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Everything posted by josimar

  1. josimar

    Alan Smith

    Is it only us who see how bad he is? Man Utd fans love him. I thought Moyes was an astute manager, but if this deal is true, it shows how bad things have become at Everton (reminds me of the summer when all we got was Lee Bowyer). I know Moyes is desperate for players, but surely he can do better than this. Still hope it's true though.
  2. josimar

    Alan Smith

    News on Smith from a well respected Everton fan site: http://www.toffeeweb.com/season/08-09/rumour-mill/index.asp#080805a Fingers crossed!
  3. josimar

    Keegan on transfers

    Soviet type players do usually struggle here tbh. It's too warm.
  4. Gooch. Interesting that a 'gooch' is another name for one's chutney bridge.
  5. josimar

    How many

    This is what I want, but I reckon one will be a left back.
  6. josimar

    Keegan on transfers

    I haven't seen Guthrie yet, so I can't comment on him, but the rest of our central midfielders need replacing tbh. Butt, Geremi, Barton (whenever he's back), are all too slow, and too willing to pass sideways. The midfield should have been the highest priority this summer.
  7. josimar

    Keegan on transfers

    They're hard to come by these days, especially for less than £10m. Alonso would be nice (not sure why Liverpool want to replace him with Barry), but that's not going to happen.
  8. josimar

    Keegan on transfers

    Turan is a creative midfielder I think. I'd rather swap the left back cover for a defensive midfielder, personally. We're desperate for some quality in the middle.
  9. Me included. I have a trouser tsunami every time I read these reports. Will I ever learn?
  10. Well if that's the case, I'd make your email address less visible
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