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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. Whilst you can point to individual loss years, the club has generally made a profit over his 12-year tenure. Especially when you factor in all the revenue he just diverts out of the club and into his own pockets before it even hits the books. He'll back himself to continue that trend, irrespective of what happens this summer or even over the next 12 months.
  2. This. I cannot comprehend how anyone can think he'd sell his only guaranteed profitable business in order to support a litany of failing ones.
  3. The Chinese province, Hong Kong likes this. Actually, this is the wrong way round. China is part of Taiwan.
  4. Whatever day this goes through (if!), I suspect I'll be off work. I'll 100% be off the day after.
  5. Cooked my chicken isn’t even the right phrase Haha, that's the worst autocorrect I've let slip in a while. Try 'Choked'.
  6. 'Squeezed my bird' is clearly a miss-translation of 'cooked my chicken'. He's just telling us about his masturbatory habits. Move along, people. Nothing (relevant!) to see here.
  7. See? That's how well it's working.
  8. Because the last few seasons there was no guarantee if we would even stay up, which would massively inpact the price. No coincidence that the BZG submitted proof of funds after the Southampton game had all but guaranteed staying up. That doesn't make even the slightest bit of difference. You can agree a price, contract and sale subject to staying up and have everything ready to sign when the final whistle blows, or when safety is guaranteed. Whenever you want. There's absolutely nothing stopping that happening, and given how short the transfer window is and how long these deals take, it's exactly what any sane buyer should be doing.
  9. Why do we only ever get these rumours when the transfer window is open? Why can't someone try to buy us in, I dunno, February or March or something? I mean I get that you want to be sure of the league the club is going to be in, but what's stopping someone doing all the donkey work and then saying "Right, it's all agreed, I'll sign on the last day of the season"?
  10. Or don't happen. I'm fine with that too. It's this "It still might!" phase I can't fucking stand.
  11. Isn't that exactly what's happened for each of the last 3 transfer windows? I'd say it's not just possible, it's pretty much guaranteed. We tried / Guess who wins again We bought players in the Summer and January (not enough granted) but it happened, so you're incorrect saying it's guaranteed as it didn't happen the last two for a start True, of course we bought players. But each of our last 3(?) transfer windows has been ruined (from a fans' perspective, at least!) by takeover rumours. I'm not shouting "conspiracy", but it does seem to happen like clockwork as soon as each window is about to open and then we're paralysed for weeks whilst it resolves itself.
  12. Isn't that exactly what's happened for each of the last 3 transfer windows? I'd say it's not just possible, it's pretty much guaranteed. We tried / Guess who wins again
  13. I think we all just know it's pointless getting excited as we've been let down so many times over the years. Saying "It's a conspiracy" is just a defence mechanism because the alternative is to embrace the good news, which always results in disappointment. (That's not to say it isn't all actually a conspiracy, though!)
  14. I've got very little time for the printed press these days, but they're damned if they do and damned if they don't as far as writing stories on this goes. It's a no-win situation for them.
  15. On a serious note, there's no reason for Ashley to take down the SD signs. Even if he has sold the club, even if he has agreed to not continue advertising there, there's no reason for him to take down the signs. Could just leave them and let the next person deal with them, it's not like the new season starts tomorrow. There's plenty of time and no reason for him to do anything himself.
  16. Knowing our luck, those signs are probably just being replaced by bigger ones.
  17. Depends which side announces it. Sunday is a normal working day in the middle-east, they work Sunday-Thursday with Friday and Saturday as their weekend.
  18. He'd have to actively actively try to destroy is to be worse. At times it's been hard to think that hasn't been Ashley's aim (I'm sure it wasn't) such were the levels of incompetence he's demonstrated whilst running us. Being worse would require actual malice. I'm happy to roll the dice on this one.
  19. Those hands look fake TBH. It's from 2012 apparently Does that make his hands more or less fake now?
  20. Chris_R


    I watched the whole thing, and it literally never entered my head to not want Liverpool to win because Henderson was playing for them. In fact Henderson's past never entered my head either. Seething? Ok.
  21. Yeah, unlikely to be Rio unless he'd banged his head and knocked some sense into himself, but he was the name that came to mind. May have been Carragher. Some ex-player turned pundit from that era, I'm sure.
  22. No, there's no conspiracy. But in the words of a pundit (Rio?), if you're trying to sell your house for 7 years and you can't, you're being unrealistic with your price. It's all well and good saying nobody has matched his price, and of course as the 100% owner he can ask whatever price he wants, but that price is clearly too much if we are for sale yet nobody will pay it.
  23. Yeah, that thread title is proper eye-AIDS. Can someone with at least a passing grasp of the English language sort out out? Fuck's sake.
  24. Chris_R


    Nah I think you'll just see some goals on local news followed by some fan interviews but no extended footage. Dammit. I'll just put the goals on a loop and watch that for an hour instead.
  25. Chris_R


    Quick question - Are the highlights of this on terrestrial TV tonight? Had a quick google but all I can find are youtube videos of the goals. I'd like to watch some prolonged, agonising, professionally-edited package instead and revel in their misfortune over a beer or 4.
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