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Posts posted by Wandy

  1. Nottingham Forest is delighted to announce the signing of Chris Wood from Newcastle United.

    The striker joins on loan for the remainder of the season with a conditional obligation to become a permanent deal until the summer of 2024


    So his loan is till the end of the season....and then after that they have to give him a 1 year contract? Sounds completely bizarre. When did his contract with us run to?

  2. 5 minutes ago, Paully said:

    I'm gutted that I can't see their complete bitterness on our thread anymore mind!


    Heaven help the ferkers if we even get to the Final never mind win it!


    Your not missing anything. The thread has gone dead, which is why Exile is so rattled. Taking the thread to Parsnip has resulted in exactly what he didnt want to happen....because any discussion about NUFC on the main board is now simply about the football.

  3. 23 minutes ago, TheBrownBottle said:

    It would have scuppered it, as the PL would then have pinned the state-led piracy to him, given he’s running the country.  Piracy is a criminal offence, so he’d be knackered under the PL rules


    Personally, I've never really bought into the idea that Bin Salman could be linked to piracy. I still believe the whole stalling of the takeover was a mix of egos and power play, namely from the dirty six PL clubs.


    Its more than a coincidence to me that, as soon as it became clear that Ashley's case against the PL was about to become very public indeed, then a solution was found. I don't believe for one moment that, the week after the web-televised court hearing, was the first time the Saudi's had offered to shut down BEoutQ and compensate BEin. I think they offered it months before but the PL made out that it still wasn't enough, at the behest of their six "masters".

  4. 4 minutes ago, gdm said:

    It was because the PL wanted MBS to take the O & D test and MBS wasn’t willing to do that 


    Yeah but that's because of his ego, he didn't believe he should be subjected to such a thing. It was all about personal pride, not whether it would mean that state ownership of the club would scupper the takeover. At the time when the Saudis applied for NUFC the O&D test never said that a state couldn't own a club.

  5. 3 minutes ago, TheBrownBottle said:

    US Rulings mean nowt in the UK - besides, does anyone really think the PL give a shite about ‘separation’?  It was always about piracy.


    There’s nothing in the PL rules about state-owned clubs btw


    That's the thing. I never understood why there was so much noise about who controls the PIF as the PL's O&D Test never stipulated that a state couldn't own a PL club.

  6. 32 minutes ago, Choppy Chop Chop said:

    If I were from "Greater Newcastle" I'd be insulted by your post. You're giving the mackums ammunition in the "Geordie Nation" piss take 


    Couldn't give a shite what they think. The simple fact is that people from those areas have the same accent and tend to socialise in the same areas. Most people in an NE postcode will describe travelling into Newcastle city centre as "going into town". Greater Newcastle is a thing that exists unofficially. Mackems know this too and that's what pisses them off.


    John Hall was on to something with the Geordie Nation thing as he recognised that "Newcastle" is an area that extends quite far beyond it's city boundaries.

  7. I'm cringing reading that Rafa thread. I was seriously wavering about Eddie last January but the comments look embarrassing now..


    On another note though, I hope Rafa gets the West Ham job and redeems himself as the scorn that he continues to receive from media pundits is shocking.

  8. 1 hour ago, TheBrownBottle said:

    It was more that the guy was ranting about a lad on our coach for an away game who was from Hexham, and he was banging on about how he wasn't from Newcastle and therefore was a glory-seeker.  I otherwise wouldn't have worried at all about the distinction


    edit: Wallsend isn't a suburb of Newcastle, mind.  It is a town separate to Newcastle, and always has been.  Parliamentary constituencies aren't how a city's limits are marked


    double edit: Gateshead isn't either - you might class them as commuter towns, but they are most definitely not suburbs of Newcastle





    They may be separate towns, but basically Gateshead, North & South Tyneside and the parts of Northumberland just north of Newcastle, ie Blyth, Morpeth etc are all part of an unofficial "Greater Newcastle". Basically, any area which has an NE postcode is greater Newcastle and those are the areas that NUFC represents. You can also add significant parts of West Durham to that too.

  9. 21 minutes ago, Chris_R said:

    "Our abhorrent, backward views and constant contradictions are making us a laughing stock online, everyone's taking the piss out of us"


    "Should we maybe not post such bullshit?"


    "Nah, let's just hide it"


    Absolute state of them. :lol:


    It also make a mockery of their regular claim that they never read the NUFC forums.

  10. 37 minutes ago, LV said:

    What about Chelsea? Chelsea could come right back into it. Forest could buy more players and surge up the league.


    We’re going to be 12th at this rate 


    Chelsea are all over the place this season. There's no way they finish top 4.

  11. 12 minutes ago, NUFC91 said:


    Spot on, wish those moaning about cup final tickets loyalty points etc woulf put as much emphasis on this issue.


    It should not be hard to get the trust to rally the club but all focusing on crap like shirt sponsors...god help us

    To be honest, the arse-kissing that is being done to us by the media at the moment isn’t actually doing us any favours. It’s actually bringing in complacency already. People are already turning up at games just expecting to be entertained. Unfortunately the flag displays are in danger of being the be all and end all when it comes to the belief that SJP somehow has a good atmosphere. I’m all for the displays, they are great, but noise and songbooks are far more important.

    If it’s true that an expansion of SJP, or brand new stadium, is being planned, then the club absolutely must work with fans to ensure that seating arrangements are very carefully planned to enable like-minded fans to sit/stand together.


    The new owners have been magnificent so far, but getting the REAL atmosphere back at SJP will be one of the most critical issues that they must address.

  12. 1 hour ago, NUFC91 said:

    Hi all,


    I have pushed the trust in regards to bringing this to the clubs attention and they said they've not heard much from other members which is dissapointing. 


    Today was so depressing, sitting in 4th and cup semi final, me and few lads in Leazes corner getting told to sit down and funny looks for trying to get an atmosphere going. To hear lads getting letters for persistant standing as well is madness. Apart from 15 mins it was shite.


    What annoys me is I honestly think this is the biggest issue we have as a club, a great team and fanbase that aren't matching. Safe standing and like minded fans together will improve this, we all know this.


    The most annoying thimg is all the fans and the trust do is bitch and moan about loyal points and ticketing systen. Our shit atmosphere is more important than people moaning about tickets for final we haven't reached. Todah I actually thought it would be better watching on tele. If we fet into Europe we HAVE to improve this.


    Lets stop moaning and email below, only voice we have into club.


    [email protected]


    Get behind the lads!!! Howay United


    Well done for bringing this up. And it’s absolutely right to say that the lack of atmosphere is one of the most pressing issues at the club that needs urgent addressing. No matter how much the media pipe us off and tell us how good we are, the simple fact is that for most games the atmosphere is woeful, bar the odd moments in a game. And even though it’s great what Wor Flags do, those flags add nothing to the atmosphere once kick off starts.


    So much of the damage that Ashley did to the club is being repaired. But the silence of SJP needs addressing. It’s not a bear pit anymore and it needs to be. With how things are going on the field right now the place should be rocking at every game but for the most part it’s like a library. And it IS depressing to witness.

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