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Posts posted by Wandy

  1. 13 minutes ago, TeddySAFC said:

    We were only a steady PL club in league status alone, haemorrhaging money, huge debt, little to no re-sale value in any of the squad, large contracts on players worth nowhere near the wages they were being paid. Behind the scenes was a shambles, Short left the club to rot which is why we then fell down the leagues and out of the Championship.


    It was a ticking time bomb which eventually exploded, We are in a far better position now than we were then.


    Left the club to rot? He wrote off hundreds of millions in debt man. [emoji38]

  2. 4 minutes ago, TeddySAFC said:

    Going nowhere [emoji38], best placed the club has been for about 10 years.


    10 years ago you were in the PL and propped up by Ellis Short. How is your current position better than that?


  3. 48 minutes ago, TeddySAFC said:


    What I would say is that I wouldn't turn my back on Sunderland if they has KSA / State ownership but I wouldn't be overly proud about it.


    Your fans, and every other fanbase, would react in the exact same way that NUFC fans have done.


    Go and have a look on Red Cafe and witness how Man Utd fans are now praying for an oil state to come in for them.

  4. 2 hours ago, AJ9 said:


    100%. It’s a really weird Scottish thing for other cities to slag Dundee…it’s actually class and shits on places like Perth and Aberdeen.


    As for Edinburgh…admittedly lovely in parts, but once you get out of town it has some of the most depressing shitholes in Scotland. 


    Can only agree with this. I went to a friends-of-family birthday party in a suburb of Edinburgh roughly 10 years ago and it's the bleakest, most depressing place I have ever witnessed. Like, proper Trainspotting grim.

  5. 40 minutes ago, Weezertron said:

    His reaction to that miss was sad. Seemed like he knew it meant more than simply missing a shot.


    I think players know when a fan base in on the edge of turning against them. He knew that would do it for a section of our support. 

    Probably reading too much into it hah.

    Your not reading too much into it at all, for that is exactly what will happen now. The home crowd will not give him an inch, and Eddie will be sending him out to the lions if he plays him in any other circumstances other than sheer desperation.


    You know a miss is bad when even a professional commentator takes the piss out of it. “Chris Wood, what have you done”.


    I feel sorry for the lad a bit because he has obviously been liked in the dressing room and gives his all. Tonight proved though that he needs to leave the club before next season.

  6. While there is no doubt that we have deserved our success this season, tonight’s display and result just shows how fine the margins are for us and how quickly the wheels could fall off and momentum swing the other way. Not gonna lie, I am worried about Tuesday now as we have applied some unwanted extra pressure on ourselves.

  7. 14 hours ago, et tu brute said:

    Their fans have always been a bunch of pricks just like their near neighbours Forest. Got a massive chip now that they are moving down the pecking order rather quickly and financially are unable to keep up. Two of their best players will be gone within six months at the latest and their main catalyst striker is showing his age. They will be fighting relegation in a year or two, fuck them.


    Filbert Street was always a ground where there was trouble when we played there. Underneath their new family-friendly image they are still a bunch of snidey pricks.

  8. Saw this on toontastic and I think it's a pretty accurate idea of how SJP will look if extended, when it comes to tackling the East Stand problem. An upper tier that heavily overhangs the lower tier, although the rake will probably need to be steeper than this shown here.



  9. 45 minutes ago, manorpark said:


    One City Council Member has suggested this as an 'idea' as HMRC at Benton Park View in High Heaton (it is not in 'Longbenton') are moving into the City Centre in 2027, and as BPV is next door to the Freeman Hospital he has said that he thinks it would be a good idea to move the hospital next door.


    I would say it is extremely unlikely to happen - but you never know!





    I'd be amazed if the site was used for a hospital. It's prime land for an entire new housing estate to be built on it.

  10. 41 minutes ago, Jackie Broon said:


    I agree that he would be highly unlikely to take the job, but sane people do mad things in the name of patriotism.

    Nah, only stupid people do mad things in the name of patriotism. Eddie isnt a stupid person.


    I'd bet the FA could offer to treble his NUFC wages and he'd still not be tempted.

  11. 3 hours ago, Jackie Broon said:


    Very unlikely yes, but not zero chance. I think the only thing that would make him take the job, if it becomes avaliable, is if he feels he has a patriotic duty to take it. I don't think there's zero chance of him thinking that.


    Nope, there's not even the remotest chance that he will be tempted. Absolutely nothing will make him consider that job. Underneath that nice guy exterior is a very smart and calculating person and he knows better than anyone that he has landed the dream job in football. To give that up for the poisoned chalice of the England job would be complete madness. And Eddie Howe is definitely not mad.

  12. 9 hours ago, Jackie Broon said:


    I don't think it's fantasy, quite the opposite, if Southgate doesn't stay on I have little doubt that Eddie would be offered the job. He's currently the most highly rated English manager and the main strengths he has shown in his coaching are in the areas England has been most deficient, I can't see any reason why he wouldn't be the FA's first choice.


    I don't think it would be what he wants right now in his career but I think there's an outside chance that he might see it as his duty to take the job.





    There is zero chance of Howe taking the England job.

  13. I see that the latest theory from the knackers over there is that Saudi now want to "take over" the Premier League. There is absolutely zero evidence of that of course, but that's not going to stop their fantasies about the Saudis buying Man Utd and either ditching us or making us the "feeder club" of Man Utd.


