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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. I am really struggling to imagine who they might attract from outside of the premiership at the moment. As far as top quality managers go.


    Assuming Mourinho isn't a possibility, Lippi might be the only other one.


    Not sure about the likes of Van Gaal to be honest. Seems a bit pratish and has been slipping lately.



  2. Told by a mate who works in the Chronicle office that after Oliver spoke to Redknapp on the phone he was so exited he spent the next few hours talking in a cockney accent in the office pretending to be Redknapp. What a fruitcake.


    He's definitely got an agenda ...


    I imagine Harry would be great for him, as Harry is a pretty open guy and will give him the soundbites he wants.


    This guy has way too much influence on things in my opinion.

  3. Redknapp seems to be in amongst a group of good British managers -  including Moyes, Hughes, Curbishley, O'Neill - that lots of people on here have turned their noses up at over the last few seasons. The usual reasoning is that we should be going for a continental superstar in the league of Hiddink, Hitzfeld, Mourinho etc


    It's very unlikely that those kind of managers would be attracted to us at the moment, and the British managers I've mentioned are more than competent enough to get us moving forward again.


    What attracted Sven to City?


    good question!


    To be fair Sven's rating was at an all time low as he was getting all the blame for the horrific England squad.


    I bet a part of him wanted to prove himself in this country and as Man City were going to give him the money to bring in players he figured why not?


    With stupid people.


    Your second bit is spot on though iyam.


    A lot of it had to do with the media though and that is the reality. It was really unfortunate and I am happy he's shown them all up while maintaining his dignity. Top manager and a top guy to boot.


    Sigh ... what could have been eh?

  4. Redknapp seems to be in amongst a group of good British managers -  including Moyes, Hughes, Curbishley, O'Neill - that lots of people on here have turned their noses up at over the last few seasons. The usual reasoning is that we should be going for a continental superstar in the league of Hiddink, Hitzfeld, Mourinho etc


    It's very unlikely that those kind of managers would be attracted to us at the moment, and the British managers I've mentioned are more than competent enough to get us moving forward again.


    What attracted Sven to City?


    good question!


    To be fair Sven's rating was at an all time low as he was getting all the blame for the horrific England squad.


    I bet a part of him wanted to prove himself in this country and as Man City were going to give him the money to bring in players he figured why not?

  5. Michael Owen:


    "I've come across him once or twice on the horseracing front but obviously I've had more to do with his son, Jamie, over the years but Harry is a very good manager who has done fantastically well in lots of places but none more so than Portsmouth. He's really dragged the club up and they are a big force to be reckoned with now.


    "He probably hasn' t had massive backing at any of the clubs he's been at over the years so he' s had to do that but I'm sure that if you gave him a lot of money to spend then I am sure he would spend it wisely as well."


  6. Good point Obastar.


    This jet thing sounds ridiculous btw. A real admission of desperation. And it's not very carbon friendly.


    That Sun article makes this all sound like it isn't true at all.


    No why in God's name would Ashley have to pay him £5 million a year? That makes no sense at all. It's pretty obvious the jet thing wouldn't go down wellt he fans too, and will only make the job harder with all those ridiculous trips.


    Sounds like a windup.

  7. We've been stitched up. That's how I feek. Mugged off once again.


    Calm down coach. Not confirmed yet.


    Lets wait and see what happens.


    It all seems to untidy right now. Portsmouth are being too aggressive, surely we would have sounded them out first before sacking Allardyce.


    This might be a big fat smokescreen yet!

  8. You see what's happening in this thread is classic displacement thinking from the likes of Kaka (not you personally) and others.


    Which is 'we're not over the moon about Redknapp but hey he might get to buy some players we like'...


    Seriously what is the f****** point?


    That's harsh man and not fair at all.


    Harry has shown this season that if he gets enough good players together he can have them performing at a high enough level to have some success. In my opinion the only thing that team lacks is a real goalscorer. Had they succeeded in signing anelka or Yakubu in the summer they would have been a very serious threat to the top 4.


    People say he's a side step, but I would appreciate something more concrete. What exactly do you think he does poorly.


    All I see is a manager who manages players well, does well in the transfer market, and now having assembled a decent team is actually having some success with them.


    So what are his specific flaws? We easily pointed out Allardyces, what are Redknapps?




    TBh Harry hasn't shown anything in hiw whole carrer I'm remotely interested in.


    If by the time you are 60 you can't spot the odd player and know how to manage player expectations and needs then your'e not trying.


