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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Man i think it's Redknapp ...


    Redknapp has been strongly linked with both Diarra and Brown hasn't he?


    Didn't the guy who is Fletcher's friend say Brown was in talks with Portsmouth ... maybe it was Harry talking to him for Newcastle?




    I'm off to bed now.

  2. Think about it  ... the star of the season has been Sven right? Last coached a domestic team in Italy, wears glasses, 61 yrs old, grey hair.


    The closest thing is Lippi who shares the exact same characteristics! He is available and so we won't have to pay anyone for their manager, and he is a world class manager who is loking to get back into football.


    Check out these quotes from the man himself ...


    “I’m ready, willing and enthusiastic to coach in England even though I know that people mistakenly say I can´t speak English.


    “What such people forget is that football is multi-lingual every major club has players from many different countries and I can speak enough English and French as well as Italian."






    Well he was name dropped by Oliver so it's possible. I was under the impression that he'd ruled out managing in England for some reason.


    That was from last summer when he was linked with Chelsea if Mourinho left. He definitely wants to come to England.


    The top four are set managerially and with Sven's success with City, who were in as bad a shape as we were, I could see Lippi being interested. We have a wealthy new owner just like City do and so I think more people will feel optimistic about managing us and having the same impact Sven has at City.


    I feel like I've stepped into the twilight zone. Why would Lippi turn down Chelsea but come here? Why would Mourinho come here? Argh my brain. I think I need to lie down and prepare for the inevitable appointment of the ginger t*** with the umbrella being unveiled tomorrow.


    Where are those quotes from by the way?



  3. Think about it  ... the star of the season has been Sven right? Last coached a domestic team in Italy, wears glasses, 61 yrs old, grey hair.


    The closest thing is Lippi who shares the exact same characteristics! He is available and so we won't have to pay anyone for their manager, and he is a world class manager who is loking to get back into football.


    Check out these quotes from the man himself ...


    Im ready, willing and enthusiastic to coach in England even though I know that people mistakenly say I can´t speak English.


    What such people forget is that football is multi-lingual every major club has players from many different countries and I can speak enough English and French as well as Italian."






    Well he was name dropped by Oliver so it's possible. I was under the impression that he'd ruled out managing in England for some reason.


    That was from last summer when he was linked with Chelsea if Mourinho left. He definitely wants to come to England.


    The top four are set managerially and with Sven's success with City, who were in as bad a shape as we were, I could see Lippi being interested. We have a wealthy new owner just like City do and so I think more people will feel optimistic about managing us and having the same impact Sven has at City.

  4. Think about it  ... the star of the season has been Sven right? Last coached a domestic team in Italy, wears glasses, 61 yrs old, grey hair.


    The closest thing is Lippi who shares the exact same characteristics! He is available and so we won't have to pay anyone for their manager, and he is a world class manager who is loking to get back into football.


    Check out these quotes from the man himself ...


    “I’m ready, willing and enthusiastic to coach in England even though I know that people mistakenly say I can´t speak English.


    “What such people forget is that football is multi-lingual every major club has players from many different countries and I can speak enough English and French as well as Italian."





  5. Wonder if we have shown any interest in any of the new guys targets yet?


    That random Gremlio guy perhaps? He is a Brazilian who plays in Portugal.


    Okay Mourinho is an obvious guess, but assuming it wasn't him, who else might have some kind of ties with Brazilian or Portuguese players who is very experienced?

  6. The Allardyce interview was the most telling.


    He said he was surprised and this is the best news there is for us because it means he didn't quit. It wasn't Allardyce's decision, and so the club wasn't caught out by it or anything.


    If Allardyce was suddenly caught out then it is very likely that this is the case because we have already approached someone and are close to tying things up I believe.


    It seems Alan Oliver was right I hate to say.


    why hate? i'd love it if oliver was right, would mean lippi or mourinho!


    What I meant is that I hate the fact Alan Oliver might have been right about anything as he usually just takes a wild stab in the dark.


    In this particular case though I would be ecstatic if he is, which looks likely.

  7. The Allardyce interview was the most telling.


    He said he was surprised and this is the best news there is for us because it means he didn't quit. It wasn't Allardyce's decision, and so the club wasn't caught out by it or anything.


    If Allardyce was suddenly caught out then it is very likely that this is the case because we have already approached someone and are close to tying things up I believe.


    It seems Alan Oliver was right I hate to say.

  8. Huge relief this latest news.


    Big emphasis on EXPERIENCE just then.


    I think Alan Oliver's rumour is looking really strong right now.


    If the club are really looking for an experienced manager who has a reputation it won't be Hughes, Redknapp etc.



  9. Newcastle rejected an approach from Tottenham today for Steven Taylor, so that rules out any move for him away at the minute.


    Maybe he'll be gone for the right price.


    Then buy this Gremlin guy for less money and then we have some spare change to spend on a creative player.



  10. Hmmm ... Taylor on the way out?


    Or the club actually trying to build a pool of young talanet, with a sprinkling of experience?


    That's what I thought at first but with the number of centre backs we currently have, why would we bring in a 22 year old? If it was a youngster you wanted to develop wouldn't we go for someone around 18 years old like Tozer?


    Maybe Roz or Cacapa might be let go or something, if not Taylor.

  11. Think its bullshit as weve already confirmed were not intrested no more. Kaka your fasination for us is rather weird though :thup:.


    Your the one on a Newcastle site buddy!


