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Posts posted by ianovthetoon

  1. The Guardian piece is just like the rest of the shite in the press recently - speculation.  There's a fair chance there is some wrangling over finance, but the precarious nature of our finance she is describing is basically the wage bill, which is common knowledge. I've no doubt Ashley is clinging on for dear life in the hope he can squeeze a few more quid out of someone, but there will come a point where Keith Harris tells him to sell or stop wasting his time. The fees charged by SP won't be cheap, and if Ashley decides to stay or drags it out, Keith Harris will still need to be paid.


    If he can't sell, he needs to have a plan, which he blatantly won't. He'll just give Kinnear the job, we'll sign all the dregs no one wants and lose players like Taylor, Beye who would stay and fight tooth and nail for he club with Shearer in charge. Would would be farcicial is if he can't sell and offers Shearer the job a few days before the start of the season. If that happened I don't think he'd accept.


    My common sense tells me that as he clearly doesn't want the club, he will sell sooner rather than later. If he delays any further he could end up in a situation where he has to give it away under the condition someone takes on the debt. Thing is we're dealing with a man worth far more money than we could collectively expect to see in two lifetimes, who is acting like a spoilt child who hasn't got his own way. I'd hate to see how he'd treat Sports Direct should they decide they no longer want him at the helm. He took a gamble, it failed, he gave a half cocked apology after relegation. If he meant a word of any of that, he'd sell the club to whoever can take it forward, and walk away trousering a fair few million quid, still the kind of money we'd never see in our lifetimes, even if it's not the £100M he wants.


    Alover as in, Harper not happy, fans not happy, no sale yet, Ashley being honest, wants £100mill no more no less, no bidder has paid that asmount

    I  now have no doubts that Ashley has no intention of selling NUFC and that he will put the club into administration if and when it suits him.


    How would he benefit from that?


    I think the land is worth more than the club


    Not really as there is a stipulation in the lease with the council that it must be used as a sports ground. So unless one of the other local teams is getting taken over by Bill Gates there's nothing to gain by trying to sell the land.

  3. Nothing new really, from .com


    A United Ireland?


    Having been the victim of a recent hoax bid involving some mackem clown, the weekend brought claims that former mackem owners were attempting to put together a bid for Newcastle United.


    Irish bar owner and former member of the Drumaville group who owned the mackems) Charlie Chawke said:


    "We’re putting a syndicate hopefully together to do just that (bid for Newcastle). We had a great time in Sunderland. We got seven Irish people and one English person together with a syndicate and we succeeded in acquiring Sunderland.


    “We had three great years there but unfortunately we’re gone now. It’s sold out to an American and we’re looking for options and Newcastle is a very viable option at the moment.


    “We’re thinking about possibly the same as we had in Sunderland, about eight people maybe, depending on what money we can get. It’s a great club, it houses 52,000 people. It’s a great city, Newcastle.”


    Basically that seems to amounts to no more than wishful thinking - or Freddy Shepherd's position, with added blarney....


    Meanwhile the Singapore-based Profitable Group continue to be credited with interest in buying Newcastle, although their habit of commenting publicly is starting to look like a desperate attempt to appear credible.


    However it's been privately claimed that representatives of the group met with Mike Ashley in London - something that Profitable are yet to publicly confirm or deny.

  4. There's a number of reasons why this(the irish interest) would be a non-starter.


    1. Cash. The consortium who bought Sunderland paid £10M and the largest investor only paid about £2M for his shares. This time round, each consortium member would have to pledge £12.5M each to buy the club and probably the same again each to kick on, get promoted etc. I'd find it hard to believe that this guy could find enough people willing to do this.


    2. Time. Given the fact this consortium would have links to the unwashed, as soon as we had a bad run, the mong brigade would be almost immediately on their backs. This would be unsettling for the players, so we'd not be in much better a position than we are now.


    3. Plan. When the Paddies took over Sunderland, I think I'm right in saying Niall Quinn was procative in putting the whole thing together, primarily because of his affinity with the club. They had in mind to bring a manager in who would help win promotion at the first attempt, and after the disastrous start with Quinn as manager, they won the league. So far the plan for Charlie Chawke is to get 8 or so investors together and it will all work out well. They would need a figurehead for the bid, someone with sound knowledge of running a club, or at least some affinity with the club ala Quinn at Sunderland.


    4. Bollocks. I'm in no doubt that positive noises were made when he enquired about purchasing the club. Those noises would have been along the lines of come back when you have the £100M secured and we'll go from there. If the media is to be believed, all interested parties had to show they had the £100M before they could be considered for due dilligence.


    Like the profitable group, these are just chancers who have gained a few more inches in the press than they would normally get. It won't make any difference to how quickly or slowly the club is sold, because the serious bidders have maintained the required silence brought upon by the non-disclosure agreement. The fact there's not even been a credible rumour for a couple of days could actually be encouraging, as it might mean that the winning bidder is tying up all the legalities behind the sale before it is announced.

  5. A guy I work with (never been one to talk shite or claimed to be in ITK) has passed on some information that is not really new but may shed light on why everything has come to a standstill.


    Apparently there have been 3 bids in excess of £100M, however Ashley would only trouser about half of that amount as the bids include paying outstanding transfer fees, undertaking the overdraft etc. Ashley isn't too keen on playing ball as he wants to gain £100M himself, meaning in reality he really wants about £150M.


