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Posts posted by ianovthetoon

  1. Fingers crossed, but I don't understand how they can speak to the media so often with that clause  :undecided:


    I think the clause only really stops them from divulging confidential financial information regarding the club. I would think any prospective buyers can shout as loud as they want as long as they don't say anything about what is in the club's books. They have said they'd made a bid, but have still fallen short of saying how much that bid is for

  2. I reckon the profitable group will likely end up with the club. My gut feeling is that they won't be in it for the long haul though.


    As they are an investment company, they will be looking for a return on their investment. I reckon they'll buy us, look to get promotion within the first year, or perhaps budget for a second year with the calamity that Ashley has created. This will likely take modest investment, along with monies recouped from transfer fees of the big earners (Collocini, Martins etc)


    Phase 2 of their plan would probably be for a reasonable investment on the playing side of the club, aiming for a finish in the top ten within two seasons back in the premiership. With this achieved they would look to sell the club lock stock and barrel for a princely return ontheir investment. If they can get the club for £70M and inject the same amount over 3-4 years they could probably look to make the same £70M in profit.


    I reckon the obvious sticking point is the cash. They've offered this alleged £70M which is short of Ashley's asking price. This probably includes taking on the OD and liabilities (outstanding transfer fees), but won't take into account the £100M "loan" given to the club by Ashley. I think it's fair to say he's going to lose that.


    Of course a lot has been said about the profitable group's interest in property development etc, but the land owned by the club is likely worth a few bob given the science park development across the road, and we may see some plans they have for this. Once back in the premiership, they may even plan to extend the gallowgate end as this would add to the club's value.


    They may even be interested in developing land to enhance the prospects of the 2018 world cup bid, as they could earn money off the back of that too. As an investment company they will look to make money from us for sure, and if they were here for the long haul I'm sure they would be hawking us around as some kind of marketing tool (You can just see Shearer in the ads having a cup of tea with Macca and Robbo!!), and not only will this increase their revenue, but I'm sure they would hope owning an established English Football Club would enhance their reputation as well. It's been said hundreds of times you can't make money from a successful football club, but you could make money off the back of one.


    Getting the club for £70M would be a cracking bit of business for them. Ashley could have got £200M when we were languishing in the bottom half last year. A bit of a cull, investment and new ideas all over the business from people who know about the sport would do us the world of good. There have been quotes attributed to McMahon saying they won't be "doing a Man City", but look at the premiership and there's only really Chelsea and Man U(to an extent) that could match this. It would be fab if that had of been us, but what happens when the bubble bursts and the Russians and Arabs take their money away. The business model at both clubs would be unsustainable. Man U are up to their necks in debt and should be ok as they are managing to service their debts from their huge turnover. One possible issue for them could be the post Ferguson effect. One wrong managerial choice which sees them finish outside the top two regularly, or even the top four would be disastrous.


    Things happen in spikes, and just like Liverpool dominated in the 80's, their bubble burst. Back then there wasn't as much money at stake and Liverpool had a few finishes outside the top 6. If that happened at Man U now because of the money involved and their debt it would be very very difficult. I'm not saying let's run the club similarly to Ashley, but with open honest management of where the club is going, a man who we can trust such as Shearer at the helm and some entertainment we'd be happy with year on year improvement. At the end of the day going to a match as painful as it has been in recent times is about being entertained.


    Problem is I thought they only showed farces in the Theatre!!

  3. Hey guys, Just got a text. Press conference at 3pm apprently. Anyone else heard similar?


    Fingers crossed.



    Just seen Gianluca Vialli in Shearer's Bar, must be linked, eh?  :laugh2:

  4. If Lambsarse thought that was abuse, imagine the reception he'll get at St James Park against Reading if we still have no manager and the club isn't sold.


    Not his problem to be honest, he doesn't own the club, he's just employed by the club.


    Very true, but he's employed by Mike Ashley, and as the "leader" of the club and only likely representative of the Ashley regime to be present, I'm sure he'd get it. It's fair to say Mike Ashley has retreated to hermit mode, and I just couldn't see a way back for him even if he decided not to sell. It's clear he doesn't want to relinquish any more of his precious cash, and if he stayed he'd just gamble that there was enough quality already here to see us ok.


    We are lead to believe Alan Shearer presented him with a realistic way to approach this season, he clearly didn't want to do this, for whatever reason and the protracted nature of the proceedings has diminished his already poor standing amongst the fans. Even if Ashley now appointed Shearer and decided to make a good go at promotion this year, I can't see how he could regain the trust of the fans. He's had since the end of May to make that decision, and to do it now, almost 2 months on without any real news as to what's going on would make people wary of his agenda, although Shearer would, I guess go some way to help unite the club and the fans.



  5. The quote "realistic bid" suggests that it's nowhere near the £100M asking price. However if they can justify their value to the Bankers and no one else has bid anywhere near, Ashley might say yes.

  6. Lad i was playing golf with on sunday saw Shearer at the David Lloyd gym last week and Shearer told him he was getting pissed off at the delay, still wanted the job tho despite the delay(blowing the story in the Sun out the water) but hadn't heard anything from Ashley/Llambias for SIX weeks.........

    I dont believe that Shearer would say anything to anyone about the situation.


    I agree. Friend of mine saw him at Newcastle Airport a few weeks back and whilst he acknowledged him when he said hello, he blanked him as soon as he mentioned takeover. I still have this faint hope that Alan knows more than he is letting on

  7. If the situation is as John Gibson says it is, then how the fuck does Llambias get away with those blatant lies about 2 bids over £100m having been made?  And also, why the fuck would you lie like that?  What a dick.


