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Everything posted by merlin

  1. Regardless of any excuses, we need to win this game - end of..
  2. A deserved win - much better movement from the players and they seem fitter now. HBA was star of the show, really taking their defence apart at times ; to their credit, Villa rarely resorted to fouling him but there is no doubt that some of the top teams WILL do so if he causes them similar problems, because they know they can get away with it...look at what happened at Man City with de Jong... Debuchy much better today but he wasn't subject to too much pace and that is what undoes him..Sissoko and Remy also did well, the latter giving us some danger down the left to match HBA on the other side. Wonder about Remy's fitness over the medium term though, and we are stuffed if HBA gets injured because Cisse is doing nothing - looks like a striker whose confidence is shot to pieces and we are going to rue the fact that the club failed to get a decent forward in the summer. Colo and MYM were good at the back apart from losing Benteke for their goal as was Santon who did not have to come forward as much because Remy was attacking that side. A win that was encouraging in that the players looked up for it and moved far more fluently off the ball....now vital to get a win against Hull because tougher tests lie ahead.
  3. merlin

    Alan Pardew

    Foolish to say that Pardew has suddenly become a transformed manager because of today's result - we have had false dawns at Villa before, winning there last season and in 2011/12 when we played the best football of that season during that game..for some reason we seem to have a bit of an Indian sign on them at Villa Park or maybe they are rabbits for our set-up. That is not to take anything away from the performance today because it was a deserved win over the 90 mins. For me, the biggest difference seems to be the overall fitness and movement in the players so maybe the fitness coach coming in has made some difference to that. Pardew asked to be judged over the Fulham and W Ham games, then changed the criteria to the next 8 games......we shall see, but I will not make a decision on the side until Christmas. It will take a great deal for me to change my views on the manager.
  4. What Lee and Shearer are really saying - if you read between the lines - is that the club is finished as a major player in English football...and European football at that. Both of them imply by their comments, that Ashley is there for many years and that people are getting disillusioned...Andy Cole also hinted at that with his comments. They all cannot see the club ever returning to what it was in the 90s and it is hard to disagree with that. If Ashley remains at the club for another 3 years it will be very hard for anyone to improve it once he goes because there will be too much of a gap between NUFC and probably 10 other clubs ; football does not stand still and we are getting left further behind all the time - supporters are becoming more and more fed up which will eventually mean falling interest so I agree with what the former stars have said. Lee's point about players not wanting to join the club is especially important because the team will never improve if better players are not interested....not that Ashley is interested in competing for top players..... People are just going to have to be satisfied with being a non-entity as far as the PL is concerned if the status quo remains. If attendances start to fall in a meaningful way - which they will if there are further humiliations by the owner and management - the club will head down the same road as Sheffield Wednesday, once a major force , but now unlikely ever to regain their former status. All empires eventually fall and in the footballing sense, NUFC is just as subject to that reality as any country was or is......the club has been very fortunate to retain the loyalty and forbearance of so many fans for so long.
  5. merlin

