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Posts posted by Wandy

  1. On 22/10/2023 at 09:09, Wallsendmag said:

    It's absolutely hilarious on there at the minute. 2 NUFC fans (Olive Grove and Angus) who I've never come across before are running them ragged. The fewm is off the scale, even by their standards :lol:


    They'll get banned soon though because it's become embarrassing for the same half dozen mackems who frequent that thread.


    Just a shame it's all hidden away in the parsnip section really.


    Olive Grove was thebrokendoll off Toontastic btw. He got a lifetime ban for those absolutely tame posts. :lol: 


    Why any NUFC fan actually posts on there is beyond me. Give it back to them in anything remotely like the fashion that they dish out and the toys come out of the pram and your banned. Absolute crybabies.

  2. 7 minutes ago, Doctor Zaius said:

    Lad next to me fucked off on about 40 mins and came back at about 50 mins. Was on his phone loads in the second half too. Looked up a few times to whine about players. Called Lascelles a donkey at one point.


    The sooner these lot fuck off the better. Waste of a ticket.


    Unfortunately the opposite is going to happen, as when the ground expansion arrives there will be even more of these types.

  3. 12 minutes ago, Paullow said:

    Yeah, I'd say there was a clear top 9 in terms of club size, the obvious 6, then Newcastle, Villa, and Everton in whatever order. These are the top 9 in terms of trophies, all time points, all time Premier League points, years in the PL etc. All 9 clubs are from 'core' UK cities as well.


    West Ham have entered the conversation more in recent years with their league finishes, only missing about 4 of the PL seasons (unlike the Mackems 16), I guess that trophy last year, but also mainly their recent impressive attendances, so they'd be clear 10th IMO. They are also 10th in the all time PL table.


    I'd personally put Leeds next mainly due to them doing well when i was growing up in the 90s, regular top 6 finishes, CL semi final, big media presence, from a huge city, and their must successful period was at least in living memory to some, but their 16, or now 17, years outside of the top flight definitely lowers their stock somewhat, especially with those years in the 3rd tier.


    As others say, after that there's not too much to separate the next batch of clubs. Sunderland are 10th in the all time top flight points league, obviously massively assisted by what they did 100 years ago, but no top 6 finishes since the early 1950s, only 3 top 12 finishes in those 70 years, and only 4 matches in Europe in their entire history absolutely lowers their stock. They are 18th in the all time PL table, so they could be anywhere from 12th to 18th really. I'd probably put Leicester ahead of them due to their recent  title, other cups, European adventures etc. and probably Forest as well due to the Clough years and also being from a major UK city to add a bit more profile and stature to them, and I'd probably have Sunderland just after that around 14th or 15th.


    It obviously means very little in reality, and others will have their own variables to boost their sides stock, but that's how I see it FWIW.


    Yep, agree with that.

  4. 19 minutes ago, Coffee_Johnny said:

    I’m curious as to why? 


    Their pre-WW2 history mainly which, in all fairness, is impressive. In 1939 they were comfortably one of the biggest clubs in the country but they have dined out on it for a long time now.


    Ask yourself this. Who, outside of Man U, Liverpool, Arsenal, City, Chelsea, Spurs, Everton, Villa and Newcastle are bigger than them? West Ham certainly are now and arguably Leeds too, based on potential. After that though there is very little between around another 10 clubs, one of which is SAFC. Based on their crowds and early history I'd put them leading the pack of a 2nd tier of clubs that includes the likes of Wolves, West Brom and Leicester. 

  5. Their average league placing since the end of WW2 is a place or two outside of the top 20, making them officially a 2nd tier club. In the PL era it's even worse, 25th.


    They like to bang on at us, asking why we have some expectancy that our club challenge at the top when our average league place is about 11th. Well if that's the case, why should they expect that they be competing in the PL, based on nearly the last 80 years of their history?


    I'd still put them about 12th to 15th biggest club in the country but they've been getting progressively smaller over a long period of time. Ironically, a successful NUFC could possibly help them turn that around, as a more attractive North East to the world's top footballers could rub off on them to a certain extent.

  6. It sounds like getting out of his Milanese environment was desperately needed then. Eddie will turn this lad around too, and not just with regards to the football either.

  7. If he hasn't bet on football and the Italians tell us to ban him then we had better be telling them to go fuck themselves. Banning a player from their trade for Blackjack & Poker FFS. They can fuck right off.

  8. 9 minutes ago, Orphanage said:

    Touchy little twat isnt he ?



    Yeah, goes to the trouble of "exclusively" announcing that a committee is discussing the viability of moving the terrace, then finishes off by saying it will could never/will never happen. So why would there be such a committee at all then?


    He made the video so he could claim some ITK credit if it ever happens. Trouble is he will look a bit of a tit if it does.

  9. 16 minutes ago, Sima said:

    Bloke’s a wanker.


    Yeah, he's definitely disappearing up his own backside with each passing video. Still quite like the channel, but it's quite staggering how he casually dismisses other people's theories but puts forward his own as somehow more authentic.

  10. 15 minutes ago, Yorkie said:


    :lol: class, I'm famished. Do make sure mine comes with a dollop of whipped cream.


