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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Said something on SSN there now that sources close to Owen say its not as bad as first thought and he will be back in full training next week.


    Now that's ridiculous! This could really screw up our whole season. This coming and going crap will mean we never have a settled forward line for any amount of time this season, which is never good.


    Why can't he just clear off for a while and get healed up properly the twat. When will he learn? Stop rushing back all the freakin' time you muppet. England can wait!

  2. I love the fact their "kids" include 17million pound man Eduardo, 12 million pound man Walcott, Bentner, Eboue and Senderos amoung other.


    Eduardo 17 million? Is that in Dollars?


    He cost a bit over 7 mill not 17 mill.


    Bent was the one that cost £17 million isn't that right Kingdawson?


    Bit pricey for a bench warmer. Could have just used some old duvets for the same effect.


    and this has what to do with the actual thread?




    Just thought I'd mention it that's all.


    Two goals tonight ... how many did your four strikers score again?

  3. Anyone watch the chelsea game? Okocha's still got it. Could probably improve our midfield significantly. Not a good thing is it.




    Ridiculous comment. :lol:  He's still got it, as in, he can still lift his leg over the top of the ball once or twice.


    Still looked really fit. Still had a lovely touch. Still had an eye for a pass. And yes still had that flair we all love! Stood out against a good Chelsea team for sure.


    Sorry mate, yes we're lacking something, but he offered nowt to Bolton in his last couple of seasons. And that was before he went down the pan whilst spending oil money on Bentleys and suchlike, aswell as turning 34 at the same time. And besides, our midfield has got a nice touch and the eye for a pass - we need pace and bite! Okocha doesn't have that.


    Me best mate's a Hull fan though and he's loving it! :lol:  Well, he didn't enjoy tonight like...




    You're taking me way too seriously dude.


    It was nice to see Okocha again though. Always a pleasure. Big favourite of mine back in the day.


    Probably not who I want to see us sign at this moment in time though :lol: although I bet he wouldn't do as badly as you think!



  4. How has Henry been at Barca so far? Missed a couple in this game.


    Hasn't done too much. Loks more like the Henry that plays for France than the one that played for Arsenal. Doesn't dominate the game as much, and with the likes of Messi and Ronaldinho running the show he just hasn't shone as brightly. It's Messi's show right now and he's just a prop!

  5. Anyone watch the chelsea game? Okocha's still got it. Could probably improve our midfield significantly. Not a good thing is it.




    Ridiculous comment. :lol:  He's still got it, as in, he can still lift his leg over the top of the ball once or twice.


    Still looked really fit. Still had a lovely touch. Still had an eye for a pass. And yes still had that flair we all love! Stood out against a good Chelsea team for sure.

  6. I love the fact their "kids" include 17million pound man Eduardo, 12 million pound man Walcott, Bentner, Eboue and Senderos amoung other.


    Eduardo 17 million? Is that in Dollars?


    He cost a bit over 7 mill not 17 mill.


    Bent was the one that cost £17 million isn't that right Kingdawson?


    Bit pricey for a bench warmer. Could have just used some old duvets for the same effect.

  7. I wouldn't have said we have nothing bad to say about Martins.


    Yes, he provided a threat despite no service, but he headed a relatively free header too close to their keeper early on and was so terrified of missing his best chance that he put no power on it at all. Could and should have scored at least one. He was OK, pluses and minuses.


    I agree completely. I wasn't trying to say he was excellent or anything, but to claim he isn't good enough or he is rubbish because of his perfromance last night is ridiculous. This is exactly what was going on. You would have thought he didn't do a single good thing last night.

  8. Well, well, well. Not surprised that everyone who went to the game has nothing bad to say about Martins. As expected as a lone striker he was left isolated and Shola's pathetic performance didn't help.


    I really can't understand why Sam didn't just start with Smith upfront and have Emre in the midfield and Shola on the bench. I hope he realises soon that Shola just isn't up to it. He should only play if both Viduka and Smith are unavailable.


    Fatigue was definitely a huge factor for our team, especially as those Arsenal whippersnappers are so darn quick. Makes no sense that we had to play last night and not today even.