    John Beresford

    Domi not a patch on Bez and Bernard not as good either. For me, only Enrique comes close as he was a better defender. In fact, had he not had so many injuries I reckon Robbie Elliot would have been the best LB since Kennedy and he certainly was the best local LB in years.
  6. I wonder if Josef Goebels is now working for NUFC and SD? It would seem so. Judging by the success Ashley has had at lowering expectations, it would seem you are right, BG.. Goebels theory was that if you repeated a lie often enough, even a big lie, most people would start to believe it......Ashley has persuaded quite a high percentage of NUFC fans that they should be grateful that the club is in the PL, cannot match the likes of Norwich and Southampton in the transfer market, and should be satisfied with people like Kinnear and Pardew running the playing side/transfers... The words 'King's', 'New' and 'clothes' come to mind....
  7. The main difference between then and now is that the Magpie Group had an alternative potential owner to get behind and their champion was John Hall. We don't have a John Hall to get behind. The closest we got was "Two-Bob" Barry Moat who the banks wouldn't accept as a potential owner without guarantees from Ashley Exactly right - I was a part of the Group and it would never have worked if we didn't have SJH's momey behind us as well as his commitment. So far, nobody has emerged to act as a figurehead and backed that with the necessary dosh. Once someone does, then is the time to get behind them provided that they DO have the necessary means As I said earlier, it took a man with millions to shift McKeag but it will take a man with billions to shift Ashley and put the club in the top echelon of the PL.
  8. People are fooled because they want to be, we all want everything to be perfect and live in hope that things will turn out for the best. I told my wife to cancel my season ticket when we appointed Kinnear and thought that she had until I was handed a season ticket a week before the season started. In a way I'm glad that she didn't cancel it but I'm thinking about what to do in February when its decision time again. I know Ashley has and will again take the p*ss and I honestly don't know what to do because other than the football, I like going to the match. What I don't like doing is contributing to our current plight and I know I'm doing that if I renew. In a way, I wish it was a financial decision where I was struggling to pay for the ticket but it's not and that makes it more difficult. It's dead easy for you to say that some cannot or will not face it because you're miles away and don't really have a choice. For people in or around the area it's not easy because they have an attachment to the club. I would back some kind of action as long as it was going to be effective and not just me sitting at home while 50,000 plus still turn up. I would love to see everybody stay outside until after kick-off when we're televised and maybe go in 10 or 15 minutes after the game started or everybody turn away from the pitch and do something symbolic. Staying away is unlikely to work because some will always go and a lot will do it because of some kind of super fan mentality. They seen to think they're better than others who don’t go simply because they do go. You can see it on here and everywhere else, we have some fans that have no foresight, they can’t see anything more long term than today. I agree with some of what you say and I know how difficult it is - you should remember, when saying I am miles away, that I am not advocating anything I hadn't already done myself because as I keep reminding people I refused to buy a ST during the Magpie Group campaign until McKeag had gone - that took 4 years so I had to stomach not going but I knew it would be worth it - and it was. That is the ONLY thing you can cling to, but with Ashley being even MORE of a pi--taker than McKeag, I wouldn't have the slightest difficulty in not going now were I in the UK.
  9. merlin

    Alan Pardew

    Definitely possible, depending on who was the buyer....I think that he would only be manager for a short period if any sale occurred in mid-season and his main role would be as DOF after a new manager was appointed.
  10. That's the bottom line at the end of the day. We needed at least two more players to make the squad capable of aiming for the top 6 and we didn't get them. Even if they arrive in January it might well be another season written off. Again. This is the crux of the whole problem - Ashley is ducking and diving over transfers, doing deals in Jan to try to get ST commitment whilst not strengthening the team enough to progress it. He's relying on people being fooled every time and as long as they keep coughing up, he'll keep doing it. The answer is simple but some cannot or will not face it.
  11. merlin