     I guess that means that you are one the worst culprits for the ridicule then. :lol:

  11. 4 minutes ago, pedro111 said:

    Tyneside life reckons there are proposals afoot to move Leazes terrace back 80m to where the tennis courts are now.


    Quite ironic, considering he has stated adamantly on his other previous videos that this kind of thing could never & would never happen. :lol:


    Would also make a lot of people on here eat humble pie as it routinely became the in-joke to sarcastically mention it.


    Realistically, it's the only viable way of getting SJP properly expanded. And by moving the terrace, I imagine it would give the option of an even bigger expansion down the line. Maybe one day we will actually see that Level 7 full-bowl mock-up come to life?

  12. Just now, SUPERTOON said:

    It won’t be triggered unless it’s cleared by Bruno first. That’s how transfers work now, everything is agreed with the player then a bid goes in.




    The clause is there to make sure the selling club gets a price they like, and also to provide an unhappy player with a quick getaway if they have an exit plan in place. Its not there to allow a buyer free roam to poach a player and leave the seller with no power to stop it.

  13. Just now, The College Dropout said:

    No they can't. If it's been exercised, it's 99% likely that Bruno G has given the thumbs up.


    Unless we've done some funny buggers with the wording.


    If it's been triggered but Bruno doesnt want to leave, then NUFC can simply say nope. Simple as that  

  14. Just now, The Prophet said:


    Aye, you'd imagine an interested club would approach Bruno's entourage first to see if they're wasting their time.


    Yep, if Bruno wants to leave at some point then it will happen because there is no point in hanging on to an unhappy player. The clause just means that we get a price we are comfortable with.

  15. The release clause thing is bollocks anyway as all it means is that a club must bid that amount to even get to the table. Once there, NUFC can still tell everyone to jog on if they want to keep a player who is happy here. Only if that player wanted to leave would it be an issue. Meeting the release clause price just means that talks *might* happen.

  16. 3 minutes ago, SteV said:

    Tbf I’m partially of the opinion that some people (not necessarily directing this at you or @Wandy) had decided that the ticketing changes would be detrimental, and unless the atmosphere is absolutely bouncing, they’ll not change their mind regardless.


    That said, I’m not at every game, so I’m hardly best qualified to judge, and if people that are at every game are saying otherwise, maybe they know better.

    Like I say, I haven’t been to an away game this season so am only going off what friends have said who have been to all of them. The consensus is definitely that our lot have been quiet for significant periods of every game, compared to last season and beyond.


    The problem for me isn’t that our support is crap compared to other fanbases, that obviously isn’t the case. It’s more that our lot are becoming very generic and similar to fanbases that I have derided for years for the fickle/conditional nature of their support. For decades I’ve poured scorn on the likes of Liverpool, Arsenal & Man U for being great when they are winning but mute when things go against them or a game is dull. We really seem to be fast turning into that, which is depressing considering we finally have a club worthy of the amazing support from years gone by.

  17. 10 minutes ago, LFEE said:

    Is it not the case that home support has massively improved? (Especially if you are in the Gallowgate corner and thereabouts). I used to always prefer aways to homes but these days I’m probably the opposite.


    That and you’re probably just getting old like me ?


    I don't think the home atmosphere has improved in general to be honest. Wednesday was obviously exceptional but in the main the SJP atmosphere is very inconsistent. And it seems that the new ticketing arrangement is making away days exactly the same now.

  18. 8 minutes ago, SteV said:

    Is it becoming like that though? Or have people that were previously able been able to go, or people that can’t now bring mates along with them, pre-decided it’s getting like that?


    Now, I haven’t been to all of these, so I’m judging from afar a bit on some of them, but let’s look at the away games so far these season:


    Man City - quiet, much like nearly every PL game there in recent memory, mainly caused by the team barely having the ball.


    Brighton - very poor (save towards the end when everyone had given up on the match itself). Really poor performance on the pitch and horrendous travel issues, made it kind of understandable.


    Milan - hard to judge not being there, as have heard conflicting reports, and obviously some police shenanigans probably didn’t help.


    Sheff Utd - very good, as you would expect given the local proximity and result.


    West Ham - indifferent (?), another hard one to judge I would say, and have already mentioned what I think some of issues were.


    So, maybe I’m making too many excuses here, but I feel it’s definitely too early to have decided the away support has been ruined by all the ticketing changes they brought in.


    Well I haven't been to any away games this season so can't comment from personal experience, but I know a few who have been to all of them and the general consensus is that it's much worse this season, so far.



  19. 7 minutes ago, SteV said:

    If the performance on the pitch is poor/uninspiring, it gets reflected in the support. Agreed, not to the extent of our home support, but it still does have an effect.


    That's the problem though. It seems that the away support is becoming very much like the home support. It's never been that way in all my 35 years of going to games. The difference has always been like night & day.

  20. 9 minutes ago, SteV said:

    Early Sunday ko in London, worst away in the league for atmosphere, completely devoid of anything to shout about on the pitch until after half time.


    This isn’t the game to use as any yardstick to bang whatever drum people want to bang.


    That kind of stuff does not affect our *regular* away support. It's the difference between the home NUFC crowd and the away crowd. We don't want our away support to mirror the home support, where the noise is selective, depending on the game and circumstances.

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