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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. They're clever with their wording. It's always something like "At this point in time there is no bid". They avoid the outright lie of saying "There never has been a bid".
  2. Obviously I hope I'm wrong, but literally nothing happens in Arab countries on Fridays. It's their holy day, and they take that incredibly seriously. Getting anyone to work on a Friday is like trying to get people in the UK to work on Christmas day. Then we will be into the weekend as followed by the western hemisphere so nothing will get done until Monday. Rinse and repeat next Thursday etc. You can, with some prodding and cajolement, get westerners to work on a Saturday or Sunday. I've worked extensively in the Middle East and this is just not possible with Muslims and Fridays. I was just out in Saudi Arabia last month and tried to work myself on a Friday to get ahead, but when I suggested this to the locals they just laughed and said that they wouldn't even be able to get anyone to open the gate for me.
  3. Obviously I hope I'm wrong, but literally nothing happens in Arab countries on Fridays. It's their holy day, and they take that incredibly seriously. Getting anyone to work on a Friday is like trying to get people in the UK to work on Christmas day.
  4. I know he's underpaid for his role and is nothing but a patsy, but £300k/year makes anyone look attractive to some women.
  5. So why doesn’t FCB put out a statement saying so? and why isnt that a chronicle front page headline fron Ryder? This. The Chronicle are derelict in their duty and are either incapable of or unwilling to undertake anything even resembling investigative journalism into the running of the club. For that reason, I'd never even contemplate giving them a single penny and will only visit their website with an adblocker running.
  6. Schrödinger's announcement. Until the timeframe passes, it may or may not happen and it may or may not be good news.
  7. Put the £600/year into a bank account and then use it to pay over the odds for a ticket in the unlikely event we ever get to Wembley. Problem solved, and you get to help increase the chance of us actually getting there by helping to get Ashley out. Rather than helping to keep him here, like you are at the moment.
  8. "Undisclosed fee". I'm sure Mike will put £4.50 back in the transfer pot, then.
  9. Here's an idea for anyone worried about the loyalty points thing. Stick the £600 in a bank account somewhere, or under the mattress, or whatever. Do the same next year and for however long it takes until Ashley sells up. Then when he does go, use that as a war chest to just buy up tickets for whatever game you want. I guarantee that if we ever get to Wembley, if you wave £600 around someone will sell. Your loyalty points are categorically not worth £600/year. And have some fucking dignity into the bargain.
  10. Before Benitez left, it was £50m plus sales, but with wages and agent fees to also come out of that £50m. Nobody even believed them then, hence in part why Rafa walked, but now they've revised history to say £60m, and dropped all mention of the other bits being deductible. They can't even lie consistently.
  11. I stopped reading after I seen the word 'landed' "Performed an unplanned, high-velocity lithobraking manoeuvre" would be better.
  12. Which consumer right do you think this falls under? Where's the mis-selling exactly? You've got to be able to quantify this, you can't just stamp your feet and say "I think this thing I signed up to is not fair and I don't like it anymore".
  13. There's varying reports of people claiming reimbursement through their bank as part of the direct debit agreement. I've seen cases where it's been politely declined and others where they claim they've successfully received a refund. If people have had success then great, I'm all for anything that hurts Ashley, but you're relying on sheer goodwill there from the bank. They can obviously give you money back as they can do what they want in that regard but I can't see how they can in turn get the money back from the club. The Direct Debit Guarantee protects you when the amount you've been billed is incorrect, or taken out at the wrong time, or a change is made to the amount without you being given 10 days' notice. It doesn't let you get your money back just because you've decided you don't want the product anymore. If the bank decided to refund someone and then take the money back from Newcastle, Newcastle would have every right to tell the bank to gtf.
  14. But keep the toaster plugged in and handy, too.
  15. There's rumours there might be one. And that it may or may not be today. As ever, nobody really knows anything for certain.
  16. Chris_R

    Lee Charnley

    What sort of life is that man and all for 115k that just shows the kind of man he is if that's his existence Either that or he goes out in disguise either way him getting grief is all of his own makings 115k is really good money mate. I dunno what planet you're living on like. I'd do a lot of shit i didn't like for that money I think the 115k or 300k whatever it is he makes, is just peanuts compared to what other MD's make in the league - and at least they are aren't universally hated or cucked into submission by their owner to the point where they are unable to make any meaningful decision without having Mike's sign off. Is really what I am getting at from "paid peanuts" - because the reality is he gets paid shit to run a massive football club of our size. So what, he should jack the £300k in and do what exactly? Go stack shelves at Tesco for £15k a year because at least his kids wouldn't get stick for his dad being a cunt and he'd be earning the same as his co workers? Yeah, we'd all take that course of action. Ever tried paying your mortgage with pride? Banks, oddly, don't accept that. He's a spineless spiv and he should be spat at in the street, but let's not pretend that if offered £300k/year to do the same, most of us wouldn't bend over without hesitation. I know I bloody would.
  17. Chris_R

    Lee Charnley

    I don't get this "gets paid peanuts" crack. If he walks away from NUFC, where will he find a job paying more? This walking embodiment of the Peter Principle has got the best job he'll ever get in life. He's shit, complicit in our lack of ambition and should be given pelters at every opportunity but to expect him just to quit is crazy when this is the gig of his life where he's paid well beyond his level of competence and is unsackable for any offence less than literally shitting on Mike Ashley's desk.
  18. It'll be Ranieri. Even though everyone with half a brain knows that Nigel Pearson built that squad and got them playing that way, it allows the mantra of "but he won the PL with Leicester, look at Newcastle's ambition (even though no other club wants Ranieri), what more do those unrealistic Geordies want?" to be trotted out ad-infinitum by every TV spiv on Ashley's payroll. It'll be nauseating.
  19. This. I want the whole thing to burn to the ground and that starts with the better players leaving. Ideally to be replaced by utter dross.
  20. They'll blame him. Wouldn't sign the offered contact Not a sovereign state Must be sustainable Blah blah We know what they'll say before they say it. The fact that Ashley has asset stripped the club from the inside out will obviously not be mentioned.
  21. Anyone who would even consider doing the job should be immediately disqualified from applying.
  22. Anyone who gives a single penny to these pricks is beyond contempt.
  23. They can all get fucked. That's me done.
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