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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. I like Sissoko sometimes. He also annoys me sometimes. I would not cry for Sissoko at all.


    Ultimately if it means one of Aarons or Perez playing one side, and Thauvin on the other. So be it.

  2. It's all over our media, so it looks like Pedro to Chelsea is all but confirmed.


    Not really that surprised, Pedro is the kind of player Mourinho likes. Hardworking winger that will run all game long. Can see him playing lots for them.


    Sad to see him go. I love Pedro.


    He's hard working but will also actually contribute goals and assists. Certainly more than Oscar and Willian would anyway. Very good signing IMO.

  3. Don't get why our own fans are moaning about this so much, yes we do need defenders but we have looked f***ing s*** going forward for about two years now so more players like Thauvin shouldn't be sniffed at.


    Not only am I happy with this, but I would also be fine with another striker as has been rumoured this morning. All good with me.

  4. The whole thing with Thauvin not wanting to track back was more because Biesla played that funky formation where the wide men were essentially wing backs right? From what I remember anyway. That is to say there were no full backs in the system. So it worked like a 3-5-2 would essentially.


    So it's quite different from him playing wide in a standard setup, and just having to track the full back on the other team defensively.

  5. Come on... he hasn't succeeded in England or Italy and he's back in France by 26. It hasn't gone well for the lad.

    The attitude was "look he's gone to a better club, we are useless" but he's on his bike  back to an inferior league only 12 months later. Time for some humble pie.


    Hey pal he's just joined a Champion's League club.


    Probably wanted out of Italy because the fans were showing up to games "blacked up".



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