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Posts posted by Wandy

  1. 6 minutes ago, TeddySAFC said:

    Why should you be allowed to come out with absolute rubbish and me not defend it? Is it some form of hierachy because you have been here longer?


    You made out the fans harshly hounded out 7 managers in 6 years, I responded with my justification of why they were sacked and you then agreed with the justification of the sackings to another poster, Why is why I said “Are you on glue” - I.E. How can you accuse us of hounding managers out then agree with the reasons why they were sacked.


    You said Short piled money and then when the club had to stand on its own two feet he stopped the cash. He was the sole reason the club was in masses and masses of debt, nobody else. Ellis Short was not a good owner and I will debate and defend that until I’m blue in the face.


    You then went on some bizzare angle about Sunderland fans not wanting to buy tickets which is part of the problem [emoji38]


    You then alluded to managers being sacked and given outright abuse, I still have no idea who you are referring to here or if that was about Sunderland or Newcastle.


    I’m allowed my opinion on my own football club, You self labelling stuff as ‘hard facts about his club’ doesn’t make what you say true.


    Congrats for missing the point entirely.


    You are well within your rights to defend your club and its support etc, that's what the forum is for. But you responded to criticism of SAFC with some ill-judged personal barbs. Stick to opinions and you'll do fine on here. But this is a NUFC forum and you are a SAFC fan and, despite the current gulf in fortunes, we are still fierce local rivals. You are inevitably going to get some light-natured stick as part of your initiation process. :)

  2. 4 minutes ago, Kid Icarus said:

    Haven't mentioned personal abuse once :lol:


    But you are going on about antagonism, when he was doing it after only 11 posts today.


    This just backs up what I find all the time with SAFC fans....they can dish it out but cannot take it back.


  3. 1 minute ago, Kid Icarus said:

    Wandy, it's 100% you imo.


    You are whining on about personal abuse yet just choose to ignore his personal digs cos he's a new poster, bless him.


    All that has happened here is people have made some critical remarks about SAFC and asked some probing questions about them. Fucking hell, I even said to him that their future looks quite rosy now. :lol:

  4. Just now, TeddySAFC said:

    Na, You directly have been the issue by posting a load of rubbish which I responded to if the truth was known.

    Some of your fellow mates even alluded to it within the thread if you read back.


    No, you have responded to opinions with some personal barbs. You don't like those opinions? Tough shit, that's what a forum is for. You haven't shaken off the stench of RTG I'm afraid.


    Its a classic trait of that shithole to respond to an opinion with personal attacks. You are less than 30 posts in and are at it already.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Kid Icarus said:


    It's not though :lol: Just because there isn't the abuse there is on RTG, doesn't mean you don't also see the needlessly antagonistic, goading posts that are exactly the same as the ones from the last few pages. And as I said earlier, give it time and the abuse would come, it's happened before and there are obviously some short memories on that front. 


    It's all part of the same mindset of Geordies and Mackems somehow being different breeds because we live 12 miles apart though, so I know I'm probably wasting my time like. :lol:


    If anything, it's Teddylad who has done the goading since he got here today. See the stuff I quoted above. The rest of us have just put a few hard-to-bear facts about his club to him.

  6. 17 minutes ago, Kid Icarus said:

    No, I'm saying the craic I'm on about is the same. It's exactly the same.


    And this place isn't totally innocent like, we've had our racists (or Skunkers where similar to RTG they weren't banned for racism, threats, abuse), nonces, criminals etc.


    Skunkers was just one gigantic, hilarious piss take where nothing could escape it's wrath. The in-joke was that the place basically mocked itself. Wish it was still around, it was class.:lol:

  7. 59 minutes ago, OpenC said:

    Forum is massively enriched by having other clubs' fans on it but we always demand any mackems that sign up to be personally accountable for the worst excesses and most ridiculous opinions of RTG, I just don't get it :lol:


    This is definitely an issue like. :lol: And it's basically because it's impossible for any NUFC fan to have a civilised debate on RTG without being subjected to a torrent of abuse, therefore any Mackem posting on here for the first time will inevitably take the brunt for all of the bullshit that is written about NUFC over there.