    Nothing he does is ground breaking.


    He might be slightly better than SA in some aspects, but is this what all this was really about??


    I'm astounded.


    If it is him I wish him the best, but really will never understand this move.


    Maybe it's down to a lack of opportunity though?


    Gets a little bit of money and Portsmouth make a huge leap in justy over a year.


    Look, I'm not saying everyone should be ecstatic here, but I'm just not sure I agree that he is no better than Allardyce.


    Yes, Allardyce did finish higher with less money. However, some might argue that he cheated, by having to resort to his style of football and buying players that suited this style only. It seems that it is all he knows too, which was unfortunate for us and him.


    haha, you've lost the plot mate!



  9. If Harry comes I will certainly support him for sure. I don't think he would be a disastrous appointment at all.


    However no one can be convinced it is actually him yet. Would we sack Allardyce without having ensured Portsmouth would be willing to let Harry go?


    I think all the buzz could well be being generated by Harry if anything, as I am sure he would like the job. Afterall he is pals witht he owner and he would be in a very comfortable position because of that.



  10. You see what's happening in this thread is classic displacement thinking from the likes of Kaka (not you personally) and others.


    Which is 'we're not over the moon about Redknapp but hey he might get to buy some players we like'...


    Seriously what is the f****** point?


    That's harsh man and not fair at all.


    Harry has shown this season that if he gets enough good players together he can have them performing at a high enough level to have some success. In my opinion the only thing that team lacks is a real goalscorer. Had they succeeded in signing anelka or Yakubu in the summer they would have been a very serious threat to the top 4.


    People say he's a side step, but I would appreciate something more concrete. What exactly do you think he does poorly.


    All I see is a manager who manages players well, does well in the transfer market, and now having assembled a decent team is actually having some success with them.


    So what are his specific flaws? We easily pointed out Allardyces, what are Redknapps?




    TBh Harry hasn't shown anything in hiw whole carrer I'm remotely interested in.


    If by the time you are 60 you can't spot the odd player and know how to manage player expectations and needs then your'e not trying.


    Nothing he does is ground breaking.


    He might be slightly better than SA in some aspects, but is this what all this was really about??


    I'm astounded.


    If it is him I wish him the best, but really will never understand this move.


    Maybe it's down to a lack of opportunity though?


    Gets a little bit of money and Portsmouth make a huge leap in justy over a year.


    Look, I'm not saying everyone should be ecstatic here, but I'm just not sure I agree that he is no better than Allardyce.


    Yes, Allardyce did finish higher with less money. However, some might argue that he cheated, by having to resort to his style of football and buying players that suited this style only. It seems that it is all he knows too, which was unfortunate for us and him.

  11. You see what's happening in this thread is classic displacement thinking from the likes of Kaka (not you personally) and others.


    Which is 'we're not over the moon about Redknapp but hey he might get to buy some players we like'...


    Seriously what is the f****** point?


    That's harsh man and not fair at all.


    Harry has shown this season that if he gets enough good players together he can have them performing at a high enough level to have some success. In my opinion the only thing that team lacks is a real goalscorer. Had they succeeded in signing anelka or Yakubu in the summer they would have been a very serious threat to the top 4.


    People say he's a side step, but I would appreciate something more concrete. What exactly do you think he does poorly.


    All I see is a manager who manages players well, does well in the transfer market, and now having assembled a decent team is actually having some success with them.


    So what are his specific flaws? We easily pointed out Allardyces, what are Redknapps?



  12. He spent 30m in the summer and they're only a few points ahead of us.


    That's me won over.


    Barring the £6m on Nugent, the rest has been very well spent. (£7m Muntari, £7m Utaka, £2m Diop, £3m Johnson, Distin Free...) He only spent £3m more than Allardyce, and before we get the "ooh, but the net spend blah blah", he didn't have big saleable assets to sell in the first place in the way we could get in £12m from Parker & Dyer.


    and at least redknapp cottoned on to the fact that nugent was s**** very early on, allardyce meanwhile thinks smith is captain material after half a season of s****. i'm far happier with redknapp getting a warchest than i would be about allardyce getting the same.




    And whoever said D'Alessandro before, could see that happening now.


    if he can get d'alessandro for pompey i'd expect to see him buy even better for us. muntari was an absolute coup for them considering the clubs that were sniffing round him, man utd, juventus, milan and so on and i could see us signing players on that calibre on a regular basis if he comes.


