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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. All you mother f***ers laughing at us buying Martial now you're captaining him FF. :yao:


    Monumental money and risk, but it's paid off.


    Looks very comfortable with both the league and the expectation.


    He's got a nice three man attacking midfield behind him. All very unselfish and creative.


    Fair play man. Fair play.

  2. Victor Moses another one not considered.


    This guy is seemingly always available and we never show interest.


    Even Zaha would add a lot more to our team and he was available this summer for £5 million for goodness sake.



  3. I think what makes the whole thing absolutely sickening is the fact Garde was free at the time, and although he had planned to take the season off, I'm sure he could have been convinced otherwise if we really went for it.


    Even more sickening is the fact we then waited until the summer, when he would have then been ready to come aboard, and then we go and get McClaren then.


    Just shambolic stuff.

  4. Remember the disparaging article claiming Garde didn't get how big the club was, and was asking about art galleries?


    Good old Steve knew the club and the responsibility required though ... yeah.

  5. The club is just so stupid. Even when we were buying cheaper players, we weren't smart enough to get great athletes who weren't necessarily the best footballers yet.


    Think about the number of players that have come over to England, and have done surprisingly well, because of their physical make up.


    We literally have none of these types. Instead, not only do we bring in players that lack physicality and speed, but then we compound it by buying young ones, who do not have the experience or savvy to have mastered how to play to their strengths.





  6. Can't believe the nerve of people championing pardew due to our current predicament.


    I still don't have the level of frustration and anger as I did under that horrible man. mcClaren might bomb, but it will never be as terrible as it was under that joker.

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