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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Really don't like Ramsey. Overplays so much man. Very irritating. Like a kid that always wants to show off.


    Had a chance in the first half where he should have struck it first time but decided to do a Cruyff turn and lost the ball, and just never gets on with things when he should.

  2. Gabrial got one yellow for diving having received a chest bump and another for a petulant kick out when baby didn't get his own way. Deserves to get sent off for the pure stupidity of it all.


    Koscielny got chest bumped. You're not even watching the game!

  3. Really tough to watch that nonsense man. These refs are so incapable of stamping any kind of authority out there.


    As soon as they continued getting close to one another and carrying on after the initial bookings, I would have just sent both off. Go and sort it out in the parking lot.


    Two absolute idiots. Overly sensitive high strung bitchy behaviour.

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