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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Can you imagine if we had signed Anelka and Boa Morte instead of Luque and Owen?!


    Absolutely gut wrenching.


    Really disgusted by this.


    Got to move on mate. We've signed plenty of players over the years and missed out on plenty of others.


    Yeah ...


    It's just shocking and so uncalled for.


    Shepherd had some serious issues.


    I'm happy everything associated with him is now completely gone, including Allardyce.


    A completely fresh start is necessary.

  2. Wanted Anelka and Boa Morte , but Shepherd brought in Luque and Owen.


    I believe him because he always went on about getting Anelka in as well as Boa Morte from what I remember.


    What the hell was Shepherds problem??? Why would he bring in Luque out of nowhere like that???


    Shepherd was definitely bent!

  3. Tell you who I'd go for if I were MA - and I'm talking about realistic targets, so I'm excluding Mourinho etc etc - Slaven Bilic.


    Agreed ... check this interview out.


    Croatia's new leader is one of Blazevic's gentlemen, Slaven Bilic. His coaching staff consists of friends from the legendary team. The maverick Robert Prosinecki, who wanders around with a permanent entourage and a plump stomach, still flashes his technique on the training pitch. The old assist machine Aljosa Asanovic flits around looking thoughtful in his spectacles. The iconic goalkeeper Drazen Ladic tutors the keepers of today. Is their presence inspiring or intimidating?


    Bilic appreciates the aura but dislikes the invitation for people to make unfair comparisons between past and present. 'It is a chip on the shoulder of my team,' he says. 'You can't compare. It is like comparing England to 1966 and Bobby Moore. That was 40 years ago.'


    He speaks with authority that belies the fact that, at 38, he is only three years older than the senior member of his squad, midfielder Niko Kovac.


    Bilic, once of West Ham and Everton, is not your average international football manager. He has a tattoo of his wife's name on his wrist, silver studding his left ear and tracksuit bottoms rolled up to the knees. He writes lyrics and plays guitar in a rock band. He flips open a packet of Marlboro Lights before he is ready to talk.


    The image of Bilic the rebel has always been slightly misleading. As a player he was committed and intelligent. As a manager, he has a serious and ambitious core. He has a law degree and reads American psychology books to understand his players and his job better because Balkan culture is too macho for psychology to be part of everyday life.


    'When you say "shrink" in Croatia they think about players lying on a couch,' says Bilic. 'It is a sensitive thing.'


    His modern approach was challenged early in his managerial career. Preparing for his first competitive match, the Euro 2008 qualifying opener in Russia last month, three of his players abused his trust and sneaked away from Slovenia to visit Fontana, a Zagreb nightclub famed for the combination of folk music and women who dress like porn stars. Bilic banished them from the squad and fined them the equivalent of £17,000 each.


    'It's a situation that has really helped me in terms of understanding how you cope being friends with some of the players and their manager,' says Bilic. 'We missed them in Russia. But my idea is that our work should be hard. Disciplined.'


    These high principles contrast starkly with the most infamous image of his playing days. During the 1998 World Cup semi-finals, Laurent Blanc and Bilic tangled at a corner. The hardened Croat, who was already on a yellow card, collapsed clutching his face and the France libero was sent off. A nice guy missing the final led to international outrage.


    Does he feel regrets? 'No, no, no,' he says. 'Because I am clean in front of the mirror. I didn't do it because I wanted him to get sent off, I did it because I didn't want to get another card. But the most important point is he hit me. I understand the whole reaction because it was in France. It was the semi-final. Afterwards the whole of Europe - England especially - were like puritans. But nowadays everybody is acting week in, week out to get an opponent sent off.'


    He has learnt from the episode and moved on. These days he is concerned only with his team's evolution and Steve McClaren can expect his thorniest challenge on Wednesday evening at the Maksimir, where Croatia are undefeated.


    'We have not lost a game at home in five qualification tournaments,' says Bilic. 'That's unbelievable. With our fans, we play with the wind at our backs. But this is by far the toughest group Croatia has ever had.'


    Bilic has faith in the team he is moulding, with a clutch of youngsters - playmaker Luka Modric, naturalised Brazilian striker Eduardo Da Silva and right-back Vedran Corluka - offering something different from the more experienced mainstays. They all flourished with Bilic at the helm for the under-21s before the coach's promotion in the summer and he thinks highly of them.


    'If they were English, they wouldn't play for Dinamo Zagreb they would play for Arsenal. But because they don't play in such a big league, there is always a big question mark over them. OK, they are good in our league, but how would they look against John Terry?' Wednesday night's match will give him an interesting barometer.


    There are worries about the lack of a natural predator after Dado Prso's retirement and goalkeeper Stipe Pletikosa has not been playing for his club, Shakhtar Donetsk. Bilic will not disagree, but he prefers to fuel his players' confidence than discuss weaknesses.


    He spent the World Cup scouting and was unimpressed by a nation that he follows keenly, England. 'I watched all their matches with my son, Leo, because he likes England,' says Bilic. 'They didn't play well. They were pretty bad for a team of such potential. It was strange.