    If this fella can make it through the initial shitstorm I'm confident he will be as welcome on here as the likes of Brummie etc. But he's still gonna have to get through that shitstorm. :lol: And, as has been pointed out, nobody has been abusive. Note though that he's only about 20 posts in and he's already been resorting to personal digs....."Why do you have such a chip on your shoulder?"...."Your are very sensitive"...."Are you on glue?".  Not a great way to ingratiate yourself on a forum. :lol:

  8. 9 minutes ago, Whitley mag said:

    Tell you what this lot would have undoubtedly beaten us on Saturday. Without even paying any attention to their current line up I would hazard a  guess they’ve got better players than Lewis, Murphy and Wood in their current line up.


    Tend to agree. But on the flipside we would have played a full strength team if we were playing them.

  9. Just now, et tu brute said:

    Yep and it was totally right about the team selection, your second point on Howe is total bollocks by the way


    I was gonna say that but just couldn't be arsed. :lol: The idea that even a tiny proportion of our support will want Howe sacked any time soon is utter bollocks. People need to stop basing their judgements on Twitter arseholes.

  10. 2 minutes ago, TeddySAFC said:

    Ross was given more time than anyone, I did like him to be honest he was just too defensive and it cost us big time in big games.


    Neil was already pally with the Directors at Stoke, I dont think he liked worked for a DoF here and the wage increase at Stoke will have helped..


    Fair enough.


    You may have noticed that all of my comments have been about what has gone on at SAFC in the recent past. With regards to their future though I have no idea what will happen next, but I can see why fans will now be feeling some optimism after crawling out of the biggest hole in their history. Fans run on hope and there does seem to be some down there now, and there's little reason why they can't imitate what Brentford are doing right now, if ran correctly. But if you don't go up either this season or next then it might take a lot longer than you think or hope for. Just look at how long Sheffield Wednesday have been down there for now.

  11. 6 minutes ago, TeddySAFC said:

    Yes I did, albeit it indirectly as I mentioned above in the previous post as I quoted another poster, see here :- 



    None of Grayson, Ross or Parkinson deserved more time, It's mental to even suggest it.


    Grayson won 3 games out of 18

    Ross as mentioned was the best we have had since Neil but ultimatley failed to get us out of L1 with the biggest budget and arguably on paper, best squad.

    Parkinson [emoji38] 



    Mowbray has actually exceeded my expectations so far but he won't be the man for the long run, He's there for stability and anything else is a bonus, hence his two year contract.



    I'm not into answering questions indirectly bud. [emoji38]


    Ross should have been given another full season IMO, I think he would have taken you up at the 2nd attempt. 


    So what happens if Mowbray finishes in the bottom half of the table this season? Do you stick or twist again?


    Also...and not fishing here, genuinely curious...why do you think Neal left to go to Stoke, if things are looking so rosy at SAFC? It's not like Stoke are a bigger club.

  12. 2 minutes ago, TeddySAFC said:

    You haven't asked me a question for me to respond to.


    You stated that the fans have hounded managers out and identified that 'seven managers since 2017' proves this.


    I questioned you back and asked which manager should have stayed or not been sacked (albeit quoted another post from another poster), I didn't get a response to that.


    You then replied to someone else, Who alluded to my point that the sackings were justified and agreed with it.


    You aren't making much sense here [emoji38]


    You haven't asked me any questions actually. Since you are asking though....Grayson, Ross & Parkinson should have been given more time. I actually agreed with the Johnson sacking though as it was clear that he would have fucked up in the playoffs again. Neal was an inspired appointment but the guy turned out to be either a snake, or astute, depending on how the next 5 months plays out. Mowbray I'm not sure of, he's clearly a solid manager but you need to get promoted this year under him or it wont happen at all (under him) IMO.

