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Posts posted by ianovthetoon

  1. Considering the Chronicle denied it earlier, they are now backtracking

    Intriguingly Mr Moat’s secretary said today at Lugano Property Group headquarters in Melbourne Street, Newcastle he was “unavailable” because he was in London.


    He's having Pie and Mash with Joe Kinnear


  2. From NUFC Blog :laugh2:


    Billy Bunter  // Aug 6, 2009 at 11:24 AM


    Lads – sumiks happening – wor D says theres loads of fellas arrived this morning in suits, theres a buzz somthings going on, Im at work down Condy Road – can anyone have a look down Barrack Road to see if they recognise anyone – wor D doesnt know them.


    Probably the fucking Bailiffs!!!!!!


  3. Well the club have yet to deny it, like they did with the profitable group, so you never know....................


    Plus David Craig saying he doesn't think Moat would have the money. That'll be why he's got foreign backing I guess..................

  4. If a few anti Mike Ashley songs inevitably rear their head tomorrow, I think a song or maybe a banner or two should be displayed making it abundantly clear to this knacker that he won't be welcomed back with open arms

  5. I think the Bassong deal, should it go through, will act as a catalyst for the takeover (crosses fingers)


    Whys that then? our best defender on the lowest wages and we cashed in? who we going to get to replace him on those wages?


    yeah but the fee makes it worth while I guess. Total of about £20m for the sale of two players. That amount will possibly cover half of the players wages for the season.


    It's not just a case of cashing in, he's made it quite clear he wanted out. His head has been turned and I doubt we would have got anywhere near the level of performance out of him that we did last year. To get 20 times what we paid for him back in little over 12 months represents good business

  6. Dunno if this has been posted yet:



    Newcastle United takeover a step closer as local millionaire Barry Moat holds talks

    Hopes of a deal to rescue Newcastle United rose on Wednesday night as Tyneside-based businessman Barry Moat held talks with advisers to club owner Mike Ashley aimed at securing a £100 million takeover.



    By Paul Kelso, Chief Sports Reporter

    Published: 6:30AM BST 06 Aug 2009



    With the start of the new Championship season looming, Telegraph Sport can disclose that Moat was in London on Wednesday night holding talks with representatives from investment bank Seymour Pierce, who are handling the sale on Ashley's behalf. Talks are expected to continue on Thursday.


    Sources said that while a deal had not yet been concluded, the negotiations with Moat represented the best "exit strategy" for Ashley, who is facing losses of at least £100 million.


    Moat, an associate of Alan Shearer and an executive box-holder at St James' Park, is the front-runner to buy out Ashley after completing due diligence on the club books in the last week.


    If a deal can be agreed the formal takeover could take several weeks to complete, but crucially it would allow the club to prepare for the new season with some certainty.


    Ashley has set an informal deadline of the end of this week for the takeover, but has approached Joe Kinnear about returning as manager should the deal fall through.


    Should Moat succeed, he is likely to approach Shearer to return to the manager's chair two months after he vacated having failed to keep the club in the Premier League.


    Under the terms of the proposed deal Moat would put in £50 million of his own money and bring in a further £50 million of outside investment to meet Ashley's asking price.


    The source of the external investment remains uncertain, but Moat is understood to be confident that he can secure bank or private equity finance to make up the shortfall.


    Moat has mapped out a vision for the revival of the club based around a new management team, and is hopeful that investors will buy into the prospect of a swift return to the Premier League.


    Due diligence on the club's books has been carried out by corporate lawyer Timothy Smalley.


    Moat has been linked with a possible takeover of the club in the past. A millionaire with diverse business interests across the North East, he has significant property holdings and a development portfolio. He is a director of several telecoms companies offering cheap internet-based call services.


    Should he succeed in pulling off the deal he is likely to be popular with supporters who crave a local owner to take the club forward.


    Despite clearing most of Newcastle's historic debt when he took over, Ashley's apparent disregard for the club's heritage and the reckless decision-making that contributed to relegation have won him only enemies on Tyneside.


    Locally owned and with Shearer at the helm, the club would gain important momentum as they attempt to win promotion at the first attempt.


    A swift return to the Premier League would help alleviate the dire financial consequences of relegation. Newcastle's wage bill stands at more than £65 million, and with Championship revenues likely to be little more than £40 million, the outlook is sobering.


    Agency First Artists has a mandate from Ashley to offload the highest wage-earners, and at the weekend they secured the sale of Obafemi Martins to Wolfsburg, bringing in €10 million (£8.5 million) and knocking up to £3 million off the wage bill.


    Further sales will follow, with Sebastien Bassong likely to depart in the coming days for around £9 million and other well-paid players expected to follow.


