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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    He could do that. Pardew could also get us playing wildly attractive football that stretches the opposition to breaking point as he takes us on a magical mystery tour up the table. Each possibility is about as likely as the other. People have been posting quotes from his time at Southampton as if it was a secret how bad Pardew was. EVERYONE, including Ashley, knew how bad he was when he got the job. Coaching ability is not the driver in Ashley's hiring policy. I feel like I'm banging my head against a brick wall here. Just read what I've said. Ashley could get someone the same PR wise, as Pardew, can still tow the party line, but is a better coach on the same money.. Which would in fact save him money in the long run, which is all he cares about. I understood. And I'm saying it's as unlikely as Pardew finishing 5th again. Pochettino, as an example of the young talented coach that could get more from the players and maybe even work under constraints, if the miracle occurred where he said "yes, my ambition has always been to work for Joe Kinnear, and I enjoy cleaning up controversial shit-storms created by the owner"...he wouldn't do it for a pay cut. He was on double Pardew's basic at Espanyol.
  2. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    He could do that. Pardew could also get us playing wildly attractive football that stretches the opposition to breaking point as he takes us on a magical mystery tour up the table. Each possibility is about as likely as the other. People have been posting quotes from his time at Southampton as if it was a secret how bad Pardew was. EVERYONE, including Ashley, knew how bad he was when he got the job. Coaching ability is not the driver in Ashley's hiring policy.
  3. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    He's on his 5th album now and still knocking out 2 trackers. Where the f*** is the concept album?!! He's never been capable of it in any job he's ever had. Ashley doesn't want a concept album though, He wants one of them £2.99 90's compilations you get by the tills in Morrisons. It's like going to Sports Direct and complaining that they don't have any Gucci suits for sale and should sack the store manager for not stocking them. Is Pardew the store manager? Woeful analogy if so. You're right. A store manager gets to choose their staff.
  4. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    He's on his 5th album now and still knocking out 2 trackers. Where the fuck is the concept album?!! He's never been capable of it in any job he's ever had. Ashley doesn't want a concept album though, He wants one of them £2.99 90's compilations you get by the tills in Morrisons. It's like going to Sports Direct and complaining that they don't have any Gucci suits for sale and should sack the store manager for not stocking them.
  5. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    Perhaps, but that's a disgrace in itself. They have lost 6 on the bounce conceding 3 or more in 5 of them.
  6. Which option would you prefer him or any future manager to take when those above put him in that position? I'm not someone that blames Keegan in any way whatsoever for showing some backbone and walking out on the owner, even though it might have been better for the club if he'd just accepted what was going on and got on with it. Pardew came in knowing he had to tow the line, so I'd be less inclined to have any time for him if he found his spine all of a sudden.
  7. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    What a horrible approach to look at football. You conceded more goals then they did, so you deserve to lose. If I’m a neutral watching a game of football and I see a team give it their all in trying to break down a team but then other team break away and grab a late winner, am I fuck giving them any credit for a deserved win. I still refuse to believe Chelsea were worthy winners of the Champions League, they couldn’t ride their luck like that if they tried. It's also the opposite of what people say when Pardew relies on a wonder strike to get something from a game. ...but Poyet was managing his second game. None of those players are his and he's not had any time to instill his system. He still got the tactics and motivation spot on and got an effective point winning performance. Pardew failed on every level except ball retention for 20 minute periods in both halves, despite it being his team of 3 years.
  8. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    I don't understand how someone can say statistics are not useful in football. They have been fairly effective in basketball, which is also a very fluid game. If you look at managers in the Premiership like Mourinho, Pochettino, Pellegrini, and Lambert, they've all been at their clubs a shorter time than Pardew (in the case of the first two less than six months) and have already given their sides a distinct style and way of playing that is different to what was present before. Even Hughes seems to have imposed himself on Stoke to some degree. The players may not fit their style exactly, but these managers have adjusted and generally made the best out of what they were given. Pardew has managed this team for nearly three years now without an usually high amount of player turnover and still has no idea of how he wants to play, what the best system for the team is, or how to fit players who have been here for quite some time into his systems. What is Pardew's preferred style of play? Listening to his words in the media it seems to be, "fluid attacking football, until something goes wrong and we have to start pumping long ball and sitting back on the 18 yard box because this is the only way to react in such situations". It is thing I dislike most about his tenure here. There is a famous saying, attributed by some to Disraeli, that there are 3 kinds of lies..'Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics'....Politicians of all kinds LOVE the latter most of all because you can prove anything by manipulating the facts in stats.. The only stat I am interested in - apart from the fact we were one game from relegation on the last day of last season - is that Pardew has been sacked by almost every other club he managed....and usually after a similar time span in the job.... I think the animosity to numbers and pictures on here is getting silly. When SSN hoy up a manager's WLD record on screen, which they do following EVERY sacking, do the readers on N-O blanket them with emails about "lies, damn lies and statistics"? It's nowt more than a topic for discussion recognised globally as an interesting measure of how a manager did in his time. The corner stat is fucking atrocious and warrants discussion. Last season, being the team that hit more long balls than anyone else warranted discussion. The data on Alan Pardew's Newcastle isn't big enough to make ANY categoric claims whatsoever, but no-one's claiming something like Pardew reversing the number of long balls so this season we've hit less than 90% of the leagues teams makes him in any way a competent manager. It's just another interesting tidbit that clearly says something about a change in his and the teams methods. No-one (maybe CT?) thinks Marveaux should start because he got most assists last season, or that it should make him a big transfer target from other teams applying the moneyball approach. But it is something to note as interesting. To me at least. It warrants discussion, or if not discussion, then at least a mention. Generating discussion is surely what a forum is about, especially (for example) if a poster claims Pardew is still being a hoofball merchant.
