They then compound this by playing wingers in Ashley Young and Milner who also struggle to get to the by line well.


    In Lennon and Adam Johnson they have two widemen who at least dribble well and take on full backs, and are able to make space to get a ball in, albeit not necessarily of a consistently great quality neither.


    However, in my opinion those two would have caused far ore problems, even if they are not considered as highly rated as some of th eplayers that were taken instead.


    Even Theo, for all his pace, can't really dribble that well and take people on, and so relies more on decent through balls to him.

  3. Good signing for them, I'm starting to get seriously worried about how much all the teams at the top of the table are strengthening, come on Ashley buy Debuchey already...


    Arsenal seem to be buying "older" players in recent windows. Giroud 26, Podolski 27, Arteta, Santos, Mertesacker, etc. Perhaps Wenger realises that he's got limited time left to win the CL (or any trophy!) for Arsenal now, therefore no time to afford to nurture youngsters into the first team.


    Think he's juat taking a bit off pressure of the youngsters and giving them a bti more time to come through, by adding a few players who are a bit older and more experienced. Defintiely not a case of not having time to nurture younger players anymore.

  4. Is that invest in Africa thing some cheap ploy to impress Sessegnon and encourage him to stay? or to get Gyan to return?


    Even with being of African origin myself, I find such things very forced.

  5. IMO Cleverly is class, and Rodwell is very good too. I've only seen McEachran a few times, but he looks brilliantly technical and skillful.


    I'm not convinced in the slightest.

    Spain probably have at least 5 cleverly's who don't get a look in for the national side.


    He's an average player but because he is one of our better prospects who is likely to come in we deem him as class.


    Forget how class these guys are, it's not necessarily about that.


    We're talking simple basics now i.e. just having the ability to move into the right spaces to receive the ball, and then look to play it forward to feet, and these guys being discussed are far more capable of doing this than your Parkers and Barry's.



  6. I think Italy will give Germany a pretty good game tbh, they look like a good side to me.


    Milner has no business playing on the wing at any level, never mind for the English team. Offers absolutely nothing. Think that between Carroll and Wellbeck you've got two good options alongside Rooney for the future, this tournament will be good experience for them.


    A lot depends on getting Wilshire established in the first team, he's the type of player you've sorely missed for years.


    Wilshire and Cleverly I could both see being absolutely massive for England's passing game in the future. Even Rodwell, for a more defensive midfielder uses the ball so much better than Parker.


    Rodwell, Cleverly and Wilshire in a midfield three would have been 10 times better than the midfield in this tournament. There's certainly players that can play a far better brand of football.


    The question is how soon will they be given a chance? How long will Gerrard, Parker, Barry and lampard continue to linger?

  7. Do these players even talk to each other?


    A few too many backpasses from Parker as a centre back and I'd let him know he had to quit doing that shite.


    How about encouraging each other to move into space after passing the ball? It's like every single one of them just freeze up.

  8. Interesting point you raise about the lower leagues, which has teams that are predominantly English, and where English players definitely get a lot of opportunities to play from a young age too. Certainly doesn't seem as though many talents emerge from these clubs though.


    However, I suppose some might arfue that this is because these clubs aren't as well setup as the top ones, but then that is essentially the problem. Coaching at these clubs needs to be improved moreso than anywhere else perhaps.

  9. Why is Rooney unfit though? I feel like this comes up a lot, whenever he plays poorly.


    The state of the guyin general isn't great. Definitely noticed another chin emerging lately.

  10. England could definitely do with picking more players with athleticism and pace. This alone would cause teams so much more problems.


    Milner keeps getting picked to help defend, but what are you defending? The team is struggling so much to pass the ball and create chances anyway, so there's no lead to defend! Just so negative.


    The likes of Lennon, Adam Johnson, Sturridge and Sinclair should have been on that team. They would cause problems, and relieve so much pressure by being able to run with the ball.


    I just don't understand the current setup at all.

  11. I feel sorry for all of the strikers in the England team.


    They go for ages without touching the ball, and then on the odd occassion they do, they are so far away from goal, with hardly any supprt near them, and they need to produce miracles.


    How many times did you see any striker receiving the ball to feet just outside the box?


    England just couldn't pass the ball well enough to get them in these areas. It was terrible.


    IMO all strikers are absolved from blame, really.


    The way England currently play, the defenders will always shine the most, because in reality everyone is defending most of the time, and defenders are the best at it!

  12. Another thing. I would be slightly worried about the manager England have chosen, as they might have got it wrong again.


    Hodgson seems very committed to 4-4-2 / 4-4-1-1, and never even hinted at changing this despite England being over run in midfield in pretty much all of the games.

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