    Read that, and as it actually has facts in it, I'll believe it until there's some direct quotes rubbishing it

  7. It's not as though Joe and his pals have portrayed the positives about being Cockney mind is it? The problem is we've been in such a shit situation only the likes of Keegan and Shearer would be given time because of the shite situation we find ourselves in thanks to his Cockney friends. As someone said on 5 live. We don't neccesarily want a Geordie, only someone who knows what they're doing

  8. There's also two major financial incentives for any owner to get us back in the Premeir League at the first pop (Well 3 if you count TV money)


    Sponsorship deal runs out at the end of the season with Northern Rock

    Shirt Deal with Adidas runs out in 2010/11 season


    If we're back in the Premier League, both should be good for a nice windfall towards new players

  9. Having missed all the news yesterday; can someone kindly just summarise what it was Harris actually said re: the sale? I mean, did it appear as pessimistic as the thread title here suggested?

    Well, yeah, it did appear rather pessimistic, but to be fair, the whole show was about clubs debts being too high and that. It was overall a very pessimistic view point of the whole programme and on top of that I don't think Harris could say much else.

    Seems strange though that he said that we definitely won't be sold before the weekend and now this.


    We won't be sold, ie i's dotted and t's crossed, no reason why an announcement couldn't be made beforehand. Hope it does, it will give the players a huge lift for saturday, especially knowing manager in waiting Shearer is watching for the BBC

  10. Well if the so-called Friday deadline exists we should know by this time next week where we stand - either Ashley is staying or we are being sold, simple as that. Puts us out of our misery either way

  11. Taken from yesterdays chronicle......


    And so too has talk of a local consortium with Middle East backing coming in imminently after Tyneside businessman Barry Moat, who has enjoyed a cordial relationship with Ashley in the past, was spotted several times at St James’s Park at the start of last week.


    Moat is one of United’s best corporate customers and renewed his plush executive box last year for a five-year period, with funds then pumped back into the club’s Academy.


    But whilst there was a direct quote about DIC's non involvement, that's pretty much speculation. This too is complete speculation from the press, but it has released the Guy's name, no direct quotes so no confidentiality clauses are broken so it's quite possible there is some mileage in it


    Well let's hope so......


    My only concern would be that he is a friend of Alan Shearer. If AS gets the job and isn't very good at it, will be a bit of a bummer having to give your mate the Spanish Archer

  12. Hmmmmm. Still sceptical. :hmm:


    Well even if this story is true, any deal relies on Ashley accepting the bid. I'd imagine SP have recommended bids before now.




    Still think he'll dig his heels in and hold out for more.


    Seems likely. I can envisage SP pulling out before long though if they're recommending bids and Ashley is ignoring them. Harris sounded thoroughly pissed off with it all to me.


    I doubt it's the amount of the bids that are the sticking point, more likely the terms of payment. Ashley had to pay for his shares upfront as he was buying from numerous shareholders etc, but I would imagine that the consortia who have expressed an interest want to stagger payments etc. They might be prepared to meet his £100M price but are only prepared to pay half up front with the rest when the club is promoted. If he was destitute you could understand but really an undertaking that he will get his money should be enough as long as the terms are reasonable.


    If it's true we're probably still a week away from any formal announcement anyway

  13. i know a fella called moat who is in the telecommunications business, he's wealthy but nowhere near this rich.


    he's from lonbenton and now lives near hexham way


    BNS Telecom in Prudhoe. Barry Moat is on the board, and Garry Moat the Chairman who he isn't related to

  14. Is this Moat's 'local consortium' the same one that Fat Freddie's involved with or completely different?


    Aye that's what i'm pondering like...


    I'd say totally different. If it had of been the Shepherds, I woudl imagine his name would have been mentioned, and Moat has been linked before without the involvement of the fat one

  15. He is on the board of a  local company based in Prudhoe that is at the forefront of Business Telecoms in this country, rapidly expanding. They provide most UK call centres and large retail companies with telephony solutions, and whilst he's a wealthy bloke, he would have to have major backing as he's not wealthy enough to buy us on his own.


    He's been linked to us before, and makes perfect sense given the "local connections" stuff given out by Keith Harris

  16. On reflection, I'm surprised that the club gave this show the go ahead tonight in Shearer's. They must have know the knives would be out?


    They don't give a toss mate.


    It's a bit like sitting in a Sports Direct Shop having a debate on how shit Lonsdale Sportswear is. Wonder if he would allow that

  17. Still, wouldn't one need a certain amount of business acumen to do that job well?


    Niall Quinn has simply appointed the right people around him, the business side is dealt with by the Chief Exec, whilst the PR, Strategy etc are devised by Quinn

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