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Posts posted by Wandy

  1. Nobody went in two footed at all. The problem with them is that they can dish it out but simply cannot take it back. His comment about the two sets of fans being the same was actually astonishing, considering RTG’s entire ethos is built around the fallacy that their fans are different to ours. As soon as you pull them up for their utter bullshit they instantly flounce off. 

  2. 6 hours ago, TeddySAFC said:

    This idea however that you as a fanbase are completely polar opposites to us is frightening really, If people genuinally believe that of course.

    And yet this is the narrative that is constantly peddled on RTG. Not like a Mackem to have any self awareness though is it?

  3. 17 minutes ago, et tu brute said:

    Finances will stop them, you can't attract players if you can't afford them. Unless they get further investment they will be still looking at the bargain basement in the championship 

    You’d think Donald and Methven will now finally sell up their shares to Dreyfus once they are up, so let’s see if he starts to put in some big money into them.

  4. I actually think it wont take them that long to get promoted from the Championship. They are big enough in that league to attract decent names in terms of manager and players. Thats why its been so funny seeing them in the League 1 wilderness where nobody of note would touch them.

  5. On the RTG match thread they are bricking it. They need not worry though as Wednesday could play for another 12 hours and they still won’t score.

  6. They will go through tonight I reckon. Then its the battle of the two shithousers in the final. 90 minutes of the footballing dark arts. Not exactly the beautiful game.

  7. Man City are the very definition of a proper football club. Their pre-oil money honours list is impressive - 9 trophies, including two titles and one European -and they have always been one of the best supported clubs in the country. They have also seen their team plumb the depths and still stuck with them in huge numbers, and also had to watch their neighbours in the same city mock them for decades while they won everything in sight. They are ten times more “proper’ than Liverpool FC, a club whose support is the most spoilt in the country. None of their fan base under the age of 60 has been remotely tested.

  8. 11 hours ago, Froggy said:


    I can understand rivals of Liverpool not wanting them to win it, but Liverpool are a proper football club. Neutrals wanting City to win the title over Liverpool is baffling to me. 

    Explain how Man City are not a “proper football club’.

  9. Have to hope that MK Dons turn around their 0-2 defecit otherwise the Mackems are going up. Sheff Wed are utter garbage and wont be going to the final.

  10. Yep, speaking as someone who grew up there, the idea that there is, or was, anything like a 10% Mackem supporter base in Gateshead is pure fantasy. In the 80s they might have had something like 5% but that is being generous. The Keegan era all but wiped out SAFC's Gateshead support though. Which explains why they are so anxious about what may happen going forward.


    On another note, it was pretty disappointing to see MK Dons lose last night. A win tonight for the oiks and I'd say promotion is looking likely. No way will Wycombe win the final, whoever they come up against.

  11. 8 hours ago, Nucasol said:

    That bastion of truth. His uncle Jamie was a huge NUFC fan so very likely to have been indoctrinated like us all from a young age by family.


    Great bloke is Jamie, I worked with him a few years ago and, yep, he's a massive NUFC fan. Another reason I liked him is that I met someone who swears as much as me, if not more. [emoji38]

  12. 5 hours ago, The College Dropout said:

    Would people be upset if we binned off Howe for Poch early in the season if we don't make the start we hope for?


    Jesus Christ, what an appalling comment. Aye lets quickly sack the manager who has completely turned around 14 years of purgatory in a mere 4 months. For fucking potless Pochettino too, no less.


    Truly one of the worst posts I have seen on here. 


    I really hope this isn't an indication of how our support is going to act when things don't always go the way we want.

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