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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Will never understand why Man Utd don't let Giggs take the penalties. Can't remember him missing any.


    Should have taken it ahead of Hernandez. Would keep up the record of scoring in every Premier League season as well. Wasn't a pen anyway though so justice done.


    Hand Wellbeck a 3 match ban and it might be justice done..


    There'd be barely any players left then, you know, since almost all of them dive. I hate diving as well but it's part of the game now.


    Then so be it for f***s sake. It's not part of the game. Get the f*** out of here with s*** like that.


    Are you actually serious like? If a player sees an opportunity to go down and win a pen they're going always going to do it. Man United players do it. Newcastle players do it. Even people in an amateur league at home do it. It's not going to go away. You're incredibly naive if you think it is.


    I understand it when you actually get a knock and over-emphasis the contact, Welbeck was miles away from being touched. There's no place for it.


    Mate I f***ing hate diving. I'm not sticking up for Welbeck in any way and I know we have some serial divers in our team, i.e. Nani and Young, but I'm just saying everyone does it and I don't think it's going to stop.


    You're missing the point I think.

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