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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    Bollocks. That's when i sleep. I'll get behind the lads and Pards between Midday and 10pm, and no later.
  2. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    Yeah, you'll come around
  3. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    Just been compiling an at a glance sheet of points totals for the whole league going back to the first season it was 20 teams. Everyone knows survival is supposed to be 40 points, but I wondered what you need to finish elsewhere, on average....as you do when you're at work. Stattophobes look away now, stattophiles get your socks on your cocks.... http://i43.tinypic.com/14w50r8.jpg As you would, I picked out the Newcastle finishes on there. Lucky or not, it's interesting that Pardew's "lucky" 5th place point total was within 1 win of the Dalglish total with the team/mentality he inherited from Keegan's title challengers. Probably tells you how shit Dalglish was rather than how good Pardew was. Whatever. The aim for a Europa place should be 63 points. 20 points from 12 games extrapolates to just over 63 from 38 games. IT'S ON!!
  4. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    The parameters of the argument are shifting to that boring territory where you argue about the methods of argument allowed. People complain we can only attack for 45 minutes.... I say you can't dominate teams for 90 minutes. Both are extreme because no-one would suggest the opposition can't have any shots and we created our most stylish goal in the second half, but it was scratched off. It's somewhere in between I suppose
  5. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    Well, that's the mental age that his bullshit sticks to, tbf. http://i43.tinypic.com/iw2oe9.jpg Bardew the (tactical) dinosaur
  6. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    Where? I took the piss out of him for saying Pardew has had less misfortune than any Newcastle manager in 20 years...and then calling him a bellend in the same sentence, as if for turning our luck. I've used plenty of hyperbole about people demanding we control games for "90 minutes" or to win games "week in and week out" but that's what we all do. For example, clearly Pardew isn't the "luckiest Newcastle manager in 20+ years" because... http://www.ronaldo7.net/news/2012/cristiano-ronaldo-506-ruud-gullit-and-his-super-hot-wife-girlfriend-estelle-cruijff-in-the-beach.jpg
  7. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    The face on my 5 month old lights up when he does an interview. He should do kids telly with that lovely smile.
  8. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    mrmojorisin75's the handsomest poster i've seen at NO in 10+ years of posting, almost everyone else is characterised by grotesque disfigurement. << not this bellend << Must have just been me found it funny.
  9. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    How is it possible to miss the point so dramatically? Nobody is gutted. People don't think it's sustainable to keep playing the way we are, like it hasn't been in the past. It wasn't sustainable for a period of 13 games mid 12/13. Outside of that it seems to have been, outside of the odd trouncing.
  10. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    don't use single examples, it leads to bias It's a poor example anarl. Winning 1 point having been shite first half isn't as good as winning 3 having sat on a lead for the second. The fact we were better at doing that than Villa proved to be is also a positive. Our fist half was a disgrace against everton, much worse than anything we did against Spurs or Norwich. We beat Everton two nil in the second half though. Did it prove our reslove? Nah, it showed we had a bit of pride though which is about as much as you can say for WBA there. We beat Fulham one nil in the second half. Drew with Liverpool one each in the second half with 10 men. Beat Chelsea two nil in the second half.
  11. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    single? how about 3 years worth of it? no-one is pointing to a single match - more that the last 3 very welcome victories hide the same failings the man has always had Krul broke the Premier league record for saves made, for any team. That's not happened week in week out. ..but you cut out the rest of my post that gave that sort of context with comparison to the Norwich game.
  12. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    i imagine this is the crux of where everyone differs with luck, yours is a very literal interpretation that doesn't take into account the ebb and flow of a football match imo bruce lucky to take a win from SJP? he was 1-0 down and we were well on top but he made tactical changes to mitigate something he couldn't necessarily control 100% and walked away with the points pardew couldn't respond on any level to AVB's changes and spurs onslaught at WHL, they created enough chances to bury us but took none for me that will always be classed as lucky to a certain degree Single examples are anecdotal, and lead to bias. On the whole, if Spurs performances were happening week in and week out, he would be found out. Performances are more often like Norwich where we nullify the threat and restrict them largely to speculative chances and Krul has little to do. While we ourselves miss out on clear opportunities like Sissoko's in the first half and Cisse's offside later.
  13. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    Luck comes in the fixture list, injuries, refereeing decisions, deflections etc. Whatever Pardew can't control. Our first 11 games in 11/12 were a real gift. They gave us a momentum which Pardew capitalised on very well indeed. It's that kind of momentum that MUST be capitalised on when the opportunity is presented...Mike Ashley took out a pin and popped that balloon with a baron summer of signings where the club made a statement that they had no interest in picking up the baton and running with it. If that "lucky" season is your barometer though, then you HAVE to say he was unlucky last year. It's important to praise him for capitalising when the chips fall our way as well as criticising him when he' unable to overcome adversity. It might be tight margins, but he looks like he's capitalising again this season.
  14. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    ... not that I think we do.
  15. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    people gutted to have a bit of luck on our side.
  16. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    If we qualified for Europe then maybe Ashley would have learned and rather than take millions out of the club he'll spend it on players. Pigs might fly.
  17. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    That would break my heart.
  18. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    If we win the game - all good, nothing to discuss, all credit. If we lose - OK now you can criticize. Hurrr. You can criticise whatever you like whenever you like. There's plenty to criticise after a win. Tiote's shooting got more of my ire than Pardew's tactics though, which worked fine, albeit they could have worked better but for poor officiating.
  19. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    I think that's being kind. With an outlet like Remy our ability on the break is much improved. We seem to hit him the vast majority of the time we play out of defence. And we do play out of defence now, we don't hoof and hope much anymore, inviting pressure back onto ourselves immediately as we did far too much last season, we just sit deeper and commit fewer bodies up the field when we have the ball and the lead. I don't particularly like that approach, especially at home, I think it's fair enough to criticise it when it doesn't work. But when it does work, then all credit.
  20. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    It's only burned us against Hull, and we all know what he's trying to do by inviting the opposition to come at us. Would have worked better against Norwich too, but for a shitty decsion.
  21. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    I count luck as bad deflections, shitty refereeing decisions, that sort of thing. The sort of thing neither team can control. Never heard actual player/team performances described as lucky/unlucky before. We've been the victim of the former far more than the recipient these past few yerars IYAM.
  22. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    Pards gets on the karaoke and gives it the full on Pharrell before every game. Working a treat.
  23. http://i41.tinypic.com/2akdzmg.jpg
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