    This is the biggest thing for me!


    Portsmouth have great fans and all that and I thing they're an alright club, but seriously how the heck did he get some of those guys to agree to sign there?


    The potential players we could bring in now is almost too exciting to comprehend, especially as he will be backed and he will be told to make us an exciting team.


    Honestly this really could be something ...

  13. Man ... I feel almost embarrassed to say it now but I think Harry would be really good. I expected some people to be dissapointed but this is a shocking reaction. I hope if he is appointed that he is at least given some initial support. If we get behind him I honestly think he could be great for the club.


    I'm sure people will calm down when he starts signing the likes of D'Alessandro and Farfan. My God I would be so happy.


    Think about it the guy is coming here with orders from the owner to make us an entertaining side!He already enjoys playing good football with quality players, what the hell would he be like with a ton of money and the objective of making us a quality attacking outfit! It could be immense in my opinion.


    Please give him a chance.


    Good post.




    To me the difference is that if Sam was given a ton of money and told to make us more of an entertaining and attacking side, he might not be able to achieve it. He would still want his team to have a defensive mindset first. It's just the nature of the man. That's his style and I certainly won't knock him for it. However, it doesn't suit the club or the owner.


    I just want to say as well, that Harry is definitely a guy that would win the players over pretty quickly. We have to acknowledge the fact that players love to play for him, they just like him. I remember Disitn saying that once Harry contacted him he couldn't turn him down.


    If we had brought in Hughes instead I would have been very worried about him getting the best out of some of our lot in the short term.


    Man I'm happy abouth this, but at the same time so sad because of the vibe on here :undecided:

  14. Man ... I feel almost embarrassed to say it now but I think Harry would be really good. I expected some people to be dissapointed but this is a shocking reaction. I hope if he is appointed that he is at least given some initial support. If we get behind him I honestly think he could be great for the club.


    I'm sure people will calm down when he starts signing the likes of D'Alessandro and Farfan. My God I would be so happy.


    Think about it the guy is coming here with orders from the owner to make us an entertaining side!He already enjoys playing good football with quality players, what the hell would he be like with a ton of money and the objective of making us a quality attacking outfit! It could be immense in my opinion.


    Please give him a chance.

  15. He has managed Real Madrid so what more do you wanteth?


    His Real Madrid team were the highest goal scorers in the history of La Liga so what more do you wanteth?


    Signed Rivaldo out of obscurity so what more do you wanteth?


    Take this weird and wonderful ride with me gentlemen. I plead of you.

  16. I have to say I am very irritated with a few people on here who have been crying for Allardyce to be sacked and who are now complaining about Redknapp!


    Complainers will always complain, moaners will always moan, half empty cups will always half empty cup.


    Assuming it is Redknapp, lets wait to see what he produces before we write him off please. Saying you don't want him because he is a cockney is rather ignorant.


    Lord have mercy on us.


    so it irritates you that people want us to bette ourselves by getting a btter manager, and then moan when we are apparently lookg at one who is no better?


    bit odd that? surely they go hand in hand?


    at least we have something in common with harry, neither of us have won f*** all


    You've completely missed the point.


    When you hope for someone to get the sack you have to understand that there are no guarantees of someone who you like coming in. It just doesn't work that way, it is totally in the hands of the club.


    I would prefer a Lippi or Mourinho too but at the end of the day, whoever comes in has to be supported and given a chance right? That's why we support the club right?


    I think it is dangerous to already start discounting someone who hasn't even yet been appointed. Next thing you know we'll be booing people in their first game in charge of the club!

  17. I have to say I am very irritated with a few people on here who have been crying for Allardyce to be sacked and who are now complaining about Redknapp!


    Complainers will always complain, moaners will always moan, half empty cups will always half empty cup.


    Assuming it is Redknapp, lets wait to see what he produces before we write him off please. Saying you don't want him because he is a cockney is rather ignorant.


    Lord have mercy on us.

  18. I think you've asked the biggest questions there Dave, and I'm delighted to see some potential optimism in Baggio, but I think out of anyone that Redknapp would revel if supplied with the right funds. For as much as the bloke is a Cockney wheeler-dealer, he's signed some f****** decent players when he's been backed with any sort of cash.


    I'm trying to think of some major flops of his while at Portsmouth, and I'm struggling.


    We would be guaranteed to have some lovely players to watch that's for sure.


    He brought Yakubu in from Israel didn't he?


    Also got D'Alessandro in on loan which was just crazy!

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