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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. http://i40.tinypic.com/2re6zq1.jpg Took us to the end of January to accrue this many points last season. End of December in 10/11. Last time we had this many points this soon (apart from Pards' previous 5th place) was 01/02.
  2. Deffo reasonable to judge him. But just saying he has won 17 out of 112 by 2 or more offers nothing to judge him by does it? It needs that comparison to have any idea if that frequency is necessarily good or bad. I never made that comparison to make him look better at all. i made the comparison out of genuine interest to see how he stacks up. Perhaps a better comparison, rather than the singular example of Newcastle's recent history, would be to see how many games across the entire league usually end with a deficit of 2 or more... http://espnfc.com/grid?league=eng.1&season=2012&view=n&cc=5739 Out of 380 games in 12/13, 112 were won by 2 or more. Which is 29%. Despite being an improvement on our previous managers, for the league on the whole, Pardew's 15% is well below average. Highlights how miserable the football we've had for the past decade has been.
  3. Im afraid that post was only 94.44% correct with 17/18 words spelt properly. But in comparison to the previous 7 posters that record isn't so shit.
  4. Booo. Don't let him put you off your statting Dave. I appreciated the "comfortabe win" discussion you generated.
  5. He's comparing a team which was forced to play with Ian Rush and John Barnes to the one we have today. forced? You think anyone but Dalglish would have signed those 2 at that stage of their career? Dalglish inherited a title chasing team full of verve and dragged it down to 13th. Pardew took a championship squad up to 5th. Was it shite a Championship squad. In that it was by and large the squad that competed in the championship. Expectations from that squad were bottom half at best. Why are you ignoring the signings we made between when we got promoted and when we finished 5th? I'm not. I spoke of the teams inherited and where they took them. Dalglish bought the likes of barnes, Rush, Tommasson, Pistone, Andersson, Guivarch and hamilton (as well as some excellent signings) and turned Keegans entertainers into strugglers. Pardew inherited a team capable of walking the championship, but expected to be battling in the Premier League, and with a couple of additions that hardly cost a thing got us to 5th. I don't even know why you've insisted on taking the conversation down this route tbh. What do we disagree on? I'm talking about getting the best out of the resources available, which is what we started on. I'm not talking about how the squad has developed in terms of player recruitment and why would I when Pardew has no say in this? I'm simply saying that Pardew has better players than any manager we've had since Robson, so this should be taken into account when you're directly comparing managers' records. So you calling Pardew's squad a Championship squad is misleading in the extreme - we've added numerous players to that squad that were identified by a scout. Also we blitzed the Championship as we still had a number of good Premier League players. When you say he took a Championship squad to 5th it implies you're talking about roughly the same squad or implying his knack in the transfer market had something to do with it. If you accept that Pardew has better players than any manager since Robson (happy to do that, despite Souness inheriting Robson's team that were disappointed with 5th) then it's right and proper that he has out-performed all of them. In terms of Dave's narrow criteria of a comfortable win at least, and in terms of league finishes and points, performance is debateable. To what degree he should do better is also debatable. The reason to go back to Robson and earlier is because people have stated that comparisons with our previous 7 managers shit are objectionable (suggesting he's not that shit).
  6. He's comparing a team which was forced to play with Ian Rush and John Barnes to the one we have today. forced? You think anyone but Dalglish would have signed those 2 at that stage of their career? Dalglish inherited a title chasing team full of verve and dragged it down to 13th. Pardew took a championship squad up to 5th. Was it shite a Championship squad. In that it was by and large the squad that competed in the championship. Expectations from that squad were bottom half at best. Why are you ignoring the signings we made between when we got promoted and when we finished 5th? I'm not. I spoke of the teams inherited and where they took them. Dalglish bought the likes of barnes, Rush, Tommasson, Pistone, Andersson, Guivarch and hamilton (as well as some excellent signings) and turned Keegans entertainers into strugglers. Pardew inherited a team capable of walking the championship, but expected to be battling in the Premier League, and with a couple of additions that hardly cost a thing got us to 5th. I don't even know why you've insisted on taking the conversation down this route tbh. What do we disagree on?
