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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. Let him sell them. He loses even more money once we go down. This. Newcastle getting relegated won't cost me a single penny. If he wants to smash his own toys up out of spite, let him.
  2. You'd expect he would, he's had plenty of practice from the last few times he's done it.
  3. "Keith, Season ticket sales are massively down! And to top it all, Alaves have backed out of the Joselu deal after actually watching him play" "Leak to the press that Mourinho's coming and might want to keep him"
  4. Yeah, I don't struggle to believe that 1/3 have cancelled, instead I struggle to believe that 2/3 are still thinking of going. Just baffles me that tens of thousands still think it's sensible to spend £600 and rock up every week to watch this shitshow. I would say a fair percentage of those that have signed up have done it in the hope that a takeover goes through and they don't lose their seats. know of several. They're either idiots or liars, then. Or both. I don't doubt that people of that mindset exist, but for it to be 2/3s of our fanbase seems disappointing.
  5. Yeah, I don't struggle to believe that 1/3 have cancelled, instead I struggle to believe that 2/3 are still thinking of going. Just baffles me that tens of thousands still think it's sensible to spend £600 and rock up every week to watch this shitshow.
  6. I think that's probably just something that's impossible to price with any accuracy. Most things you can give a stab at, but that's just impossible and also so open to abuse by anyone genuinely ITK. Just not worth Sky bothering, frankly.
  7. Got excited. Looked at his Twitter. Thump. Back to earth That Geordie Boot Boy/Burnsie bloke that everyone seems to hate said that he trusted this bloke and that he's never let him down before or something. So it's definitely 100% bollocks. Got a link? #clutching He appears to have deleted it, but he's posted this: https://twitter.com/BootGeordie/status/1147946249674461184?s=19 I reckon it's NUFC putting this out, desperate to get people to buy season tickets. "We're being taken over. HONEST." Not a penny to the cunts until the papers are actually signed.
  8. Nearly did exactly that myself.
  9. He then says "If turning up to match days was going to have an impact then it would be worth it. But not getting 600 quid of Steve from walker ain’t gunna hurt Ashley" That's true. But 10,000 Steves from Walker is £6m quid each year. Plus other matchday revenue, and day sales dropping as they will too. That WILL hurt Ashley and he will care.
  10. I would rather it were heading for a mountain.
  11. Advertising generally has a positive impact on share prices. It's very likely (though utterly impossible to prove without my aforementioned time machine and access to a parallel universe where different events played out) that the share price would have dropped by more than it has if he hadn't had all the free advertising round the ground / world.
  12. Will be interesting when that number eventually emerges and whether they really are paying or if that was just another lie to placate the fans' forum. Very true mind I have no doubt the full amount won't be shown. Don't think it's anywhere near the amount our support think it is either, if it was on the shirts also then I would say yes but for stadium advertisement, then I don't think it's anywhere near the 100 million (overall) plus some think it is. 12 years at 8m a year in lost revenue. It's hardly inconceivable that the total is around £100m. It'll certainly be close. Show me where it is 8m then? Advertisement of shirt sales will be a lot more than stadium advertisement. Someone else came up with that number after looking into how much this is likely to cost. I can't remember where I saw it, but I remember the number and that they'd backed it up with what looked like reasonable enough calculations. If you have different numbers though, let's see them.
  13. Will be interesting when that number eventually emerges and whether they really are paying or if that was just another lie to placate the fans' forum. Very true mind I have no doubt the full amount won't be shown. Don't think it's anywhere near the amount our support think it is either, if it was on the shirts also then I would say yes but for stadium advertisement, then I don't think it's anywhere near the 100 million (overall) plus some think it is. 12 years at 8m a year in lost revenue. It's hardly inconceivable that the total is around £100m. It'll certainly be close.