    There was a lot of crap being thrown Martin's way last night and you wouldn't believe how the commentators on Newcastle World were having a go, but he will shut a lot of people up soon enough. If he could score 17 goals alongside Sibierski and Dyer last season, I have no doubt he will do the business if he gets a run of games alongside Viduka or even Smith; Shola on the other hand just won't work as he actually has less ability than Sibierski. Make that far less. Shocking stuff from Shola this season.


    I have to go into a bit of a Shola rant now. Let's just imagine I could excuse the fact that he isn't very good, which for the most part I can. What really kills me is the way he cannot challenge for a ball in the air fairly when he is 6 foot 2. He fouls the defender every single time and then starts arguing with the ref about it; in addition to this he will drift offside a minimum of 10 times a game due to not paying attention. These are the two things in particular which I despise Shola for.



  9. Cliché ALERT


    I'd rather Martins was getting into the positions in the first place to miss them than not getting there at all, like Shola. He'll score some of them.


    I'd rather we got someone better in and people stopped trying to kid themselves that this lad is anything special.  Seriously, there are people that think that this kid is a TOP talent.  It's f****** ludicrous.


    Not having a go at you btw Dave, it just astounds me when I watch this kid play, the reputation he has with some of our fans.


    Were his 17 goals last seasona fluke then? Playing alongside Sibierski and Dyer? God gove me strength. You go and have a look over the goals he has scored for Newcastle and come back and tell me he can't finish.


    His situation reminds me of Adebayor's situation at Arsenal. All my friends who support Arsenal kept telling me he was crap and just like Shola and I kept telling them he just needed to play regularly and I would happily swap Shola for him anyday. They always laughed at me about it.


    This season they're wetting themselves over him the twats. Pisses me off something propa.


    I don't need to hear about the conversations you have with your mates at the back of the special bus tbh. :razz:


    Funny guy.


    I just don't like fickle people. Had either Drogba or Adebayor come to Newcastle you would have been the sort to run them out after their first season. Both similar players to Martins. Speed, athletic ability and power, but not the best touch or awareness. Surround them with the right players and play them often enough and they will be very productive though.


    Simple as that. We have no choice but to play Martins everygame now. Let's see what happens with him playing alongside Viduka regularly then. We'll talk about this again in aaround four weeks.


    So now he's as good as Drogba or Adebayor, it's just that he's playing with the wrong team mates?  By the way, Adebayor's touch pisses all over Martins'.  Please don't embarrass yourself by trying to say that Adebayor and Drogba "don't have the best touch or awareness" in an attempt to defend Martins.


    You really must be illiterate. Get a fuckin degree man! Can you read?


    Never said he was as good. Never said his touch was exactly the same as Adebayor's touch. However, what I did say is that they are all the same types of players and not players of the same ability. You obviously didn't see much of Adebayor's touch when he first came, and even now at times.


    Like I said we will talk about this again in a month or so. Hopefully you would have started taking reading lessons by then. Goodness me!


    :lol:  Do you really want to play who's the most educated/qualified?  I read what you wrote.  You compared Martins' situation to that of two players who are in a different league to him.  The comparison doesn't work because of that.  Do you understand or do I need to knock something together on MSPaint?


    Put those qualifications to use then. Interesting that you still haven't understood the post.


    I understood it.  You fail to understand the implication of comparing Martins to Adebayor and Drogba though. 




    This is getting really long now so if you can just do one thing to help me understand you, we can then put this to rest.


    Point out exactly where I said he was as good as Adebayor and Drogba please. Thanks.



    zzzzz....you made the comparison.  I cannot be arsed to hold your hand and walk you through how comparing very good players that maybe didn't start their time off at their respective clubs all that well, to a decidedly average player who scored a few goals last season but ultimately is not a very good player is a comparison that doesn't work.


    Ask your mates about it tomorrow on the big red fun bus.  I've got a reading lesson in the morning and need to get to bed.



  10. Cliché ALERT


    I'd rather Martins was getting into the positions in the first place to miss them than not getting there at all, like Shola. He'll score some of them.


