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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. I can't believe people are still going on about Spurs recovering! If you mean to finish between 10th and 14th then I agree, but they will not be getting anywhere near the European places.


    The funny thing is that I felt this way even before all the drama there kicked off, and that has only made the situation worse. The quality of all the premiership teams suddenly rose this summer and they just stood still and effectively made themselves worse by forcing the Bent purchase, which has totally messed with their chemistry upfront.


    Arsenal, Man U, Liverpool, Chelsea, Man City, Villa, Everton, Blackburn and Newcastle are all better teams on the whole. West Ham too when everyone is fit for them.


    Spurs will likely finish 11th or 12th this season.

  2. Ashton was branded as Mr. Overated when I mentioned him as a potential Heskey type partner for Owen. He was really good yesterday and I can't help but feel people have forgotten how dangerous a player he is. Good strong target man with a nice subtle touch.

  3. Funny how no one on here has mentioned the fact that he had the assist for the 3rd goal which effectively sealed the deal for us. This after coming on and setting up the winning goal against Wigan.


    Way too much being said about the miss, considering he made it for himself out of nothing and he had already played a huge part by setting up the previous goal and the game was already all over because of it.


    I have no doubt that if Owen is out for around a month and Martins plays every game alongisde Viduka or Smith during this time, Martins will prove that overall he will bring more to the team as an attacking player. He will get assists, he will score goals and he will win us free kicks in dangerous areas as well as penalties.

  4. I'm sorry but Martins over Owen for me. He looked so dangerous and forced West Ham to sit deeper. Play him up front with a target man in Viduka or Smith and he will be awesome.


    We know he will miss some chances as he is not as clinical as Owen, but his pace and athleticism means he will get into twice the number of goalscoring opportunities. Even the miss today ... his pace got him the chance in the first place. owen wouldn't get to the ball.


  5. I miss Martins' unpredictable and exciting play, and I think in our current team he would be far more effective. Since he has been here he has never had the opportunity to play off another striker and I think he would be a much better player for it. Martins in a front line with Viduka, wether in a 4-4-2 or 4-3-3 would be great if it is given a chance over a good run of games.





  6. Absolutely shocking stuff and I do not really blame Luque really. Any anger or disgust has to be at Shepherd, who is an absolute joke. We can now pretty much assume that all his signings were pretty much done this way, as everyone has always said about us.


    Didn't Owen essentially say the same thing as Luque? Didn't he say to Sven that he only joined Newcastle because of the ridiculous amount of money he was offered?!! I have no doubt Duff is probably on a similar type of deal too. Absolutely disgusting stuff.

  7. Nicky Butt just might be. His awful passing really puts us under a lot of pressure defenisvely and hinders our attacking play. He has also lost quite a bit of mobility and so his tackling, which was one of his stronger points, is now absolutely worthless.

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