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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Would this be bye bye Moussa ?

    Doubt it, SM has been loving Moussa recently in interviews and phone ins.


    We know that counts for little. Can't see Thauvin being brought in as a squad player so, assuming we aren't going 4-4-2, he'll play wide right of a 3 in a 4-2-3-1 and I don't think Moussa would cut it in the two. fwiw I do see Wijnaldum dropping into the two when he's up to speed with the premiership and De Jong is fit.

    Could see Sissoko taking the advanced CM spot through the middle and Wijnaldum dropping in with Anita. Thauvin wide right, Aarons wife left when he loses patience with Obertan.


    Could be very effective.


    We should probably play Aarons first, before we start giving his wife games.

  2. So we're about to sign a left footed winger similar in style to Hatem and some people are unhappy?! Why on Earth is that?


    Ecstatic if this comes off. We need pace and direct running out wide, which wasn't really Cabella's style of play.


    If Marseille have insisted on Cabella then that's what it will have to be. Thauvin offers something different that we really lack.


    Nice of Mr. Carr to try and get someone in to replace the thrills Ben Arfa provided. Hopefully this one is not as partial to very heavy meals.

  3. I think its unfair that this lad gets all the blame on here. He was FREE, has got a few goals and assists, and actually wants to play for the club. Where as Cabella and De Jong who cost money and haven't contributed nearly as much as their price tag has justified are given a free ride. I strongly believe if you put Colback in a functioning team like Swansea or Everton, he'd perform quite well.


    He would start. Are you telling me Colback isn't in the same league as the likes of McCarthy, Shelvey, Ki, Besic, Gibson, Barry, Osman, Britton and Cork?


    A few months ago, people were saying how Anita could be a useful "cog" with the right players around him. That's how I see Colback. With the right players around him, he could do an effective job of spraying the ball around and winning tackles.



    Craziness.  :lol:

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