    I'd rather we got someone better in and people stopped trying to kid themselves that this lad is anything special.  Seriously, there are people that think that this kid is a TOP talent.  It's f****** ludicrous.


    Not having a go at you btw Dave, it just astounds me when I watch this kid play, the reputation he has with some of our fans.


    Were his 17 goals last seasona fluke then? Playing alongside Sibierski and Dyer? God gove me strength. You go and have a look over the goals he has scored for Newcastle and come back and tell me he can't finish.


    His situation reminds me of Adebayor's situation at Arsenal. All my friends who support Arsenal kept telling me he was crap and just like Shola and I kept telling them he just needed to play regularly and I would happily swap Shola for him anyday. They always laughed at me about it.


    This season they're wetting themselves over him the twats. Pisses me off something propa.


    I don't need to hear about the conversations you have with your mates at the back of the special bus tbh. :razz:


    Funny guy.


    I just don't like fickle people. Had either Drogba or Adebayor come to Newcastle you would have been the sort to run them out after their first season. Both similar players to Martins. Speed, athletic ability and power, but not the best touch or awareness. Surround them with the right players and play them often enough and they will be very productive though.


    Simple as that. We have no choice but to play Martins everygame now. Let's see what happens with him playing alongside Viduka regularly then. We'll talk about this again in aaround four weeks.


    So now he's as good as Drogba or Adebayor, it's just that he's playing with the wrong team mates?  By the way, Adebayor's touch pisses all over Martins'.  Please don't embarrass yourself by trying to say that Adebayor and Drogba "don't have the best touch or awareness" in an attempt to defend Martins.


    You really must be illiterate. Get a fuckin degree man! Can you read?


    Never said he was as good. Never said his touch was exactly the same as Adebayor's touch. However, what I did say is that they are all the same types of players and not players of the same ability. You obviously didn't see much of Adebayor's touch when he first came, and even now at times.


    Like I said we will talk about this again in a month or so. Hopefully you would have started taking reading lessons by then. Goodness me!


    :lol:  Do you really want to play who's the most educated/qualified?  I read what you wrote.  You compared Martins' situation to that of two players who are in a different league to him.  The comparison doesn't work because of that.  Do you understand or do I need to knock something together on MSPaint?


    Put those qualifications to use then. Interesting that you still haven't understood the post.


    I understood it.  You fail to understand the implication of comparing Martins to Adebayor and Drogba though. 




    This is getting really long now so if you can just do one thing to help me understand you, we can then put this to rest.


    Point out exactly where I said he was as good as Adebayor and Drogba please. Thanks.


  11. Cliché ALERT


    I'd rather Martins was getting into the positions in the first place to miss them than not getting there at all, like Shola. He'll score some of them.


    I'd rather we got someone better in and people stopped trying to kid themselves that this lad is anything special.  Seriously, there are people that think that this kid is a TOP talent.  It's f****** ludicrous.


    Not having a go at you btw Dave, it just astounds me when I watch this kid play, the reputation he has with some of our fans.


    Were his 17 goals last seasona fluke then? Playing alongside Sibierski and Dyer? God gove me strength. You go and have a look over the goals he has scored for Newcastle and come back and tell me he can't finish.


    His situation reminds me of Adebayor's situation at Arsenal. All my friends who support Arsenal kept telling me he was crap and just like Shola and I kept telling them he just needed to play regularly and I would happily swap Shola for him anyday. They always laughed at me about it.


    This season they're wetting themselves over him the twats. Pisses me off something propa.


    I don't need to hear about the conversations you have with your mates at the back of the special bus tbh. :razz:


    Funny guy.


    I just don't like fickle people. Had either Drogba or Adebayor come to Newcastle you would have been the sort to run them out after their first season. Both similar players to Martins. Speed, athletic ability and power, but not the best touch or awareness. Surround them with the right players and play them often enough and they will be very productive though.


    Simple as that. We have no choice but to play Martins everygame now. Let's see what happens with him playing alongside Viduka regularly then. We'll talk about this again in aaround four weeks.


