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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Another point ...


    Villa are an awesome team and I'm not sure why Brummie is so down on his team?!


    Laursen is fantastic (I actually added him to my fantasy team on Friday!) and Zat Knight has been very good since he signed. Your midfield is very balanced and you have lots of pace upfront which means you are lethal on counter attacks.

  2. I can't believe how many people are surprised about this result. Tottenham are absolutely awful. I don't know why everyone thinks they are magically going to start flying back up the table?!


    Kingdawson it's about time you woke up and sniffed the coffee! You just aren't that good mate. Talent up front but no where else for the most part (although Bale is a huge talent).


    That £16 million on Bent should have bought you Ashley Young and Reo-Coker and you would have been well on your way.

  3. Thought he was excellent yesterday. Viduka had a lot to do with this too. I noticed he was continuously communicating with Oba. He directed Oba at times and he also made himself available to receive the ball from Oba a lot which made our play between the front three really tidy and neat at times.


    The partnership between them could really blossom I think. Playing alongside Viduka regularly would make him twice the player he is. It really is a shame Owen will continuously interfere with this by being in and out of the team.


    I noticed the red robot man Gemmill stayed away all weekend after claiming Oba was thick and had no movement, touch or finishing ability. Martins managed to show all three of those attributes in one move, against a very talented defender in Richards who can actually match him for speed, power and athletic ability.


    I'm looking forward to Martins continuing to prove people wrong. Now if he could just get a good run of games ...

  4. Excellent read that ...


    This quote below is one that we all need to take to heart at this moment in time.


    Well, that's a real lesson. There is such a thirst in this society for new things, that there is the tendency to throw things away because you want something else. You forget the magic of team sport stems also from the development of a group of players who come together for a certain length of time. For example, take this young Arsenal team... It has matured together. Which also means it has suffered together; it's important to share the pain. Think of the disappointments of last year and, in spite of all that, I felt they turned the corner. When we've been knocked back - walked into a head-wind, so to speak - we've never given up, we've always fought on. And I told myself, hang on, there is something growing here, a mental force that will astonish everyone even more when things are going well.


  5. One habit that we absolutely have to put an end to at this club. It's a big part of the reason why we are still uncertain in many areas of the team. No surprise that Rozehnal and Viduka have been the best newcomers as they arrived so early in the window.


    Unfortuantely the late arrival of both Enrique and Beye has meant that our defence is still very much a work in progress. I love Zoggy but they took advantage of his naivety and bad positioning today, he's just not a natural defender and really shouldn't be played there against very good attacking teams. Beye is really getting a baptism of fire and will eventually be great for us but at the moment he is certainly learning the hard way as he has had a few hairy moments.


    I have to say that we have been extremely unlucky with both Emre and Barton being injured at the start of the season as we would be a very different team with either in our midfiled. I mean seriously, could you imagine that same City side without Elano? or Petrov?


    It hurts guys, but we need to show a little patience. I'm still excited and optimistic about our chances this season.

  6. Why is everything knee jerk?..what do you expect we have had years of s**** like this under Souness and Roeder this is no different. A different team a different era its all just f****** false dawns. Allardyce has bought s**** journeymen footballers lets be honest here. whats the point in having a team of hard workers when you sacrfice the talent in the team for it.Geremi is s**** when will people realise the top 4 teams get rid of these players because they have had it.We got rid of Dyer and solano and in one fell swoop we lost our pace and creativity in midfield now we cant pass, tackle or have a clue about anything football related. we have now played 7 games and not one single goal has come from a midfielder doesnt the big fat b****** see that  its just no good.Why oh why is it that no matter what players we have in defence they all become total s*** and have no idea of defending.I watch a lot of football and i never see another team defend so terribly and so embarassing, i cringe everytime i watch us on tv now its just f****** awful


    This ugly boring standard of clueless football must stop or Allardyce will not last the year out, we have not had a decent team with a clue of how to play since old bob was there.and why does our last 3 managers not have a clue about substitutions it was plain to see that we needed enrique and emre on as soon as city scored there second.


    Im dreading the Mackem game now after watching our away performances its just total s**** to watch


    Rant over im going to get very drunk fall asleep and forget that my team is a f****** joke and total and utter s****


    Seriously dude ... get a life.