    On paper, there is little better in the world.'


    Bilic's connections with England date to his spells with West Ham and Everton in the late 1990s. He grew particularly friendly with Rio Ferdinand at Upton Park. 'We used to stay often after training, practising and talking,' says Bilic.


    'I go back to when I started in Hajduk Split and when older players hug you, talk to you, it means a lot. I tried to be the same when I was a so-called "star" at West Ham. In the spring of 1997 we were strong in defence. It was Marc Rieper from Denmark, Julian Dicks - legend - and myself and we played some games together with Rio, and Frank Lampard as well. When I moved, that opened the door for Rio, although he was sad that I left.'


    He also remembers Harry Redknapp - 'a smashing manager' - talking about a brilliant youngster called Joe Cole. Then, once Bilic moved to Everton, there was another prodigy causing a stir. Wayne Rooney? 'I remember him from the canteen.' Any specific details? 'He was a 14-year-old scally and they all look the same!'


    This is a game that resonates strongly for a charismatic, young manager. Not to mention his son, Leo. And what does the godfather make of it all? 'This Croatian team can beat anybody,' says Blazevic. 'Actually I am more worried about Andorra than England.'




    Seems very intelligent, but also has one of those crazy personalities. I'm in love. Bilic for Newcastle.





  4. The hting about all this is that the clubs statement that they are looking for an experienced manager seemed to write off Shearer.


    Also, if the owner is looking for someone to produce a specific style fo football why would he hire someone who has no body of work that can be referred to?


    I think this is just poor journalism.

  5. Okay, so what managers come to mind when you thing brilliant attacking football though?


    I can kind of see why he went for redknapp, but lets put that to the side for now.


    Who could they possibly be considering now? The likes of Mourinho, Lippi and even Houllier don't exactly scream out attacking football.


    I haven't paid much attention to football around the other big leagues in Europe this season, has any team played particularly exciting attking football? Any team whose manager we might be interested in speaking too?


    Van Gaal, Ancelotti, Scolari, all reknowned for there attacking style. Also big big targets.  Rijkaard? I dunno there are options, but to go to Redknapp so soon before anyone else seems odd to me.


    ancelotti?? muyst be one of the most conservative managers around, milan are the wingless wonders. scolari was more famed for his defensive, aggressive, brutal football in brazil, why he earned the sobriquet "big phil", ie brazilian equivalent to "big sam" (which a few reporters did call him a few years ago) plus he played a million defensive midfielders for brazil in 2002. van gaal i'll give you.


    i wonder if ashley might "park his tanks" on shinawatra's lawn and make a cheeky bid for sven...


    Agreed about Big Phil and Ancelotti. It is difficult to see hwich way we will turn now.


    I know Didier Deschamps is available and is interested in a premier league job but I can't remember what kind of football his Monaco team played when they did so well?


    Jol might be an option, but is he really that good?

  6. he would be terrible in the transfer market.




    i guarantee you he wouldn't of heard of half the players doing good things in Italy, Portgual, Spain etc.  Therefore i don't see many foreign signings and sticking to 'good, honest' players

    So he's now apparently paid off all of the debt?! Bloody hell.


    He's going to get much more hands on?! Bloody hell.


    All he wants to do is play attacking football and win trophies. Bloody hell.


    Obviously actions speak louder than words, but the prospect of this combined with Alan Shearer at the helm has me wetting my kecks.




    Here's how I feel about Shearer ... I think he would be a good manager but as far as buying players goes I think he would struggle massively.


    I think Shearer would be the sort to always go after Brits. Shearer would have bought someone like Smith too.


    Does he really have the knowledge of world football that will allow us to get the best players we possibly could to the club?


    That would be my biggest worry.


    you didn't read my post and steal it did you lol.


    I do 100% agree though




    Never even saw that! Definitely feel the same way you do though.


    We really do need a manager who knows his players because we really need some better players at this club right now.

  7. So he's now apparently paid off all of the debt?! Bloody hell.


    He's going to get much more hands on?! Bloody hell.


    All he wants to do is play attacking football and win trophies. Bloody hell.


    Obviously actions speak louder than words, but the prospect of this combined with Alan Shearer at the helm has me wetting my kecks.




    Here's how I feel about Shearer ... I think he would be a good manager but as far as buying players goes I think he would struggle massively.


    I think Shearer would be the sort to always go after Brits. Shearer would have bought someone like Smith too.


    Does he really have the knowledge of world football that will allow us to get the best players we possibly could to the club?


    That would be my biggest worry.

  8. Okay, so what managers come to mind when you thing brilliant attacking football though?


    I can kind of see why he went for redknapp, but lets put that to the side for now.


    Who could they possibly be considering now? The likes of Mourinho, Lippi and even Houllier don't exactly scream out attacking football.


    I haven't paid much attention to football around the other big leagues in Europe this season, has any team played particularly exciting attking football? Any team whose manager we might be interested in speaking too?