    So now he's as good as Drogba or Adebayor, it's just that he's playing with the wrong team mates?  By the way, Adebayor's touch pisses all over Martins'.  Please don't embarrass yourself by trying to say that Adebayor and Drogba "don't have the best touch or awareness" in an attempt to defend Martins.


    You really must be illiterate. Get a fuckin degree man! Can you read?


    Never said he was as good. Never said his touch was exactly the same as Adebayor's touch. However, what I did say is that they are all the same types of players and not players of the same ability. You obviously didn't see much of Adebayor's touch when he first came, and even now at times.


    Like I said we will talk about this again in a month or so. Hopefully you would have started taking reading lessons by then. Goodness me!


    :lol:  Do you really want to play who's the most educated/qualified?  I read what you wrote.  You compared Martins' situation to that of two players who are in a different league to him.  The comparison doesn't work because of that.  Do you understand or do I need to knock something together on MSPaint?


    Put those qualifications to use then. Interesting that you still haven't understood the post.

  12. Cliché ALERT


    I'd rather Martins was getting into the positions in the first place to miss them than not getting there at all, like Shola. He'll score some of them.


    I'd rather we got someone better in and people stopped trying to kid themselves that this lad is anything special.  Seriously, there are people that think that this kid is a TOP talent.  It's f****** ludicrous.


    Not having a go at you btw Dave, it just astounds me when I watch this kid play, the reputation he has with some of our fans.


    Were his 17 goals last seasona fluke then? Playing alongside Sibierski and Dyer? God gove me strength. You go and have a look over the goals he has scored for Newcastle and come back and tell me he can't finish.


    His situation reminds me of Adebayor's situation at Arsenal. All my friends who support Arsenal kept telling me he was crap and just like Shola and I kept telling them he just needed to play regularly and I would happily swap Shola for him anyday. They always laughed at me about it.


    This season they're wetting themselves over him the twats. Pisses me off something propa.


    I don't need to hear about the conversations you have with your mates at the back of the special bus tbh. :razz:


    Funny guy.


    I just don't like fickle people. Had either Drogba or Adebayor come to Newcastle you would have been the sort to run them out after their first season. Both similar players to Martins. Speed, athletic ability and power, but not the best touch or awareness. Surround them with the right players and play them often enough and they will be very productive though.


    Simple as that. We have no choice but to play Martins everygame now. Let's see what happens with him playing alongside Viduka regularly then. We'll talk about this again in aaround four weeks.


    So now he's as good as Drogba or Adebayor, it's just that he's playing with the wrong team mates?  By the way, Adebayor's touch pisses all over Martins'.  Please don't embarrass yourself by trying to say that Adebayor and Drogba "don't have the best touch or awareness" in an attempt to defend Martins.

    you have to be kidding me if we ask Ash now how good adebayors touch is, he would say absolutely s****, his touch is f****** awful as is drogbas who knees it everywhere. also last season adebayor was absolutely awful he missed plenty of sitters, coincedence that he was on the bench last season alot (apart from when henry was injured), like martins, i think not.


    Don't waste your breath. Motherfuckers got short memories on here. The abuse Drogba got his first season for his rawness has now been completely forgotten. The number of times I sat in awe as that Alan Gray went on and on about his awful touch and him not being worth 5 million never mind 24 million ya da ya da ya da


    As for Adebayor do you have any idea how much people had a go at him last season. The exact same things that is being said about Martins right now. No brain. no touch etc etc. Martins always came off the bench at Italy.  Comes here starts off slowly then erupts for 17 before tailing off again. His first ever season as a first team player. Now he's back on the bench again.


    1 month guys and then we'll see what's what. I just hope Martins stays fit. We shall see.

  13. Cliché ALERT


    I'd rather Martins was getting into the positions in the first place to miss them than not getting there at all, like Shola. He'll score some of them.


    I'd rather we got someone better in and people stopped trying to kid themselves that this lad is anything special.  Seriously, there are people that think that this kid is a TOP talent.  It's f****** ludicrous.


    Not having a go at you btw Dave, it just astounds me when I watch this kid play, the reputation he has with some of our fans.


