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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Why buy Nolan when we could probably get Sidwell in on loan from Chelsea. Essentially the same type of player quite frankly.


    Sidwell is of absolutely no use to Chelsea right now. Must be choking to death on that humble pie.

  2. Pompey accept 2 bids from unamed prem clubs for Matt Tyalor


    People over at the spurs site are claiming its us. If this happens, ill be the most unhappiest ive ever been regarding spurs transfers since the time we were linked with Alan f****** Smith.


    Unhappy about Matt Taylor?


    Save your tears mate. You'll be able to put them to much better use when Harry Kewell signs.

  3. As a matter of fact I wouldn't be surprised if Sven is in for Ashton. If he is interested in Crouch as has been claimed then surely he would look at Ashton as an alternative?


    Hope we get Ashton though!

  4. Bent to West Ham and Ashton to Newcastle.


    Yes please!


    An big strong striker who is good in the air and who holds the ball up well. Is also very intelligent and gets the best out of his abilities despite a lack of top end pace.


    Definitely rather get him than Crouch.


    How much did West Ham pay for him again?

  5. Strong rumours about us signing Leroy Lita.


    I f****** hope not.


    Still very young. Has pace and power. Has a good work rate.Scored some goals in the premiership last season. Looked good for the under 21s in Holland and was better than Nugent.


    Whats not to like? He is clearly still a bit immature and will make mistakes sometimes but he has good attributes, and with a bit of discipline and working under O'Neill who knows what could happen. Would be well worth it as he won't cost the Earth either.


    I think your being harsh on the guy. He's not perfect but is well worth the risk I reckon.


    Give your British youth a chance.


  6. At some point we ought to just try playing both him and Owen upfront.


    Martins is struggling to finish at the moment, but if you simply put him on the bench and play Owen instead, scoring opportunities seem to dry up and we become much slower and more predictable upfront.

  7. Wayne Bridge to Liverpool for £6 million according to tomorrows Times.


    If we don't go for Riise we are mental.


    Just what we need, a defender than cannot defend.




    Better defender than N'Zogbia though right?


    Right now we don't have too many other choices as Sam is obviously going to be looking for prem experience.


    Is he? I'd say he's more experienced, give Zoggy 2 more years at LB and he'll eclipse anything Riise can do currently.


    Nothing player in terms of defending, great in a certain formation, i personally wouldn't touch him, not after spend a silly amount on Enrique, i'd rather tough it out with him and break the fuker into the league whether he likes is or not.


    Fair enough.


    We don't have 2 years though. Riise will also be dead cheap as his current contract is about to expire I believe.


    I really don't recall him being as bad as you say though. Would improve our attacking play somewhat too.

  8. Wayne Bridge to Liverpool for £6 million according to tomorrows Times.


    If we don't go for Riise we are mental.


    Just what we need, a defender than cannot defend.




    Better defender than N'Zogbia though right?


    Right now we don't have too many other choices as Sam is obviously going to be looking for prem experience.

  9. Get a passionate creative manager in and we will fly with the squad we have!!


    No, you won't. Well, that's my opinion anyway, I thnk it is easy to overrate your squad when you're not assessing it objectively, but from what I've seen of you this season - which, admittedly isn't as much as you lot have - you've a lot of players who really aren't up to much.


    Even Given seems (by reading posts here) to have deteriorated, and he's been quality for donkeys.


    Dude ... still interested in Milner? Milner for Maloney swap deal?


    Not for Maloney, but we dsperately need a right sided midfielder. I reckon if you took a straw poll of our lot on "want Milner back for 5m?" a good 75 - 80 percent would say yes.


    One bad game and Milner is suddenly a bad player....says it all really.


    Milner stinks dude. Get real.


    You must love average. I don't. Look at his Engalnd under-21 peers, Bentley, Young and Agbonlahor!


    Why is Milner even in the under-21 side.




    Really dude? no way dude!


    You suck dude.


    Just like your uberhero Milner.




  10. Get a passionate creative manager in and we will fly with the squad we have!!


    No, you won't. Well, that's my opinion anyway, I thnk it is easy to overrate your squad when you're not assessing it objectively, but from what I've seen of you this season - which, admittedly isn't as much as you lot have - you've a lot of players who really aren't up to much.


    Even Given seems (by reading posts here) to have deteriorated, and he's been quality for donkeys.


    Dude ... still interested in Milner? Milner for Maloney swap deal?


    Not for Maloney, but we dsperately need a right sided midfielder. I reckon if you took a straw poll of our lot on "want Milner back for 5m?" a good 75 - 80 percent would say yes.


    Why doesn't Maloney play wide right for you guys?


    Because he is left sided. We tend to push Young to the right (he is as good either side) and Maloney left side, or - as against Chelsea - play Maloney alongside Carew and Agbonlahor wide (which freaked us out at first sight, but worked)


    Oh ... Maloney is right-footed though isn't he?


    Anyway, he doesn't seem to start games which is puzzling. Him and Young should be on the wings (whichever side) with Gabby and Carew upfront imo.