  14. 11 minutes ago, Wallsendmag said:


    Totally agree. The stadium looked perfect when it held 36.k and for big games the noise was unmatched. It would reverberate off all 4 sides and it was absolutely deafening when the crowd was up. We lost all that when it went to 52k. The accoustics changed completely. I put up with it till 2004 and then gave up my seat in the Leazes and switched to the Gallowgate because the extension killed the Leazes End stone dead.


    Whilst its interesting seeing these videos people have taken from the city centre or further afield of the noise at SJP during a match that's just all noise that's escaped out of the stadium due to the lopsided design. You don't get that at these modern stadiums or even older ones with the stands roughly the same size.


    I was happy with the proposed move back in the 90s and I'd still be happy with it now, location dependant. A move outside the city is a definite non starter for me.


    Yep, agree with all that.


    And the more I think about it, the more obvious it is that we need a new stadium. Because even if Level 7 is extended to the Gallowgate then that is actually likely to make the atmosphere even worse. The Gallowgate's current cowshed roof is what makes most of the atmosphere at SJP and once that is gone I could see SJP becoming even less intimidating.

  15. 40 minutes ago, Wallsendmag said:


    They were. Back then the only real opposition was from the NIMBYs and the support as a whole was begind the move. The capacity was smaller but SJP back then was far nicer than it is now as well. I've never been a fan since the extension in 2000.


    Same here. SJP was an absolute bearpit when the capacity was 36k and all of the stands were roughly symmetrical. The Level 7 extension drastically reduced the intensity of the atmosphere though. Which is why any new stadium needs to be able to keep the atmosphere enclosed within, just like 1990s SJP did.

  16. 8 minutes ago, Tiresias said:

    I've said it before and I've said it again, I absolutely do not want us to move St James Park. It is the most perfectly placed stadium in the country. If I had my way I would knock down all the crap new buildings going up around it as well. It is to me brilliant that it is visible from the rest of the town up on the hill. 


    I am all for rebuilding it, and if a small move I would consider it. 


    I don't know why it keeps being peddled that people want to move SJP away from the city centre. Absolutely nobody has even suggested it. A move 100 yards north is not "moving away". It's simply a tiny relocation of the current stadium and location.

  17. 17 minutes ago, Jack27 said:

    The solution to our problems 


    This idea is a load of nonsense. You can clearly see that the finished article still massively impedes Leazes Terrace. It's a non starter.

  18. 15 minutes ago, JonBez comesock said:

    Nope , Just a member 


    Bought 4 memberships in the summer for the family.


    I have been able to get tickets for every match so far.


    Best £90 I’ve spent (2 adult / 2 junior memberships) 


    If we can add on 10,000 to St James park , I think that’s enough.


    Liverpool have done ok with 54,000 capacity 

    Man City , 60,000?

    Arsenal 60,000



    Man City have peaked in terms of their potential. They do not have the same potential for crowd sizes as NUFC because they have to share Greater Manchester with MUFC.


    Liverpool could fill a 70K stadium but FSG don't want to spend the money doing it. Arsenal were hemmed in by the surrounding areas of The Emirates so had to make do with 60k. That stadium is already starting to look dated IMO.


    70K is the sweet spot for NUFC. Another 8k seats simply allows for those who have walked away to come back. There needs to be another 10k on top of that for the next generation of supporters otherwise we will just have a repeat of the 90s when thousands were unable to go to games.

  19. 50 minutes ago, JonBez comesock said:

    I couldn’t disagree more 


    Absolutely no way would I want to leave St James Park 


    We don’t need the extra revenue from 10,000 or 20,000 seats 


    Money comes from sponsorship , commercial, Tv , champions league , etc 


    If we can get to 60,000 at St James park that’s enough 


    Bigger crowd / More people doesn’t always mean better atmosphere.


    Ive been to games at St James park with 25,000 ( Leeds 5-2 , Micky Quinn 4) which have been better than 52,000 at a league game.

    Our ground is unique , we need to keep some of our heritage / tradition and turn St James Park into a fortress 


    Yes it would be great if we can extend the ground and I am all for it , but 70,000 is not needed.


    60,000 at St James Park , with 15,000 standing area and we are good to go ??



    Are you a current season ticket holder?

  20. 25 minutes ago, Johnny said:

    The club : We wont move away from SJP

    The fans : The club should abandon SJP

    The club : The city center location of SJP is perfect for the club so we wont move away from SJP and look for a way to expand it

    The fans : The club should move away from SJP



    That's the thing though...building a new stadium wouldnt be "moving away" from SJP. It would merely be moving SJP a hundred yards or so further north. One thing that everyone can agree on though is that NUFC must always, always have their stadium in the city centre.

  21. 3 hours ago, Wilson said:


    Aye... thats not right like. 



    About this whole debate, when Mehrdad said:


    “We will definitely look at expanding it, working with the city and council to see what we can do. There are a lot of things that need to happen first, but that’s the way forward.


    If we can get it to 60 or 65,000 thousand, amazing, and we will look at every possibility.


    But are we going to build a new stadium? No. It would be like tearing your soul out.”


    Do those just ignoring it think he was:


    A. Lying.

    B. Naive about future requirements.

    C. Believes what he said but will be over-ruled by the majority owners. 


    None of the above. It's actually


    D : They already underestimated the size and potential of the club at the time that statement was made, and now realise that a 70000+ seater is an absolute necessity.

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