    I guess he can say what he likes thanks to the non-disclosure agreements. It's not as though anyone can come out and say Derek's talking shite, although I'd imagine that's what could happen once any prospective buyers pull out

  8. I still think the interested parties must be negotiating and be still interested. I'm pretty sure if their enthusiasm had waned at all, at least one would have blabbed to the press as to why they were no longer interested

  9. Worrying if true...... but it is by wheyse keyse Louise


    Alan Shearer remains "completely in the dark" about whether he will eventually be installed as manager at Newcastle United. Despite a source close to ongoing efforts to sell the Championship club revealing that a takeover may not happen this summer after all, Shearer has still not been contacted by anyone connected with Newcastle. :facepalm:


    With at least two interested consortiums seemingly developing cold feet at the due diligence stage no takeover is imminent. Although it is still possible new owners could be installed before the transfer window closes at the end of August, attempts to complete a sale appear hindered by the fact that Newcastle are managerless and stuck in a state of limbo under the caretaker stewardship of Chris Hughton.


    While players are threatening to mutiny if Shearer is not appointed swiftly, the stasis means no new signings have been made this summer and, hugely importantly, high earners have not been offloaded from the club's £65m annual wage bill. Such remuneration obligations are understood to be deterring purchasers.


    "Alan is completely in the dark," said a source close to Shearer. The concern is, that with every managerless day that passes, Newcastle lose opportunities to sell players ill-equipped for the Championship and sign those suited to the rigours of their new division.


    Yet Mike Ashley, Newcastle's owner – who will need to slash his £100m asking price is to have any hope of forcing a quick sale through – has hitherto resisted the temptation to hire a manager before new owners are found. In the hope that he soon changes tack, Shearer has persuaded the BBC to keep his job as a football pundit open for a little longer as the impasse continues.


    "Alan is in talks with the BBC at the moment," explained a source. "He currently has one year left on his contract with them and they want to keep him but they also know how much he loves Newcastle and are being extremely understanding."


    Shearer's chances of returning to the post he occupied for eight weeks at the end of last season appeared to be boosted when Newcastle today denied that Joe Kinnear, the former England captain's short term predecessor, was on his way back to Tyneside.


    Late yesterday there were suggestions that Ashley had handed the job to Kinnear but a rare club statement said: "Reports that Joe Kinnear is to be appointed Newcastle manager are not true."


    The 62-year-old, whose tenure was cut short by the need for a triple heart bypass last February from which he has now fully recovered, would not have been a popular choice with Newcastle fans.


    Kinnear further aggrieved them at the weekend when he poured cold water on Shearer's credentials in the Irish press. "Alan has been a phenomenal player but he's never been in management or coaching,' he said.


    "The whole of Newcastle wanted Alan Shearer though and they got him. They have delusions of grandeur. They want someone who can put together a winning run on a regular basis."


    Kinnear also revealed he had urged Ashley to allow him to work alongside Shearer at the end of the season but that Newcastle's owner told him that specialists decreed it would disrupt his convalescence and could wreck his health.


    "When I went into hospital we were 13th with 13 games left," said Kinnear. "It [avoiding relegation] was looking an absolute doddle. We were on a great run."


    Newcastle won just four of his 20 games in charge and one of Shearer's eight at the helm.

  10. True or not, the situation in the Guardian article is basically our worst nightmare and something which is looking more and more likely with each passing day - potential buyers scared off when they see the books and drifting into the new season with no players, effectively no owner and effectively no manager.


    Have said it somewhere in this thread, you can't be asking for a 100m for a club that costs 20m every 3 months to run (as is).


    He (MA) is either greedy or doesn't want to sell.

    I think he's greedy and now doesnt give a s*** what happens to the club.  I've a feeling he'd rather run us into the ground and asset strip than he would accept a lower price



    If the club is run into the ground then any 'asset stripping' will go to pay creditors ie outstanding transfers, banks etc as well as Ashleys loan. Its a long drawn out and utterly pointless exercise which no sane person would chose over simply selling and and cutting whatever losses he has now.


    To start off saying he is greedy then summerising he prefers to take a massive loss is a strange conclusion

    I mean he'll asset strip first.


    NOt sure what these assets are?


    Other than players what exactly do you think he can sell? :kasper:




    he could re-name 'shearer's' as 'ashley's'  :kasper:


    He could flog Shearer's bar I guess, although as a parting shot it wouldn't surprise me if he tried to take the lease on the club shop and rebrand it as Sports Direct

  11. Not to go poking the wasps nest here, but what evidence do we have that Ashley is being unreasonable? Isn't it possible that the bidders are themselves trying to negotiate the best deal possible and won't meet his evaluation?


    Again, I'm not saying this is what I think, just putting it out there as a possibility as I haven't seen any evidence that Ashley is being more of a dick than usual.


    Lack of communication between board and players to the extent that the players have now broken ranks shows unreasonableness of boardroom. Unwillingness to appoint Shearer despite everyone wanting him is unreasonable.


    Yeah it looks increasingly likely that Shearer was quite blunt in his assessment of Ashley's tenure at the club. Wouldn't surprise me if Shearer laid most of the blame for relegation at his feet, which struck a nerve, hence the sale of the club, and perhaps why he refuses to appoint him as manager. Given that the season is only just over 3 weeks from the start it makes no sense to block any movement in or out of the club.


    If the stories keep building up about disenchantment from the players, perhaps they should take their cases to the PFA. As the players' union, they should be able to get some answers from the club's hierarchy, even if they're not the answers they'd like to hear. It's completely unacceptable, and I just hope that this has tarnished Ashley's reputation sufficently that it has as damaging effect on his "career" as he has our club

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