    I'm so jealous. You definitely don't need Milner. Now you've got used to watching Young you will hate Milner with a passion.

  11. Get a passionate creative manager in and we will fly with the squad we have!!


    No, you won't. Well, that's my opinion anyway, I thnk it is easy to overrate your squad when you're not assessing it objectively, but from what I've seen of you this season - which, admittedly isn't as much as you lot have - you've a lot of players who really aren't up to much.


    Even Given seems (by reading posts here) to have deteriorated, and he's been quality for donkeys.


    Dude ... still interested in Milner? Milner for Maloney swap deal?


    Not for Maloney, but we dsperately need a right sided midfielder. I reckon if you took a straw poll of our lot on "want Milner back for 5m?" a good 75 - 80 percent would say yes.


    One bad game and Milner is suddenly a bad player....says it all really.


    Milner stinks dude. Get real.


    You must love average. I don't. Look at his Engalnd under-21 peers, Bentley, Young and Agbonlahor!


    Why is Milner even in the under-21 side.



  12. Get a passionate creative manager in and we will fly with the squad we have!!


    No, you won't. Well, that's my opinion anyway, I thnk it is easy to overrate your squad when you're not assessing it objectively, but from what I've seen of you this season - which, admittedly isn't as much as you lot have - you've a lot of players who really aren't up to much.


    Even Given seems (by reading posts here) to have deteriorated, and he's been quality for donkeys.


    Dude ... still interested in Milner? Milner for Maloney swap deal?


    Not for Maloney, but we dsperately need a right sided midfielder. I reckon if you took a straw poll of our lot on "want Milner back for 5m?" a good 75 - 80 percent would say yes.


    Why doesn't Maloney play wide right for you guys?

  13. Get a passionate creative manager in and we will fly with the squad we have!!


    No, you won't. Well, that's my opinion anyway, I thnk it is easy to overrate your squad when you're not assessing it objectively, but from what I've seen of you this season - which, admittedly isn't as much as you lot have - you've a lot of players who really aren't up to much.


    Even Given seems (by reading posts here) to have deteriorated, and he's been quality for donkeys.


    Dude ... still interested in Milner? Milner for Maloney swap deal?

  14. Out of interest where are all the Milner should be on the right groupies?


    I actually think Milner being played on the right only further highlights how poor he is at crossing the ball. Milner really does stink. Strictly a backup player. You cannot lack pace AND be poor at crossing. Just not allowed.


    Please no more excuses for Owen. What kind of player is this? How can you not be able to do anything but finish? What does he do in training? Enough of the playofftheshoulder bollocks man, you ain't got the pace no more! Switch it up man!


    The irony is that Owen will never get the number of opportunities he needs in this team unless he is played upfront with Martins, who unsettles defences.


    At this point it is worth a go, even though it means we have two littleuns out there.

  15. Our only hope right now is Zoggy on the left and Duff on the right at least we will have some pace on both wings and we might actually get crosses into the box AT THE RIGHT TIME! without dribbling back and forth for no reason in Milner style.


    I don't care what anyone says about Alan Smith either. He absolutely has to start the game as a striker at least he is mobile upfront. Viduka can come on when if we are in desperate need of a goal, at least the defenders he is facing will be a bit tired which should even things up a bit.

  16. I have learned to live with us losing due to inconsistent performances. At the end of the day we aren't going to get relegated and of course I would like us to get into Europe and perhaps attract bigger profile players, but look at the likes of Villa, they haven't got huge names but they play as a team and it works! Just give it time and stop calling for Sams head. As for Dukes and Owen being worse than Doyle and Kitson..... YOU'RE HAVING A LAUGH!!!   mackems.gif


    I'm so pissed right now ... I should calm down.


    Let me rephrase. If you put Kitson and Doyle into our team they would be more effective than Owen and Viduka.


    Unless you've got a midfield like Arsenal's, Liverpool's, Chelsea's or Man U's Owen and Viduka are absolutely worthless.


    So, either replace the strikers or probably more sensibly, fix the whole midfield apart from Duff who has looked good since he returned.


    The players we have right now just don't fit together. It really is disgusting to me. An absolutely disgusting mess of a team.

  17. We have absolutely no Plan B.


    The game plan is always to go out, get stuck in and keep it tight defensively and nick a goal at some point.


    Once that inevitably fails, we have no ability whatsoever to chase a game.


    Even if Sam eventually gets the defense right (which I reckon he will) , can you ever see a man who looks so one-dimensional ever leading us where we want to be? No chance, IMO.


    Dude come on ...


    It's because our players are awful. You can't let them off the hook so easily.


    It's Martins and Duff who are the only two players who might scare another teams defence at the moment. After that we have nothing.


    Todays premiership won't allow for a lack of athleticism and pace in attack like we have right now.


    Name one team who is having some success in the premiership right now who has players as slow and unathletic as we do! NONE!


    Our attacking players stink and thats a fact. No manager can work with this crap. No one.


    Even Readings Doyle and Kitson are better than Viduka and Owen. It's bloody embarrassing. Who would you rather have Reading's Hunt or Milner? If you say Milner you're kidding yourself.

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