  7. He's comparing a team which was forced to play with Ian Rush and John Barnes to the one we have today. forced? You think anyone but Dalglish would have signed those 2 at that stage of their career? Dalglish inherited a title chasing team full of verve and dragged it down to 13th. Pardew took a championship squad up to 5th. Was it shite a Championship squad. In that it was by and large the squad that competed in the championship. Expectations from that squad were bottom half at best.
  8. He's comparing a team which was forced to play with Ian Rush and John Barnes to the one we have today. forced? You think anyone but Dalglish would have signed those 2 at that stage of their career? Dalglish inherited a title chasing team full of verve and dragged it down to 13th. Pardew took a championship squad up to 5th.
  9. He's got more end product from ben arfa than any previous managers of the lad.
  10. You're the one who brought up quality of squads and repeated the point when I ignored it. All I did was add context for Dave's comfortable win stats.
  11. Why do you read posts in a boring topic? As I hope there is sth new to this thread. Whenever we win happy face will pop up immediately and whenever we draw urself lose you and interpolic will criticize Pardew within 3 mins after the match's finished. Did we win last night?
  12. Many NUFC managers failed with better squads. Dalglish inherited a class team and destroyed it. Some would say he's more tactically astute. Gullit didn't have an awful squad either but failed to get owt from them. Souness inherited another squad capable of champions league and dragged them down the gutter, which successive managers couldn't then drag them out of. I don't ignore the style of football. It's not paramount to me when we have such a shit manager and only shit waiting in the wings if he fails though.
  13. I agree. Including Pardew. Everything is in order.
  14. But he's a shit manager, it's only fair to compare him with other shit. It's been suggested ANY other manager in the league would be an improvement. Including Allardyce and Hughton. Ignoring the idea that he's got a better side then? That would be another reason those previous managers should be lambasted then. Poor judgement of players and wasting of funds. We certainly invested a great deal more on the pitch back then. So those managers SHOULD have got more from the players they saw value in. Pardew might have some better individuals. But he doesn't get the players he wants when he needs them. he has to make do with good value players when they're available. Come on man, you're comparing chalk and cheese. How far were we going back again, which squads would you like to compare? This squad is easily the best we've had since Robson's last IMO and I'm happy to compare it player by player to any other that's gone before it in the last 5-10 years if you like. The squad's not entirely balanced but neither have any of the other squads been. Not sure why you're bringing the manager's involvement in transfer policy into this so strongly when the argument is about resources at the manager's disposal and the performances and results of those managers. Also you're living in a strange world if you think Shepherd wasn't dictating transfers in a way that contradicted what the manager was actually after, it's not like those managers had full control over transfers. Pardew's average finishing position and points total is better than all premier league era NUFC managers outside of Keegan and Robson, so he is getting more from the players he has.
  15. But he's a shit manager, it's only fair to compare him with other shit. It's been suggested ANY other manager in the league would be an improvement. Including Allardyce and Hughton. Ignoring the idea that he's got a better side then? That would be another reason those previous managers should be lambasted then. Poor judgement of players and wasting of funds. We certainly invested a great deal more on the pitch back then. So those managers SHOULD have got more from the players they saw value in. Pardew might have some better individuals. But he doesn't get the players he wants when he needs them. he has to make do with good value players when they're available.