    I just find you guys funny. Your so quick to come on here and talk about the amazing things your club is supposedly doing, and so it's my job to do the opposite.


    You just got turned down by Emmanuelson and Hutton and Berbatov wants out along with Chimbonda and I think its hilarious!


    But no matter because your signing KaKa and Huntelaar tomorrow right? WRONG!


    Kewell and Cisse it is then  :lol:




    Do I?? Think thats bs tbh


    Nothing personal man. I just don't like Spurs. A bit too cocky and condescending in general. You guys are always perfect while everyone else just throws money at players etc etc etc


    Just having a bit of a laugh at your expense thats all.

  12. Think its bullshit as weve already confirmed were not intrested no more. Kaka your fasination for us is rather weird though :thup:.


    Your the one on a Newcastle site buddy!


    I just find you guys funny. Your so quick to come on here and talk about the amazing things your club is supposedly doing, and so it's my job to do the opposite.


    You just got turned down by Emmanuelson and Hutton and Berbatov wants out along with Chimbonda and I think its hilarious!


    But no matter because your signing KaKa and Huntelaar tomorrow right? WRONG!


    Kewell and Cisse it is then  :lol:



  13. Scott Parker injury becomes recurring theme


    Gary Jacob


    West Ham United’s injury woes worsened yesterday when Scott Parker was ruled out for two months. It is the third time this season that the midfield player has been sidelined for an extended period with a knee injury. Parker was substituted in the second half of the Premier League match at home to Manchester United ten days ago after suffering a knock in a challenge from Cristiano Ronaldo early in the game. His absence is a blow to Alan Curbishley, the West Ham manager, who is missing eight players.


    Parker joined the club for £7 million from Newcastle United last summer, but he suffered a knee injury during the tour to Austria in preseason. On his second match after his return, he limped off with the same knee injury at half-time during the 1-0 defeat at home to Arsenal in September. He was out for two months, even though a scan revealed that medial ligament damage was not serious. He has played eight matches since returning in the 1-1 draw against Tottenham Hotspur in November and had hoped to be in contention for the first England squad to be named by Fabio Capello, the new manager, this month. Hayden Mullins will continue to deputise in midfield alongside Mark Noble.


    Curbishley is still without Kieron Dyer, who will miss most of the season with a broken leg, but there is better news elsewhere, with Craig Bellamy and Bobby Zamora, who has been out since August with a knee injury, expected to start training soon. Bellamy, the forward, has not played since the end of October, shortly after he returned from a groin operation.


    “I thought I would be back playing by now and I have already missed half a season so I am just desperate to get back,” Zamora said. “If getting in early and doing a bit extra means that, then I am happy to do it. It is has been frustrating but it is part and parcel of football, so you take it on the chin, work hard and get back as soon as you can.”




    Parker is breaking down. Barton hasn't worked out but it doesn't look like keeping Parker would have been a good move either.



  14. Alan Hutton rejects improved offer from Tottenham


    Graham Spiers


    Alan Hutton, the Rangers full back, yesterday rejected a move to Tottenham Hotspur for the second time in five days. The 23-year-old Scotland international insisted that he wants to stay at Ibrox.


    Tottenham had made a bid of at least £8 million for Hutton and are believed to have offered improved personal terms that would have seen the defender paid twice as much at White Hart Lane than at Ibrox. Nevertheless, Hutton wants to remain in Glasgow.


    After immediately rejecting Tottenham’s initial approach last week and then asking for more time to consider it, Hutton, who has also been linked with Manchester United, appears unlikely to get another chance to move to North London. A spokesman for the club said last night: “We have no further interest in Alan Hutton.”


    That turn of events may cause consternation within Rangers, whose chairman, Sir David Murray, wants to sell the player. With the £8 million for the defender, Rangers could do considerable transfer business themselves and are faintly piqued that Hutton is digging in his heels about staying put.


    Murray summoned Hutton to his Edinburgh office – ordering him not to bring his agent – this week to discuss a possible move to North London. Hutton, to Murray’s irritation, told him that he was happy playing for Rangers and wanted to remain at the club, at least until the summer.


    The Hutton saga has also left Walter Smith in an awkward situation. On the one hand, the Rangers manager values Hutton’s talent as he tries to push the club towards their first silverware in three years. On the other, Smith accepts that £8 million is a significant amount to recoup for the player, especially as Rangers spent £2 million in the summer on Steven Whittaker, another right back.


    “There is the football aspect and there is the financial aspect,” Smith said. “No one at Rangers wants Alan to leave. But sometimes you reach a situation where the financial offer just becomes an acceptable one.”


    Rangers were even believed to be prepared to give Hutton a financial cut of the deal to leave for Spurs, but this was also stonewalled by the player. It would appear that Hutton, reared in the football hotbed of the West of Scotland, is highly reluctant to leave the environment.




    :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Now who is throwing money at players out of desperation?


    A NO is a NO damn it!!!






  15. Lyon have also confirmed their interest in signing him although according to their president they don't think they'll be able to sign him as he wants to remain in the Premiership <- Just been on SSN.


    He only wants to stay in the premiership because he has a chance to play with his dad and his brother at the Toon.




    Nothing more to see here folks ... he's all ours.

    Jinxed us now, we always have someone who does this  :frantic:


    What are you on about? I'm the lucky charm. I bring positive vibes to this negative world.


    He's ours so get your knickerbokers out of a twist pal.


    Trust me on this one :coolsmiley:

    I'll beg to differ.


    Stop begging. You have been granted what you want already. It's all taken care of.



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