    Seymour Pierce have allegedly named the Asian Consortium as the preferred bidder, as they offer the best options in terms of stability and future investment, however they also offer Ashley a worse option in what he would gain in cash. Shepherd's consortium apparently offer the best deal for Ashley in relation to what he would gain, but only by about £10M, and would also leave Shepherd and Co to pay off some transfer fees. Interestingly, the Asians (No clarification was given whether or not these were Malaysian or not) also have a local businessman as part of their consortium, and he would likely be their figurehead if their bid came to fruition. They would almost certainly put Shearer in charge, and he would be given a modest transfer budget, but also be allowed to spend any incoming fees. The business plans of all 3 bids are based on promotion this season. Ashley believes he can force at least one of the group's hands to stump up a little extra cash, and has told Seymour Pierce this, who have advised him he's unlikely to be offered more than he already has, and to run with one of the 3 offers. He doesn't want to do business with Shepherd though, although it's looking increasingly likely that he might have to.


    As I said only what I've been told, sounds quite plausible and was apparently from someone at Barclays

  6. http://www.sportspromedia.com/notes_and_insights/_a/newcastle_united_malaysian_takeover_moves_ever_closer/?utm_source=Feeds&utm_campaign=Notes+And+Insights&utm_medium=rss


    More bollocks, they even claim Ashley has said he will look at FFS' £60M offer. Why bother if you've got 2 of £100M


    In relation to the Ronnie's Article, never mind Llambias not going to the friendlies, I doubt we'd see him within 5 mile of SJP on a match day should the sale not materialise.


    It really is a joke, you'd think the FA, if not certainly the PFA would come out publicly demanding to know what the fuck is going on

  7. BBC Gossip got in on now


    ;D ;D ;D


    I know it's highly unlikely, but what if this turned out to be true, someone on Skunkers would then have mystic powers


    Mind there's more chance of  :kinnear: the way things stand

  8. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1198448/Newcastle-owner-Ashley-hopes-clinch-100m-deal-days.html?ITO=1490

    Newcastle owner Ashley hopes to seal £100m sale this week


    Last updated at 11:36 PM on 08th July 2009


    Newcastle owner Mike Ashley is optimistic he can sell the club by the end of this week, with Malaysian billionaire Ananda Krishnan favourite to seal a £100m deal.


    The reclusive Krishnan has twice sent his advisers to Tyneside to complete due diligence of the troubled club.




    This lot are only just reading Wikipedia. :lol:





    It would be hilarious if tomorrow's headlines surround a Hong Kong takeover and quote these texts word for word!!!!!!


    Nationals having a wankfest over it, although  I was taken in by it when I first saw it!!!

  9. But how did he fake the American's?  Hire some random white blokes and put baseball caps on them?


    Got a load of 20 Stone plus blokes and told them there was an as much as you can eat Buffet on in the Platinum Club

  10. :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:


    And I thought this would be the week we got some news. I bet Ashley's writing his programme notes for the Reading home game as we speak, whilst :kinnear: writes out his teamsheet for the West Brom Match

  11. Come on you blades


    Our man in the bushes reports helicopter activity in the Benton area today (Tuesday) with a chopper landing at the training ground - also spotted by others at the city heliport on the banks of the Tyne.


    More - or less - as we get it.






    Michael Owen coming back for his boots  :facepalm:

  12. I'd like to think we can take Shearer's silence on the whole affair as good enough reason to suggest he knows far more than is in the public domain. Undoubtedly he's going to have been asked for his opinion on the whole affair, but he has chosen to maintain a dignified silence, as has the likes of Dowie etc.


    Most likely(hopeful) scenario is that once the preferred bidder is announced, Shearer pretty much assumes control there and then with the blessing of the new owner. We should hopefully see a flurry of transfer activity pretty quickly following this. It's quite interesting to note that a lot of the players Shearer has been linked to have yet to commit their futures anywhere else.


    not been able to follow events closely recently, who are you referring to out of interest?

    according to the press...frasier campbell,ched evans,chris gunter.


    Jermaine Beckford who everyone seems to think is a shoo-in. It might be a case of putting 2 and 2 together and coming up with 8 but it just seems that the silence from Shearer is strange given how much he wants the job.


    With Hughton following Shearer's instructions in relation to the training camp as well. And most of the pre-season friendlies were arranged by Shearer if the press are to be believed. I think the fact that very little has been said by players who may want away should Shearer not be appointed manager too, the likes of Taylor and Beye. There was little bits in the press when the away strip was launched, but no direct quotes attributed to them. I know the sale and purchase of players is pretty much on hold at the minute, but if any players wanted away desperately enough I'm sure they could engineer one through derisory comments in the media etc..

  13. I'd like to think we can take Shearer's silence on the whole affair as good enough reason to suggest he knows far more than is in the public domain. Undoubtedly he's going to have been asked for his opinion on the whole affair, but he has chosen to maintain a dignified silence, as has the likes of Dowie etc.


    Most likely(hopeful) scenario is that once the preferred bidder is announced, Shearer pretty much assumes control there and then with the blessing of the new owner. We should hopefully see a flurry of transfer activity pretty quickly following this. It's quite interesting to note that a lot of the players Shearer has been linked to have yet to commit their futures anywhere else.

  14. Why say 'more than two' btw? How many, three? Eighteen? :lol:


    And why is it still in the hands of lawyers? If the asking price has been met then surely all that remains is for one of them to be chosen. ???


    Could be that the lawyers are drawing up the neccesary paperwork for the deal to go through, I'd be fairly optimistic that there will be some news later in the week on the back of this

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