    Alan Pardew

    I think you're missing the point. Sure, we're not spending next seasons inflated money. I get that. Why though can't we spend this seasons? What we spend in January was surely last seasons because we spent almost nowt the summer before, so where's that gone? In fact, over the last 5 years we have a net spend of 0. Behind every other club in the league. Here, have a look: http://www.transferleague.co.uk/league-tables/transfer-league-table-last-five-seasons.html We're not spending any of our TV money ever, so what gives you the remotest confidence that Ashley is going to do anything other than trouser next years as well? Well he does own the club and he can trouser as much money as he wants. Its his money after the fans hand it over. If you dont like the product he provides dont buy it. Its as simple as that. A football club is not the same as any other business! Its a cultural institution that has represented the city of Newcastle for over 100 years. It has been part of some peoples entire lives and is much more than a 'if you don't like it don't spend your money.' Newcastle United is not Mike Ashley's regardless of if he owns it or not. Unfortunately not true: it is absolutely his and he can do with it what he wants. This is exactly what he has been doing and will continue to do so. As with any other company, unhappy customers could cause a change in the running of the company. That is the only solution.... but as long as people show up regardless he has no need to change. I don't think you understand. We are not customers, we are supporters. Get real - you are giving him your money and as such, are a customer - you may call yourself a supporter if it makes you feel good(or justifies what you do), but like it or not, you are a customer of Sports Direct when you buy ANYTHING Ashley is selling.
  12. This is just self-justifying defeatist stuff - plenty of reasons I could give why, but I can't be bothered - you are just plain wrong. Why not just say you think everyone who wants to take action by boycotting STs, merchandise etc is 'letting down the lads' because you want to go to games yourself? As for people who live overseas, this comment just shows the depth of your parochialism - exactly why major international buyers view NUFC fans with suspicion because your comment reflects suspicion of anyone who lives South of the Tyne, never mind abroad. I live abroad and am quite happy to say that I also would boycott NUFC until Ashley was gone - for your info, I and many others did just that back in 1988-92 in order to increase the financial pressure on McKeag during the Magpie Group takeover..it finally worked too but I have also spent thousands on STs etc before and after that period. I am sure clubs with REAL ambition, like Man U, Man C, Arsenal, Spurs etc do not have supporters who rubbish the views of their overseas fans, many of whom they actively court for merchandise sales. You need to get out more mate....
  13. There WAS another buyer though, and the reason is that Liverpool had a recent record of success - that will always attract people who want a PL football club. NUFC is supposedly in a better state financially than they were, but because the club is seen as a comedy show, nobody is rushing to buy it but they will when it suits their purpose... That's right so comparing Liverpool's situation to ours favourably doesn't make sense then, because of their success they are a worldwide brand, a point made earlier in this thread. That's why if we are going to compare ourselves to another club, it would be closer to Everton. Maybe closer, but Everton will never have NUFC's gate potential...they are seen as the second club in Liverpool, 3rd if you accept Bill Shankly's famous quote..! Problem is that with Ashley in charge, the club's attraction to potential buyers is going to decline because eventually, there WILL be a boycott...perhaps not an organised one, but many will just stop going.
  14. There WAS another buyer though, and the reason is that Liverpool had a recent record of success - that will always attract people who want a PL football club. NUFC is supposedly in a better state financially than they were, but because the club is seen as a comedy show, nobody is rushing to buy it but they will when it suits their purpose...
  15. We need three quality players and a new manager to be a good side on paper? And that's a good thing? Well considering most teams could do with an extra player or two I think we could be worse off. On paper I meant we could be a top 6 or 7 team which is realistic imo. The manager has been tanked many times but also gave us the 4-4 Arsenal comeback, the Chelski drubbing and games where we played Man United off the park. Back on the subject of Mike, the one thing I am grateful to him for was buying us when he did as we could have ended up like Rangers, Leeds or a Coventry otherwise. Pathetic - if most of the fans are like you, they deserve the crap set up they have now. Grateful..!!! Grow a pair.
  16. There have been a FEW worse owners than Ashley but only Liverpool's duo of Hicks and Gillett bear real comparison because NUFC and Liverpool are similar clubs in their support, both actual and potential...perhaps Randy Lerner also, because Villa also have decent support potential. In my view, neither Hicks/Gillett or Lerner have been anywhere NEAR as bad as Ashley at running a major football club ; you can punt Ashley's financial stats until you are blue in the face because despite their handling of Liverpool in that respect, they won things and Liverpool was snapped up by a consortium who are now seeing the benefits of their player investment strategy coupled with ambition. Lerner also has, in a lesser way, shown more ambition than Ashley and stuck by Lambert after giving MON enough rope to hang himself, unlike Ashley who bulleted Hughton when the club was mid-table in its first season back in the PL and appointed a manager with a proven record of failure at 3 other clubs. A PL football club is NOT - repeat, NOT - about finances...sensible running of the club, yes(unlike Shepherd) but the product of a successful club is judged by its performances on the field ; in that respect, NUFC is LIGHT YEARS away from its standing in the game even 10 years ago and despite some of the decline being due to Shepherd's decisions, Ashley is the major culprit... Performances on the field - FAIL Attractiveness of football - FAIL Commercial performance - FAIL when compared to 15 years ago Attractiveness of club to Top players - FAIL Happiness of Fans - FAIL(far less people now interested in having STs) Status of the club nationally - FAIL(we are a laughing stock) I could go on, but this is the situation - how anyone can say that we shouldn't change owners because we might get a worse one is like saying you shouldn't re-marry after a bitter divorce because you might get a worse partner. Life is a lottery and for every BAD football club owner, there are several good ones ; Liverpool, Chelsea, Arsenal(yes, even them too)Spurs, Villa, Norwich, Southampton, Swansea etc etc...all have better owners than NUFC because they CARE about their clubs. Ashley doesn't give 2 stuffs and that alone makes him the worst owner in the PL. He may have run a tight ship, but even tight ships needed a dose of fruit to stop the sailors dying..... For me, he's got to go because its no worse than a 50/50 chance we would get a worse owner and probably at least a 60/40 that we would get a better one. Until anyone finally sticks the money down, though, Ashley and the fans are like a married couple who want to divorce but can't because they can't sell the house...mainly because they are asking too much for it..!
  17. I know you said £200m at the very least, but I honestly think it would need to be someone with many times more than that. Buying the club is one thing, you then have to be able to fund it to a higher level than it is now. Someone who can just about buy the club isn't what we need, it needs to be small change to them. An extreme example I know but I really shudder to think where we'd be if Ashley had sold out to Barry Moat - an enthusiastic owner no doubt but that "pieced together" finance package of his was so small time. I've said this before but it remains the case - it took a man with millions to get rid of McKeag but it will take a man with billions to get rid of Ashley. People like that ARE out there, but they won't deal with Ashley until he is on a weaker wicket, i.e. the club starts struggling either at the turnstiles or on the field. One could follow the other.. Remember, Ashley went to Dubai and played Roulette instead of meeting Mansour...people interested in the club will not have forgotten about that.....
  18. merlin

