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Gallowgate Toon

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Posts posted by Gallowgate Toon

  1. The wind played a big part as our more technically gifted players were unable to let their superior quality tell......


    Only joking!  mackems.gif


    In all seriousness, Martins was a big let down today, he didnt support Shola, wasnt thinking at all just hoping that he might pull of a bit of magic if the ball happened to land at his feet. With all the long balls that were played up to Shola today, Martins just seemed to randomly run about in the vicinity. Duff went to sleep in the second half too.


    Could have been worse but Barton nearly saved the day at the death, that would have been funny.


    was the opposite if anything, played far too conservatively and never had a go himself, instead always opting for the safe pass or slowed down to keep possession. very disappointing in either case though. contrast with cisse who ran at people, stretched our defence, took risks and fired shots from long distance.


    You're pulling me up on my supposition of what Martins was thinking? Ok, fair enough i'd agree with your assessment anyway. :lol:


    Dont think he was close enough to Shola to support him when the ball was played long anyway. Cisse got the better of our defenders on a few occasions but our defence played ok in nightmare conditions for a defender. I was hoping Martins would have exploited the scrappy balls that were played up to Shola a bit more but he seemed switched off today.

    Probably sick of chasing the scraps tbh, we all know what he can do when the ball is at his feet, but we just don't ever play it to his feet, we expect him to feed off scraps that are 20 or 30 yards from him, he's quick but not superman.

  2. Everyone but Colo and Given get 5's from me, Given gets a 6 could have easily saved the second mind and Colo gets a 7.5, thought he had Cisse all over today, and was very good against Jones.




    Cisse was comfortably the best player on the pitch and our central defenders never got to grips with him. also thought diouf, malbranque and chimbonda were dangerous too, capitalising on our ineptness at full-back & central midfield.

    No, Taylor didn't deal with Cisse, that's why he got the goal, Colo was class today 95% of people on here are saying exactly the same he read the game well well, headed well, tackled well apart from one time how did Cisse 'beat' him?


    cisse skinned colo for pace on at least 3 occasions. he made some good challenges but he couldn't even get close to cisse when he moved out wide or dropped deep and as a result he enjoyed a lot of space and fired in some good chances that he was unlucky not to put away.


    also notice colo didn't put a foot in when diouf was running through.

    The times he got round Colo, he was well positioned enough for Cisse to not create anything other than shit crosses and early pot shots? he was never going to beat Cisse in a race but he was clever enough to shut his options down. As for Diouf there was enough players in there to block that shot and i'm pretty sure if Colo had left Jones, then Diouf would have slid it through to him, its a midfielders job to block a midfielders shot tbh not a CB come forward and leave his man.

  3. Everyone but Colo and Given get 5's from me, Given gets a 6 could have easily saved the second mind and Colo gets a 7.5, thought he had Cisse all over today, and was very good against Jones.




    Cisse was comfortably the best player on the pitch and our central defenders never got to grips with him. also thought diouf, malbranque and chimbonda were dangerous too, capitalising on our ineptness at full-back & central midfield.

    No, Taylor didn't deal with Cisse, that's why he got the goal, Colo was class today 95% of people on here are saying exactly the same he read the game well well, headed well, tackled well apart from one time how did Cisse 'beat' him?

  4. Six months ago we rolled this lot over with ease.


    Now little Dennis has strengthened the squad hugely and they're turning us over.


    Something doesn't make sense.

    They strengthened we didn't.


    Which was his point...


    Seemed like he was implying they had same team. Typical Cisse has a good game.

    Cisse has been good for them tbh and is a good player just Liverpool's rotation policy screwed him up imo.

  5. Given 6 - Did OK

    Beye 5 - Still not at his best

    Coloccini - 5 - Too shaky, but still has classy moments

    Taylor - 6 - Did OK

    Bassong - 5 - Gave their right side too much space.

    Geremi - 5 - One good freekick otherwise anonymous

    Butt - 0 - Useless waste of space. f*** off.

    Guthrie - 5 - Hid in midfield.

    Duff - 5 - Better on the right than on the left.

    Martins - 6 - Made the right runs and passes but let down by the ineptitude of those behind him.

    Shola - 6 - Game of two halves.

    Gutierrez - 6 - Good running, and now has to convince me that he is better than Dyer.

    Barton - 6 - More drive, determination, and intelligence than seen from Butt.

    Enrique - n/a but what is the point of the substitution, shouldhave been Zog.


    f*** sake.

    Agreed thought he was our best player today, apart from the wind picking the ball up he was brilliant i thought.

  6. I still think Kinnear is doing a decent job, but he comes out and says he wants the job full time, well yeah but you've actually got to show you do the job, and today he looked tactically shit tbh, no creativity, just long ball after long ball to a donkey and a 5'7 striker. He made the subs 15 minutes too late, should've taken Butt off at half time too. Yeah he won the ball but he was injured so he didn't track Marlbranque for the first goal and got caught out with his foul for the second, i know he has experience but he's shit and i think Guthrie's performance suffered because of him, practically like playing with 10 men, unbelievable.

  7. Was driving me nuts seeing Bassong on the pitch for as long as he was, never mind the ineptitude of our wingers. He was lost at sea man, didn't have a clue where he was meant to be or what he was meant to be doing. I don't begrudge him like, he looks like a good centre-back.


    Infurating substitutions. Bringing Enrique on with 5 mins left just rubbed salt in the wound.


    Was a bit Roederesque of Kinnear, gotta be said. :undecided:

    What did he honestly think we were guna do? For 10 minutes we couldn't string more than 2 passes together and they were running through us with ease, all we were doing was hopelessly punting up the fucking ball to Shola who won 2 headers all game. He could see we weren't goin to do anything i'm sure Jonas and Barton have trained enough to manage 30 minutes of football.

  8. Robinho is a class act tbh.

    Too lightweight, Geremi breathed on him and he got knocked off the ball. One of the best players you'll ever see technique wise though.

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