  14. You've got that the wrong way round. SD is bigger and more profitable than NUFC and SD doesn't have anything akin to relegation threatening to slash its revenues in the space of a couple of months. To put the supposed asking price of £350m into context, that's roughly the operating cashflow of SD over the last 12 months. SD has had £100m worth of free advertising from us, that's got to have affected where the value of the company is at and shows the value of NUFC to SD. Also, I was talking more about all his other businesses than SD, the ones which are loss-making. SD is his baby, I know he sold shares in it years back to raise money, but that's the heart and soul of his empire. It'll be the last thing he permanently gets rid of. The advertising isn't having an impact on SD though if you have a look at the share price over the last few years (and this when the Premier League stock has increased ten-fold), yes he wasn't paying but I put money on it's nowhere near the cost of £100 million mind (we will know next accounts exactly how much as according to the forum minutes he is now paying). By the accounts he has only made £27 million before tax during his tenure of the club also. He has also had to put money into the club on two occasions due to relegation also for the daily operations. Regarding the bold bit, how do you know what the SD share price would be without the free advertising? Maybe it would be the same, maybe higher, maybe lower. Maybe the business would have collapsed and folded. Without a time machine and access to an alternative reality timeline, we simply can't know. However it's inconceivable that the decade plus of free worldwide exposure has been of no value to them as a company. As for whatever NUFC do or do not make, that's irrelevant as he strips all our asset streams out and diverts them elsewhere. The advertising as mentioned. The club shop is just a SD shop with a different badge on now, etc. He loses NUFC, he will doubtless have to surrender all that too. NUFC has enormous value to him for that reason.
  15. You've got that the wrong way round. SD is bigger and more profitable than NUFC and SD doesn't have anything akin to relegation threatening to slash its revenues in the space of a couple of months. To put the supposed asking price of £350m into context, that's roughly the operating cashflow of SD over the last 12 months. SD has had £100m worth of free advertising from us, that's got to have affected where the value of the company is at and shows the value of NUFC to SD. Also, I was talking more about all his other businesses than SD, the ones which are loss-making. SD is his baby, I know he sold shares in it years back to raise money, but that's the heart and soul of his empire. It'll be the last thing he permanently gets rid of.
  16. Chris_R

    Isaac Hayden

    I'm only jealous that he has that choice. He's lucky, we're fucking stuck with them.
  17. This makes no sense. Why would he sell a profit-making part of his empire to prop up the loss-making ones? Surely you do the opposite? OK, unless you're sure you're onto a long-term winner with the loss-making parts, but I don't think anyone (even Ashley) thinks that. He might hope it, but he can't believe it's a certainty. Profit from NUFC is much more likely. To sell that would be crazy, IMO.
  18. Well, I hope everyone stops buying it or clicking on their website, and that they close down due to lack of revenue then.
  19. The mood of the players not good enough for the Premiership is good now Rafa has gone. I know Chronicle writers are held in contempt here but they seem to have gone into overdrive since Rafa left spinning positive stories. I get that the Chronicle are finding the brave new world of monetising online news a difficult proposition in the wake of falling paper sales, but their efforts to survive are borderline suicidal and offensive to their readership. They seem to think that their best way of generating revenues is to put their hand in Ashley's pocket, rather than appealing to the public to buy their papers by actually getting behind the fans on this one. I'm sure that if they mounted a serious and sustained "Get him out" campaign, and really went to town on him with proper investigative journalism, the following things would happen: 1) Sure, they'd lose club access. And any money that Ashley throws their way, but I imagine it's mainly access they're worried about, but that's not a big deal in the scheme of things 2) They'd sell a fuckton more papers and get a fuckton more clicks on their site, I'd go on there willingly without an adblocker if they just did their jobs, but that's not happening now so screw them 3) The journalists would enjoy their job a hell of a lot more, getting to actually do some actual, you know, JOURNALISM?? That's got to be infinitely more rewarding than just rewording whatever they get slopped on their desk from Charnley via their boss I'd honestly not bat an eyelid if they went out of business at the moment, because they deserve it for being so utterly derelict in their duty to their readership and their profession. They need to grow a pair, and quickly, because the public would back them if they'd only just do their jobs properly.
  20. The buyers aren't the problem, it's the seller. Whilst it remains beneficial for him to keep us, he's not going anywhere. All we can do is try to make sure we become a millstone around his neck. Don't give him, NUFC or any of his tat emporium a single penny until he's gone.
  21. I think we have, or have had at some stages, willing buyers. I don't doubt that. We just don't have a willing seller.
  22. Oh, so all I have to do is peacefully wait out the next decade or so and hope he dies of natural causes? THAT'S the solution?!
  23. Time for a bath. With a toaster.
  24. Must be about to extend the season ticket deadline, if that's what's being put out.
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