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Posts posted by Wandy

  1. 2 minutes ago, Dr Venkman said:

    Follow the instructions lads. Go to the URL they gave you just before 10:00. At 10:00 you’ll be given a random place in the queue. Good luck.


    you mean the queue I.D?


  2. What are you supposed to see when you click on the season tickets section of the ticket account? At the moment its just blank on the screen that I look at.


    I created an account for a family member who is a long term ST holder, as they should be in the running to get me a ST? But there's nothing on the site that states that they are eligible to apply tomorrow?

  3. So they own part of Newcastle Airport, yet get absolutely no recognition of it. And this is somehow something for them to crow about? :lol:


    Wonder if there is anything else in Newcastle that they want to contribute towards? Maybe they could pay for the Tyne Bridge restoration too? ......."We own the Tyne Bridge marra".

  4. 3 hours ago, reefatoon said:

    Totally agree. Some fan reactions are fucking mental. Where have they been the last 14 years when it really was boring. Being linked with loads of players now and knowing you stand a chance of signing some is fucking amazing not boring. It’s early June and some people are going on like it’s deadline day. Absolute mentalists.


    Unfortunately, what it shows is that, should we become successful we will have a sizeable section of clueless, entitled wankers amongst our support, just like the present top clubs have. It would be nice to think our fanbase will buck the trend but sadly they wont. Comes with territory I suppose.

  5. 55 minutes ago, Decky said:

    I always change my mind about what I want for these like. Today I'm hoping its someone decent buying them and they get back to the Prem as a lower half side. We'll be a decent team by then and it'd be good to play them twice a year again. 


    I'm always changing my mind on them too. Do I want them in League 2 or the Northern League?


    Today I'm hoping its the Northern League. 

  6. 1 hour ago, neesy111 said:

    Those plans for the bernebeu are either stupid or brain-dead.  Try air-conditioning that place for an expo between may and September, where it's 35+ most days.

    Dear me. Aye, I’m sure the designers haven’t factored that in at all.


    Character, my arse. The new Bernabeu looks absolutely sensational.

  7. 35 minutes ago, et tu brute said:

    I honestly don't think we will have any choice but to build a new stadium in the future. I think the costs of extending St James for a relatively small increase in capacity, just won't make it cost effective. The opportunity for significant increased revenue streams through sponsorship with a new stadium is very hard to ignore either. Most importantly though is the fact that there are going to be a large number of supporters currently and future (youth), who will be unable to attend on a regular basis due to capacity limits. 

    This is all subject to the owners future plans, which I honestly think is to be one of the biggest, best and most successful clubs in the world. 

    I have to agree. It’s clear that the game is about to enter yet another level, where there are a handful of super-elite clubs with mega-stadiums. If our owners really do want to be the number 1 club in the game then SJP just won’t cut it.


    Either we find a way to bulldoze some of the stuff around SJP and completely rebuild it, or I can see us moving. All depending exactly how ambitious the Saudis are, of course.



  8. 17 minutes ago, JonBez comesock said:

    Looks unbelievable, I’ve heard they are getting some ridiculous sponsorship package as well to some huge American company as well to rent it out ? 
    £400 million a year or something for 20 years ?






    I hope our owners have similar plans for us.


    Not gonna lie, if they announced that they wanted to build a Bernabeu replica somewhere on the edge of town I would be all over it. SJP sentimentality would go straight out of the window.

  9. I know it now seems unlikely, but if we do relocate down to the Arena site then the renovated Bernabeu would be the template for the kind of design we should be looking to have. Dear Lord, what a stadium that is going to be when finished. It will make Spurs’ stadium look like the Stadium of Shite.




  10. 4 hours ago, JonBez comesock said:

    Prefer these 




    It’s a real shame that we won’t be sponsored by Aramco as these look fantastic. 

    All three of these are lovely IMO and will be buying at least one of them. First NUFC shirt I will have bought for at least 10 years.


  11. Glad I didn't watch that. Knew they'd win it comfortably, the cunts. [emoji38]


    No idea how MK Dons lost to that rancid Wycombe team. Once they were knocked out there was only going to be one team going up.


    Be interesting to see how they do next season. Comfortably mid-table IMO, and I think they could well find it easier to get promoted out of the Champo than it was for League One. 


    The last 5 years have been great entertainment though. :razz:

  12. 13 minutes ago, Awaymag said:

    likelihood is we will finish above Villa and Palace as they play Man C and Man u respectively.


    Remember Gerrard is the new Klopp and Viera the new Arsene............according to the pundits..........Fuckwits more like!





    It's a joke how Viera is being suggested as manager of the season. He has been completely mediocre.

  13. The guy oozes class and is a genuine role model.


    It’s too early to say that he has what it takes to be an elite manager, but what is certain is that he has cemented himself a career as a PL manager for a long time now. If it ultimately doesn’t work out here he will quickly end up at another Premier League club.

  14. 11 hours ago, Whitley mag said:

    Unfortunately it won’t work like that the Championship is shite. If Luton can make the playoffs and teams like Barnsley get close, nothing to stop these doing the same. Personally think they’ll be back in the Prem within 3 years if they come up this time.

    Yeah, once they get promotion that will be the beginning of their recovery. We need them to remain in the 3rd division for as long as possible. It’s so much fun for us and completely humiliating for them.

  15. Just now, Dr.Spaceman said:


    What's the scale?


    Already said. Actual songs getting sung. We have about three songs in our range. Its pretty embarrassing tbh.


    We dont even sing our own anthem anymore. When was the last time you heard the Blaydon Races get an airing ay SJP?

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