    Were his 17 goals last seasona fluke then? Playing alongside Sibierski and Dyer? God gove me strength. You go and have a look over the goals he has scored for Newcastle and come back and tell me he can't finish.


    His situation reminds me of Adebayor's situation at Arsenal. All my friends who support Arsenal kept telling me he was crap and just like Shola and I kept telling them he just needed to play regularly and I would happily swap Shola for him anyday. They always laughed at me about it.


    This season they're wetting themselves over him the twats. Pisses me off something propa.


    I don't need to hear about the conversations you have with your mates at the back of the special bus tbh. :razz:


    Funny guy.


    I just don't like fickle people. Had either Drogba or Adebayor come to Newcastle you would have been the sort to run them out after their first season. Both similar players to Martins. Speed, athletic ability and power, but not the best touch or awareness. Surround them with the right players and play them often enough and they will be very productive though.


    Simple as that. We have no choice but to play Martins everygame now. Let's see what happens with him playing alongside Viduka regularly then. We'll talk about this again in aaround four weeks.


    So now he's as good as Drogba or Adebayor, it's just that he's playing with the wrong team mates?  By the way, Adebayor's touch pisses all over Martins'.  Please don't embarrass yourself by trying to say that Adebayor and Drogba "don't have the best touch or awareness" in an attempt to defend Martins.


    You really must be illiterate. Get a fuckin degree man! Can you read?


    Never said he was as good. Never said his touch was exactly the same as Adebayor's touch. However, what I did say is that they are all the same types of players and not players of the same ability. You obviously didn't see much of Adebayor's touch when he first came, and even now at times.


    Like I said we will talk about this again in a month or so. Hopefully you would have started taking reading lessons by then. Goodness me!

  14. Cliché ALERT


    I'd rather Martins was getting into the positions in the first place to miss them than not getting there at all, like Shola. He'll score some of them.


    I'd rather we got someone better in and people stopped trying to kid themselves that this lad is anything special.  Seriously, there are people that think that this kid is a TOP talent.  It's f****** ludicrous.


    Not having a go at you btw Dave, it just astounds me when I watch this kid play, the reputation he has with some of our fans.


    Were his 17 goals last seasona fluke then? Playing alongside Sibierski and Dyer? God gove me strength. You go and have a look over the goals he has scored for Newcastle and come back and tell me he can't finish.


    His situation reminds me of Adebayor's situation at Arsenal. All my friends who support Arsenal kept telling me he was crap and just like Shola and I kept telling them he just needed to play regularly and I would happily swap Shola for him anyday. They always laughed at me about it.


    This season they're wetting themselves over him the twats. Pisses me off something propa.


    I don't need to hear about the conversations you have with your mates at the back of the special bus tbh. :razz:


    Funny guy.


    I just don't like fickle people. Had either Drogba or Adebayor come to Newcastle you would have been the sort to run them out after their first season. Both similar players to Martins. Speed, athletic ability and power, but not the best touch or awareness. Surround them with the right players and play them often enough and they will be very productive though.


    Simple as that. We have no choice but to play Martins everygame now. Let's see what happens with him playing alongside Viduka regularly then. We'll talk about this again in aaround four weeks.

  15. Cliché ALERT


    I'd rather Martins was getting into the positions in the first place to miss them than not getting there at all, like Shola. He'll score some of them.


    I'd rather we got someone better in and people stopped trying to kid themselves that this lad is anything special.  Seriously, there are people that think that this kid is a TOP talent.  It's f****** ludicrous.


    Not having a go at you btw Dave, it just astounds me when I watch this kid play, the reputation he has with some of our fans.


    Were his 17 goals last seasona fluke then? Playing alongside Sibierski and Dyer? God gove me strength. You go and have a look over the goals he has scored for Newcastle and come back and tell me he can't finish.


    His situation reminds me of Adebayor's situation at Arsenal. All my friends who support Arsenal kept telling me he was crap and just like Shola and I kept telling them he just needed to play regularly and I would happily swap Shola for him anyday. They always laughed at me about it.


    This season they're wetting themselves over him the twats. Pisses me off something propa.

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