  13. 1 minute ago, TeddySAFC said:

    Are you on glue? [emoji38]


    Just answer questions and keep away from the personal stuff eh? [emoji38] Classic RTG tactic that, lol.


    For what its worth, I am not a SAFC hater, taking the local rivalry aside. But the idea that their support is blameless in their demise over the last 7 years is delusional in the extreme.

  14. 1 minute ago, Conjo said:


    Add Souness, Roeder, Kinnear & McClaren to that list. Granted, they weren't hated to the same level as those you mentioned, but they were very much welcomed sackings when they were let go.


    I'd say there's a difference between being sacked purely on results and being sacked to a backdrop of outright abuse. I can only remember NUFC fans doing that to the three that I mentioned.

  15. Just now, TeddySAFC said:

    What a bizarre take on things, You really have some weird agenda.


    It's not an agenda at all, it's looking at plain facts. If you can't see that going through so many managers in such a short space of time is not a worrying statistic then there's nothing more that I can say.

  16. 3 minutes ago, Conjo said:


    Just look at some of the comments to Howe's team selection against Sheffield Wednesday. :lol: Guarantee you a sizable portion of our fan base will be calling for him to be sacked if we finish below 6th this season. We also had, counting from Souness until Pardew, 5 managers hounded out and 5 caretakers in a 5 year period as well.


    The only managers that NUFC fans have hounded out in the last 20 years have been Allardyce, Pardew & Bruce. 

  17. 1 minute ago, TeddySAFC said:

    Oh and who's faults that then, the tea ladies? [emoji38]


    As for the managers, take a look at the return on the managers results and you will see exactly why they were sacked.


    You are talking complete bollocks.


    Like I say, the truth hurts. [emoji38] How many other clubs have such a high managerial turnover then?


    Blame Short all you want, but the managers he appointed were all approved by the fanbase at the time. Same with the players bought too.


    And the "fault" lies partially with SAFC fans themselves. The simple fact is that a proportion of Sunderland's support don't seem to want to pay for tickets. And it's still a problem, as the club continues to artificially hike up attendance numbers.



  18. 2 minutes ago, TeddySAFC said:

    What an absolute load of rubbish man.


    Ellis Short got bored of the club and admitted defeat in looking to spend his way to success. He lost complete control and shifted all footballing and financial decisions to a variety of different chief executives to the point he hadn't even spoke to Chris Coleman when he was appointed manager or throughout his entire tenure.


    I think most Sunderland fans understand Short had the best intentions of the club from the off but it turned sour as he gave up all interest. 


    Your last paragraph is utter garbage by the way and an assumption that gets tossed around by numerous Newcastle fans about previous managers.


    The truth hurts doesn't it. [emoji38]


    Short didn't "get bored". He realised that he couldn't keep pissing money away on a lost cause so stopped propping SAFC up. Once the club had to start standing on it's own two feet the decline quickly kicked in.


    Your fans are still demanding a manager gets sacked as soon as a bad run of results happens. Seven managers in less than six seasons since May 2017 speaks for itself.

  19. 1 minute ago, TeddySAFC said:

    He wrote money off because he would never have had a buyer to purchase the club for the price it was 'valued' at, He then 'sold' the club to two blokes who used the clubs own parachute money for the purchase, So aye, he left the club absolutely up shit creek.


    Are you suggesting he left the club in remotely a good place here? [emoji38]


    He still didn't have to write that debt off. He could have truly "let you rot" in the lower leagues for a generation but instead he accepted that he had fucked up and just cut his losses to get out of town, but also let you recover more quickly. Do you think Mike Ashley would have wrote off £200m+ plus in debt if he owned you?


    Short was a poor owner in terms of making some rotten footballing decisions but financially he was incredibly generous. The trouble with SAFC fans is they paint Short as an appalling owner and pin all of the club's failures from 2017 onwards directly onto him, when the truth is that the fanbase played a massive part in the malaise by demanding a manager should be sacked every 9 months. And 6 years on that same fanbase are still doing that shit. It's never about them though.

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