  16. That's the thing about stats. Anyone can use them to make useless but wankworthy points. Ironic don't you think? I don't think Dave's point is useless or wankworthy. It's quite illuminating but requires the context. Percentage of PL games won by two or more Bobby Robson 27/112 - 24% Alan Pardew 17/112 - 15% Prior to Pardew 14/112- 12% While Pardew is not as good as Bobby Robson (who is?) He is an improvement on the managers we had for 3 or 4 seasons prior to his arrival. At least on this narrow criteria. If he had won another 10 games over 3 years by 2 would it make him as good as Robson? Nah. I don't think it would even get half the forum off his back. I wasn't talking about Dave's stats being wankworthy, I was talking about yours. Aww, thankyou
  17. But he's a shit manager, it's only fair to compare him with other shit. It's been suggested ANY other manager in the league would be an improvement. Including Allardyce and Hughton.
  18. That's the thing about stats. Anyone can use them to make useless but wankworthy points. Ironic don't you think? I don't think Dave's point is useless or wankworthy. It's quite illuminating but requires the context. Percentage of PL games won by two or more Bobby Robson 27/112 - 24% Alan Pardew 17/112 - 15% Prior to Pardew 14/112- 12% While Pardew is not as good as Bobby Robson (who is?) He is an improvement on the managers we had for 3 or 4 seasons prior to his arrival. At least on this narrow criteria. If he had won another 10 games over 3 years by 2 would it make him as good as Robson? Nah. I don't think it would even get half the forum off his back.
  19. Loving the embracing of stats. Keep it up boys.
  20. 15 times in 112 league matches. How many times have we won by two goals or more. ? Howay, I'm not that bored. worth a try. I am that bored. 18 times in 112 league games. How many times had we won by 2 goals or more in the preceding 112 premier league games? 17 I make it 14
  21. 15 times in 112 league matches. How many times have we won by two goals or more. ? Howay, I'm not that bored. worth a try. I am that bored. 18 times in 112 league games. How many times had we won by 2 goals or more in the preceding 112 premier league games?
  22. Way to tell people how to post
  23. You not spoke to anyone p*ssed off about the away ticket situation? Being forced to pay for a membership or to move from their seats? None of the above is "shafting" tbh Not many of those I know go away (in fact only about 5% of match-going fans do) the seat move stuff has happened before, membership cost is more than covered by lower prices at home for those games, taking your seat away would be shafting, moving you isn't. You may not like it but you still get in. So it literally has to be an example of Ashley anally raping a fan? I didn't expect you to be silly tbh. Shafting (in the non-sexual sense) = defrauding, he doesn't/hasn't done that (no more than football fans are ripped off anywhere else). He's upset a few, granted, but they ain't been shafted. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-1NmZHIIap6w/Uh88q__azzI/AAAAAAAADcs/sRk49z1l9q0/s1600/inconceivable.jpg vulgar slang (of a man) have sexual intercourse with (a woman). informal treat (someone) harshly or unfairly. "I suppose she'll get a lawyer and I'll be shafted"
  24. You not spoke to anyone p*ssed off about the away ticket situation? Being forced to pay for a membership or to move from their seats? None of the above is "shafting" tbh Not many of those I know go away (in fact only about 5% of match-going fans do) the seat move stuff has happened before, membership cost is more than covered by lower prices at home for those games, taking your seat away would be shafting, moving you isn't. You may not like it but you still get in. So it literally has to be an example of Ashley anally raping a fan?
  25. If we won the league Ashley would still be a prick and i'd want rid of him. Respect for fans, tradition, players, the game, professionalism, the opposition......just any respect for anything really is sorely missing at the top of our club. Just win baby (as Al Davis was prone to saying) it's all that matters. If you hanker after respect and tradition in todays "game" you'll be hugely disappointed methinks. That's a today's football thing not an Ashley specific preserve. It could be nicer definitely but it's not all important (to me anyway). I hate the modern game and what it's become WAY more than Ashley but am resigned to it. Ashley is undoubtedly a prick (or worse tbh) BUT most successful types like him are, if his success rubs off (no matter how nefariously arrived at) he can stay forever for me (and I would guess most others if that ever happened) success is a great leveller. We've never won owt in my life. It's never been why I follow football and i won't miss it if it never happens before I die.
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