    John Beresford

    Beresford was a far better defender than Santon is - Enrique was a better defender than Beresford but not as good coming forward.
  19. They claim they can't get any contact with him, then say he's not looking to sell - how do they know, in that case..?? Ashley is NEVER going to say he is 'looking to sell'...why would he, it only reduces the bids he would get from interested buyers.
  20. It does make you wonder, if he's so disillusioned about Newcastle and wants to sell up, why he is wanting to buy another football club with equally partisan supporters? If he gets called a cockney c*** here, I doubt the jibes will be any less cutting if the Scots take a disliking to him. World wide exposure due to Scottish diaspora - loads of Scottish families/descendants in Oz, US, NZ etc etc. Rangers have a MUCH bigger world-wide fan base than NUFC currently. Also, less spend due to lack of serious competition in the SPL, only Celtic to worry about, CL football amost guaranteed every year...fans up there happy as long as they don't finish second EVERY year. Plenty of business reasons for him wanting Rangers.....
  21. Only a boycott of EVERYTHING connected to the club will have any effect - fans need to stay AWAY from Sports Direct, not buy ANY merchandise at club shops and most of all, CANCEL STs.....it needs large gaps to appear in the stadium especially for normally sold-out games(in which we usually lose anyway)to have any effect on Ashley or even the National media who would then have to comment on it. Wishy washy half measures won't work - Ashley has declared war on the fans, let him have his war but do it with finance...the ONLY thing he cares about. Otherwise, continue to get second-rate teams and performances - if that's what you are happy with, good luck because there won't be any change for at least 2 years.
  22. merlin

    Yohan Cabaye retires

    I agree about Tiote - he was a revelation when he first arrived, a player we have needed for years but I reckon Pardew's management has ruined him. IF we got a better manager both he AND Anita could play a role in away games. If he went to a better-managed club I am sure he would do well again.
  23. What happens next ? Scratching around for more 1-0 wins a'la Fulham interspersed with some clattering defeats, esp away from home. Possible change of ownership is the only thing we can look forward to and even if that happened, we have to limp on until the next transfer window and probably until next summer. Injuries are the key - lose Colo, HBA and Remy.Cabaye for long periods(esp Colo)and the descent down the table will be rapid. IF they stay fit, we should just manage to keep out of the bottom 4 by May. Another wasted season, basically.
  24. The window was par for the course - how anyone expects Ashley to start spending real money on improving the side when he has continually rubbed fans' noses in the dirt and shown no interest in the club other than as an Ad vehicle for his tat business, is a mystery to me. He was dragged kicking and screaming to the transfer market in Jan purely because he was going to lose money if the club went down and that will also have infuriated him because he hates doing things he has set his mind on NOT doing. As has been said, he is a cancer on the club and most people never ever completely recover from cancer - the fact that NUFC sit - proudly, by Ashley's standards - at the very BOTTOM of the transfer spend this window has made the club a laughing stock and it now sits below the likes of Southampton and Norwich as clubs with ambition. There is NO hope until someone with more ambition for the club than this guy buys it out - until then, the fans have it in their OWN hands to withhold from Ashley that which he holds most dear.....their money.
  25. Well done - too many just talk about it and don't do it. You'll see you were right in the end.....
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