  9. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    Will you be allowing 3 points for a win when you only got 2 instead of 3 or is this another attempt to prove a shit manager isn't as shit as people can see? And Pardews premier league win % is better than Dalglish so my preference for points % damns him rather than pushes a pro-Pardew agenda. I had no idea where he stood when I made the original point.
  10. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    Will you be allowing 3 points for a win when you only got 2 instead of 3 or is this another attempt to prove a shit manager isn't as shit as people can see? The one I responded to was premier league managers. Always been 3 points in the premier league. Here's an interesting article on 3 points versus 2 points though... http://www.theguardian.com/sport/blog/2009/feb/05/question-jonathan-wilson-three-points
  11. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    Premier League games only.... http://i39.tinypic.com/15nwqcg.jpg Hmm, not that brilliant either really. He's been here almost twice as long as anyone else excluding KK/SBR and his record looks remarkably mediocre. Would have been sacked by now if we had a proper owner, not that I'm saying you're likely to disagree with that. Stand out difference with the previous list posted for me is Souness. Take away the cup games against lowly opposition and his rate plummets.
  12. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    Premier League games only.... http://i39.tinypic.com/15nwqcg.jpg
  13. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    When Kinnear was at Wimbledon? Do you think Ashley might aspire to the uninspiringly effective style you refer to?
  14. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    78 matches and 375 corners Stat the fuck out that.... Shocking init Almost as shocking as your selective enthusiasm for stat use
  15. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    Difficult to compare utter shite with rank tedium. We can come out with all the adjectives in the world to say just how bad a manager was. Actual points won offers some distinction that words don't. They can also offer skewed results that need to be taken with a pinch of salt rather than looking at them alone, see Glenn Roeder's record. Do you have the points won stats btw? The more games played the less skewed you can claim results were. You can only be so spakey so long. I do have the points won stats... But people lose their shit whenever I mention a number. On my phone but I'll post it later.
  16. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    Difficult to compare utter shite with rank tedium. We can come out with all the adjectives in the world to say just how bad a manager was. Actual points won offers some distinction that words don't.
  17. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    There's no reward for games won. The league is based on points. You get further drawing 4 than winning 1 and losing 3 but ranging managers on wins says the later is better. You get further by by 50% by winning 2 and losing 2. It's the bloody reason the 3 points for a win was introduced. And that would be accounted for in a points ranking. It's better in all circumstances.
  18. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    Cup games should also not be counted
  19. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    There's no reward for games won. The league is based on points. You get further drawing 4 than winning 1 and losing 3 but ranging managers on wins says the later is better.
  20. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    Never understood the use of win % Points percentage is a much better measure.
  21. I don't argue against anyone having a coherent view that places blame for footballing issues at Pardew's feet, or anyone that condemns the arse-licking of the chairman as part of an anti-Ashley viewpoint. If someone wants Pardew sacked and replaced by Mike Ashley though, then I can't see why sycophancy would be an issue for them. That person either wants another Ashley sycophant or someone that will speak up and isn't going to last very long in the job. Neither of which solve the specific problem they claim to have with Pardew's media appearances. Lots of European managers are used to working under the conditions imposed by Ashley, and I daresay plenty of young English managers would jump at the chance to manage the club as well. Ashley won't pay for the big names, but there must be plenty of young managers with potential who can organise a side well given some half decent players. It's not just financial constraints and having no say on recruitment. No other manager in the world works under Joe Kinnear. Fuck ups like renaming sjp, wonga, the press ban.... Pardew gets asked about all of that constantly and has to give answers that keep the owner and the fans happy....moreso the owner.
  22. I don't argue against anyone having a coherent view that places blame for footballing issues at Pardew's feet, or anyone that condemns the arse-licking of the chairman as part of an anti-Ashley viewpoint. If someone wants Pardew sacked and replaced by Mike Ashley though, then I can't see why sycophancy would be an issue for them. That person either wants another Ashley sycophant or someone that will speak up and isn't going to last very long in the job. Neither of which solve the specific problem they claim to have with Pardew's media appearances.
  23. The problem is that Ashley sees it the exact opposite way. His priority is to have a patsy, the football is secondary. That will apply to his replacement too.
  24. We demand a manager that will resign as soon as he gets the job!!
  25. Your first contribution was loaded with sarcasm about Pardew having the piss taken out of him by his employers, making him ignoble for not speaking out...or going further. Resigning? There was nothing constructive there about what he should actually do. So feel free to put me right on that score. My only worry is Newcastle United, and I'm still confused by the disconnect in the views of some fans which suggests people want a new manager to come in under Ashley, a man of integrity, not beholden to Ashley, a man to to tell it like it is and even walk out if their pride is too hurt. Because that man wouldn't last half a season. I am happy to have an arse licking bell end do the job. I would like the arse licking bell end to be a better tactician, but that's a difficult balance to find.
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