    You are comlpetely clueless about football. You are really an embarrassment.


    Souness and Roeder? You disgust me.


    Honestly though he has some points. Sven just gave us a lesson today in 'why grafters will never win against skill away from home.' And our midfield utterly lacked creativity and even moreso pace. When Roeder blamed injuries we all rightly laughed him all the way out of the club but now its OK that Sam has no (EPL standard) cover for most positions?


    If you can't see that Man City dominated us for almost the entirety of the game then it is you who have no idea about football.


    no he's a f****** tool. we played good football today for the record, but what the f*** are you expecting? sam and mort to come in and transform us into a PL winning side overnight? we were f***** defensively before they came in, well and truely f*****. we've finally, after many years stregnthened that department, yet now your blaming them for not buying you an attacking player. these things take time.


    we wern't dominated for the entirity of the game either. we were equal until they scored.


    Thanks for doing that ... just couldn't find the energy to reply. Some people on here are just so dissapointing.

  7. Why is everything knee jerk?..what do you expect we have had years of s**** like this under Souness and Roeder this is no different. A different team a different era its all just f****** false dawns. Allardyce has bought s**** journeymen footballers lets be honest here. whats the point in having a team of hard workers when you sacrfice the talent in the team for it.Geremi is s**** when will people realise the top 4 teams get rid of these players because they have had it.We got rid of Dyer and solano and in one fell swoop we lost our pace and creativity in midfield now we cant pass, tackle or have a clue about anything football related. we have now played 7 games and not one single goal has come from a midfielder doesnt the big fat b****** see that  its just no good.Why oh why is it that no matter what players we have in defence they all become total s*** and have no idea of defending.I watch a lot of football and i never see another team defend so terribly and so embarassing, i cringe everytime i watch us on tv now its just f****** awful


    This ugly boring standard of clueless football must stop or Allardyce will not last the year out, we have not had a decent team with a clue of how to play since old bob was there.and why does our last 3 managers not have a clue about substitutions it was plain to see that we needed enrique and emre on as soon as city scored there second.


    Im dreading the Mackem game now after watching our away performances its just total s**** to watch


    Rant over im going to get very drunk fall asleep and forget that my team is a f****** joke and total and utter s****


    Seriously dude ... get a life.


    You are comlpetely clueless about football. You are really an embarrassment.


    Souness and Roeder? You disgust me.

  8. Knee-jerk-tastic. We didn't play that bad. City were the better team, yes, but there were positives. Martins and Viduka looks threatening together and we'll have Barton soon. Also, nice to see Smith having a good game. Nothing wrong with the formation either, tbh, we looked good til they scored they're second, at which point they started defending.

    We said before the season that as long as we improved on last season we'd be happy. This was a clear improvement, even though we lost


    God bless you dude. Yet another person who sees things clearly.



  9. Why? We played alot worst last season. I think that we have always looked a threat today, we've looked capable of getting something from the game until the last minute. f****** hell.


    What the f*** do you expect from a team who has won every game at home? No wonder nee fucker is manager long enough to get us any silverware with c***s liek you.


    Good to see there is someone else who has a clue on here. God bless you my friend.

  10. Been watching the first half without looking at the thread, quite surprised so many people are so negative.


    City have been quite good, they're playing some very good stuff. Our defenders have had some hairy moments alright but they've hardly been dreadful in general, sometimes you just have to give credit to the other team.


    Going forward we've looked a lot more effective than previously in the 4-3-3, we desperately need someone with a bit more attacking talents in the middle though. Think this game could be well suited to Emre, it's quite open, hope he gets 30 minutes.


    Have been very impressed with our play too. Think the 4-3-3 has looked very much an attacking setup with this set of players we have playingin it right now.


    Like you say though, with one central midfielder who is a bit more forward thinking this formation could be really exciting. The sooner Barton and Emre are more up to speed the better.

  11. Martins man of the match so far. Really doing a great job getting into all sorts of dangerous attacking positions as a wide forward in this 4-3-3. To be far Milner has also got himself in some great positions playing the same position but has tended to overcomplicate things. Viduka is making life a lot easier for Martins by directing him and making himself available for the ball early and often.


    I think we have looked awesome considering we haven't played this formation that often with these players. I can't imagine how good we would be in this setup by now if we had played it consistently since we played Bolton.

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