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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Robert Green, absolutely brilliant goalkeeper.


    Mario Melchiot, basically holds Wigan together along with Koumas and Bramble  :parky:.


    Christopher Samba, very fast and strong. He has the ability to take strikers out of a game.


    Javier Mascherano, better than M.Diarra, Viera, Makelele etc imo. 


    This list boggles my mind.


    Rather worrying indeed.

  2. Kolo Toure. Insanely underrated.


    Start a conversation with anyone about the best centre backs in the premiership and his name will hardly ever come up, and even when it does it will be after the likes of Carragher!


    I would have Toure over Ferdinand and Terry. Yup.

  3. They are in the french second division, so i doubt that they'll be able to keep hold of anyone remotely talented.


    Not that it matters, but here you go...




    6'4" and can head a ball.  CUL8R 'Big Andy'.


    Nice one  :thup:


    So at least now we know he is a striker and a pretty tall one at that!


    Hmmmm we were linked with Lafferty the other day too and he is a striker who is quite tall as well.


    You might well be right about Big Andy. He has probably let hiself down with his perfromances so far at Preston. Anyone heard about how he's been doing?

  4. Wow ...


    Owen is a really silly boy. Why is he so up in arms about all this. He should have just kept his mouth shut, played for England (hoping to God he didn't get injured!), and then returned and played for newcastle too (hoping he scored a goal and all). That would have been it. Job done and it would have shut everyone up and we could have all moved on.


    Instead he is getting a bit too sensitive and his goign on and on about how fit he is and therefore how he shouldn't be questioned. He is setting himself up for a fall bigtime! Can you imagine if he actually gets injured now?! Besides, why is he surprised people are concerned?! The last time we were in this kind of situation he ended up getting injured and he was out ofr the season!!! He also told us then how strong and fit he was but it didn't work out that way did it.


    All this talk of the fans driving Owen out of the club is laughable. Verbally abusing him every game or egging his house would be driving him out, but questioning whether he should be playing these two games despite the fact he has just had an operation? No I don't think so. He can say he is fit all he likes and the surgeon can say it is okay to push himself as hard as he wants to, but it's Owen we are talking about here :lol: he has a history of being particularly frail! Everyone's body is not the same, and based on past history the club and indeed the fans have every reason to at least urge caution.


    Owen is being really soft right now in my opinion. He needs to man up.

  5. hopefully as good as the Zog but as always my opinion is that if he hasn't been snapped up by Arsenal by now he may not be brilliant.




    This is an awfully silly statement.


    Arsenal can only sign so many can't they? They aren't going to get every single one of them just for the sake of it. N'Zogbia is a perfect example of this and I am sure there are umerous others.


    Anyone know what position he plays yet?


    I have to say I feel very confident about Sam bringing in players because I honestly feel as though he has good judgement as far as players go. At the very worst I feel any player Sam brings in will at least be a good solid squad player who makes some contribution to the team; as opposed to some of the complete write-offs we had a habit of bringing in under the previous regime.

  6. Good post by the liverpool guy scousetommy, but it is a totally different situation.


    They had him at his peak when he actually played the majority of games over a full season. On the other hand, this hasn't been the case with us. People are talking about our best player being driven out, as though he has been a 20 goal a season scorer for us. :lol: We've hardly seen him play! If he did leave due to all this it wouldn't be the best situation, but I certainly wouldn't feel that cut up about it. I would be very confident Sam would get a top striker in. For instance if we lost Owen and signed Anelka that would surely be an upgrade right?!

  7. Sam is doing the perfect thing here. He's pushing Martins to be better, and by the way Martins has taken it you can tell it's been said to him in a positive way to motivate him. Martins right now is a really good player, but with a bit more patience and composure he could be great.


    Definitely a good move by Sam :clap:


    Great attitude from Martins  :thup:

  8. Erm, cos Yakubu is twice the player Nugent is?


    People have to be careful with Everton. They've got more than enough quality to jump up and bite the likes of ours and City's arses.


    Problem is though he clearly isn't Moyes' cup of tea as Moyes is showing. He clearly would have preferred Nugent who will run around frantically like a headless chicken without doing anything worthwhile. 100% graft and all that jazz ...

  9. Moyes is an idiot period. How do you pay £11.5 million for Yakubu and then give up on him so quickly! He's already benching him all the time. It's Beattie all over again. Once he did the deal he had to stick with him and get his confidence up till he ran into some form.


    Yakubu is not the perfect striker but at the end of the day he has the ability to score 20 goals a season. What the hell is Moyes thinking? If all he wanted was players who graft and give 100% all game he should have had nothing to do with Yakubu as he just isn't that type of striker.


    Awful management. If you think Yakubu is poor wait till you see how he plays when he gets into a sulk! You better hope Harry is still interested in January. Funny thing is I bet Yakubu would be flying right now if he had gone to Portsmouth instead. Harry just knows how to handle these tye of players and get the most out of them. Moyes is so limited.




    Swap with Nugent.  Everybody's happy!


    Excellent point! Moyes did want Nugent didn't he. Although he too has looked awful. The differnce in prices for the two would be a problem too.


    You have to wonder why Moyes was unwilling to pay £5 million for Nugent but happy to spend £11.5 million on Yakubu?!


    He's absolutely nuts.

  10. Moyes is an idiot period. How do you pay £11.5 million for Yakubu and then give up on him so quickly! He's already benching him all the time. It's Beattie all over again. Once he did the deal he had to stick with him and get his confidence up till he ran into some form.


    Yakubu is not the perfect striker but at the end of the day he has the ability to score 20 goals a season. What the hell is Moyes thinking? If all he wanted was players who graft and give 100% all game he should have had nothing to do with Yakubu as he just isn't that type of striker.


    Awful management. If you think Yakubu is poor wait till you see how he plays when he gets into a sulk! You better hope Harry is still interested in January. Funny thing is I bet Yakubu would be flying right now if he had gone to Portsmouth instead. Harry just knows how to handle these tye of players and get the most out of them. Moyes is so limited.



  11. Fair play to Kingdawson for sticking around when Spurs were getting thumped earlier, at least he sticks around when it isn't going well unlike the other spud fans who are only here when they're doing well.


    He had no choice he arrived on here nice and early hoping to gloat, but then he couldn't hide when they started getting hammered as it would have been even more humiliating!


    That's a bit harsh, tbh.


    Just winding him up  :razz:


    Kewell is on the way KD don't you worry about that   :thup:

  12. Fair play to Kingdawson for sticking around when Spurs were getting thumped earlier, at least he sticks around when it isn't going well unlike the other spud fans who are only here when they're doing well.


    He had no choice he arrived on here nice and early hoping to gloat, but then he couldn't hide when they started getting hammered as it would have been even more humiliating!

  13. Kaboul red card?!!! Out for the next three games? So their defence could potentially be worse than this? :lol:


    They're actually still in the relegation zone too :lol:

    Are you colour blind?


    Sorry, my apologies! I wasn't looking at the screen at the time and some twat I'm watching the game with said it was his second yellow. He was trying to be funny.

  14. You'd think only one team had played in this c****** game to listen to Setanta.




    It's quite baffling! I actually can't believe what I am hearing and seeing right now. :lol:

  15. Still pissed off but thank f*** for that. Will probably get thumped by pool though. Kaboul, Bale, malbranque and chimbonda to an extent are the only players that have bothered to perform this season.


    6 points from 8 games, Champions League form that :lol:


    This is unbelievable they're actually ecstatic  :lol:


    The commentaors are praising the team and the crowd who were non-existant and who have walked out of the stadium with about 30 mins left!


    This is crazy  :lol:

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