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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Who cares what we paid for him?  That's got nothing to do with what he's worth to the club now.


    Although i think this story is cobblers, i think the last few post are wrong in how the Ashley/Lamparse look at it. The clubs policy is to buy younger players with resale value, the scenario discussed is exactly what they would love.


    Buy him for £5m, sell him for £18m.........perfect for the current owner.


    Just pointing what they have stated in the past, dont agree with it like.


    Yep, that's the point i was getting at.

  2. Moyes is the classic underdog , backs against the wall guy. Everyone work their socks off for the team etc etc.


    Moyes would fail at Spurs coming in after Harry. Spurs fans are full of it.They would snub him.


    I mean Everton play some decent stuff sometimes, but it's not exactly consistent, and you can't really say it's Moyes philosophy.


    Plus he starts off slow every season, at Everton not a peep from anyone really.


    At Spurs? Could you imagine the reaction? Especially after Harry leaving this way.


    Could you even see someone like Van der Vaart in a Moyes team. The guy's efforts when the team doesn't have the ball are non existent.


    Just don't see it.

  3. 18m for Ben Arfa would be a bargain. He's our most special player. If we were going to accept a bid from him, it'd have to be 30m+.


    I don't think we'd sell at 18m.


    Hmmm ... you know we paid £5 million for him right? And he really only started started coming together second half of last season.


    I'd be surprised if Chelsea wanted him based on what he has shown so far, as he's really only getting started for us.


    And if we were offered £18 million I'm not sure it would be turned down at all. I think that's being unrealistic.


    As a fan I'd hate to see him go no matter how much, because I just don't see us getting the same type of player for the kind of price and value we go for. It was quite a unique situation under which we were able to get Ben Arfa. It really would be a shame.


    Don't see it happening, certainly not yet anyway.

  4. Huntelaar and VDV should've started the game.


    You would think so, especially as they should have been looking to win the game really. The Dutch coach is an absolute coward. Disgraceful.

  5. It's almost a curse nowadays to be blessed with a multitude of attacking talent.


    All these managers are so fearful it's untrue. They all want to turn their supreme attacking teams into solid defensive units.


    You've got Netherlands starting both Van Bommel and De Jong, while leaving Van der Vaart on the bench, and France starting Malouda when at least 5 better players were on the bench all in the name of being more solid I presume. Funnily enough it served neither team that well.


    I mean neither were playing an Argentina or Brazil were they? Denmark are average, and England's main weakness if anything is their attacking/creative elements, particularly with Rooney out.


    Too much negativity, by teams that should just be going out there and blowing teams away.

  6. The answer for bigmanism is to actually take control of the team, properly discipline it, and institute a true team ethic. Look at a team like Zambia that has actually built a team instead of discarding players. This is a symptom of the chaos, disorganisation, and corruption of the people around our football. The answer to bigmanism is not to get rid of all the "big" players because you need talent to win. The shame of it for me is that we were actually playing good, entertaining football under Siasia and were building something positive.


    Instead of building on this and supporting a decent manager, we've promoted more chaos and eliminated all the players, replacing with locals who are not likely to materialise into anything. Brilliant. More change and more failure.


    It's just ridiculous, because it's not as though we don't have the talent anymore. Our setup is just a shambles.


    Ghanaians now run their mouth at me, and mock us about our team. Surreal stuff.

  7. France were absolutely terrible. They looked like a team that has failed to win a match in a major tournament for six years. Why did Blanc not change anything for 80 minutes? Why is Malouda anywhere near a team that is gifted with several athletic wide players. Do not forget that his form was so poor in the season that Chelsea preferred to start a leftback with no continental experience to playing Malouda in the final. I also question why Giroud could not get on the pitch. The numerous crosses did nothing unless Alou Diarra happened to be in the box.


    England aren't bad, but they are not a good side, either. They have to hope they can survive against Sweden, because Rooney is the central point of the team.


    Couldn't agree more. Thought France were awful. Not being talked about much in the media either.


    Honestly not sure they will get out of the group if Blanc persists with this team through the remaining games.


    As you say it is astonishing that the likes of Menez and Ben Arfa are on the bench and Malouda starts.


    Can't imagine what the hell Blanc is thinking.

    I think they will make it through because of the sheer amount of quality they have in the team, but they had similar issues in 2008 and 2010 that proved fatal. The defence is an issue as well, imo. I have no faith in Mexes or Evra. Alou Diarra was rather poor all season as well. Quite a weapon in the air, but he is not what he was some years ago.


    Btw, Kaka, what do you make of this madness Keshi is pulling? It clearly isn't working :lol: I am happy for some players based in Nigeria to get some much needed exposure and experience, but I really would prefer we didn't try this in actual World Cup Qualifiers. I hope he brings the real players back sooner than later.


    Nigeria are so depressing right now ...


    Once the majority of our players started getting more success in Europe early on it was all over.


    Bigmanship has taken over, and they all can't really be that bothered to give their all. Ringleader being Yakubu.


    So no surprise Keshi is trying to use the local boys in order to get some hunger and desire out there. He just has to get the balance right, and select more of the experienced guys that really want to be there, like Victor Moses.


    Sad state of affairs really.

  8. France were absolutely terrible. They looked like a team that has failed to win a match in a major tournament for six years. Why did Blanc not change anything for 80 minutes? Why is Malouda anywhere near a team that is gifted with several athletic wide players. Do not forget that his form was so poor in the season that Chelsea preferred to start a leftback with no continental experience to playing Malouda in the final. I also question why Giroud could not get on the pitch. The numerous crosses did nothing unless Alou Diarra happened to be in the box.


    England aren't bad, but they are not a good side, either. They have to hope they can survive against Sweden, because Rooney is the central point of the team.


    Couldn't agree more. Thought France were awful. Not being talked about much in the media either.


    Honestly not sure they will get out of the group if Blanc persists with this team through the remaining games.


    As you say it is astonishing that the likes of Menez and Ben Arfa are on the bench and Malouda starts.


    Can't imagine what the hell Blanc is thinking.

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