  9. PWNED!!!


    Allardyce just got schooled there. He certainly has a lot to answer for. All the scientific stuff is great if it enhances the football side of things, however it seems as though Sam becam obsessed with it all. It seems thats all they focused on, and so its no wonder they cannot pass the ball to each other.


    Not to mention the fact that the club was given information about Geremi but Allardyces arrogance still prevented him from listening.


    Allardyce was a freakin' bust. Happy he got canned even if we are struglling to get someone in at the moment, we'll still get someone eventually.

  10. :-[


    Very painful and hard to take, but now reality would have definitely sunk in.


    I'm not just talking about getting in a new manager here, but backing him, no let me rephrase that, encouraging him to completely change the players in this team. They are awful. Alan Smith is impossibly bad ... just an impossible impossible player.


    The only players worth keeping around are N'zogbia, Enrique and maybe Taylor, as they at least have youth on their side. Yes I know Milner has the youth too but he will not amount to anything in my opinion, he just lacks the urgency as an attacking player. Milner just wants to do a few tricks and turns and he thinks he's had a good game because of it, not concerned enough with his final product.


    Anyway ... here is the problem, we not only need a new manager to come in , we need him very soon i.e. before the window closes. The current team is not only poor, but they also lack the strength of character to perform for us. We desperately need a few key players in addition to a new manager, to lift the team.


    I hope some of those idiot players also appreciate the fact that they cannot manage themselves too. They need to stop moaning and complaining and do as they are freakin' told.



  11. Okay someone has to flip this into a positive!!!!!


    Best case scenario is that they have a few top foreign candidates who they have considered but only after trying for a Brit in Redknapp (hopefully he's the only Brit they wanted!).


    Worst case scenario is that Jol will always be happy to take the job in my opinion, so if all else fails Jol will always be there, and he wouldn't be a complete disaster.


    We'll be alright fellas.

  12. This thread has attracted more clowns than I initially anticipated.


    Here are some mythbusters (cause I'm in a bad mood).


    Ashley doesn't give a f*** about the club it is just another business to him. (That is why he smiles like a gormless c*** with 2 billion in the bank).


    He didn't pay off the debt cause he has been infected by some geordie mindmeld but because it is the first step to making the business more attractive.


    Alice in wonderland psychobabble about ''it might work because {insert cack here} is just that wishful thinking.


    IF it is Nappy that is a serious wrong signal it means he doesn't want a demanding manager and it might also be an indication why partly SA got the boot.


    I know it's depressing but just think how much prettier the sky would look if we were actually looking to snare/did snare a top class manager like Sven.


    This is a fiasco no doubts about it. I would forgive all of it if a top class manager is unveiled next week.


    I like all of us live in hope.


    Parky, what are your thoughts on Didier Deschamps?


    On another level to Nappy by any measure. Did well at Monaco iirc.


    World class player with a world class mind.


    Has what it takes to be as good as anyone in management.


    If he fancies it I would walk to Paris to get him.


    I didn't see much of his Monaco team, what kind of football did they play?


    Deschamps might be a dark horse. He was touting himself about for a premier league job just after Christmas ... said he would most want to work here because of the total control managers are given. He also played here and so is familiar with the environment.


    I know Klinsmann didn't work out but we can keep dreaming right?


    Keep your head up son  O0

  13. This thread has attracted more clowns than I initially anticipated.


    Here are some mythbusters (cause I'm in a bad mood).


    Ashley doesn't give a f*** about the club it is just another business to him. (That is why he smiles like a gormless c*** with 2 billion in the bank).


    He didn't pay off the debt cause he has been infected by some geordie mindmeld but because it is the first step to making the business more attractive.


    Alice in wonderland psychobabble about ''it might work because {insert cack here} is just that wishful thinking.


    IF it is Nappy that is a serious wrong signal it means he doesn't want a demanding manager and it might also be an indication why partly SA got the boot.


    I know it's depressing but just think how much prettier the sky would look if we were actually looking to snare/did snare a top class manager like Sven.


    This is a fiasco no doubts about it. I would forgive all of it if a top class manager is unveiled next week.


    I like all of us live in hope.


    Parky, what are your thoughts on Didier Deschamps?

  14. Just been said on a Spurs board  'Arry to Newcastle, Jol to Pompey, Defoe almost certainly to Newcastle as well.


    The source is normally rock solid.


    Linky link?


    Someone close to Kemsley.


    Defoe? How would he fit in?


    Owen out? Martins out? Both out?


    My head hurts ...

  15. Another thing that no one has really talked about ...


    If Redknapp is appointed I think the odds are pretty high that he brings in Shearer as part of his staff (probably with a view to taking over at some point, 'arry is getting on after all). Redknapp is probably the only British manager who would do this. Similar to how he had Tony adams with him at Pompey.


    So how would people feel about Redknapp and Shearer?


    That would be a nice little setup I think.

  16. Didier Deschamps I tell thee!!! and I don't like being ignored.


    He is coming to Newcastle.


    They like the fact he played in the prem and he speaks English. He likes the fact that he will have the freedom to bring in who he wants.


    So whose celebrating with me?

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