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Posts posted by Scoreboard82

  1. nothing to do with them building a Eurostar station in Ebbsfleet then?


    Are they?  I didn't know that as I don't pay any interest in Eurostar as a company as I've never needed to use their train.  Cheers for that though.  Makes sense.

    Suppose with safc as a forum name you've never really needed a means of travelling in Europe, have you?

  2. I currently have a season ticket of my own but have applied for tickets in the family enclosure with the bairn. Anyone know what the average time on the waiting list for this area is? Been on the list for a couple of years now.

    Don't suppose it's easy to get in as there are so few seats in there.

    Thought i may have stood a good chance this summer because so many people were disgruntled at the end of last season, threatening to chuck it. Things have changed for the better and most people will now renew i imagine.

    Think i'll probably need to shell out for seats in an "ordinary" area of the ground if i want to get us seats together.


    yes, his record with fulham, england and man city fills me with confidence


    I think we'd bring the best out of him, again.


    Aye. This is his home.


    lives in glasgow now, doesn't keep up with the toon at all


    he's a washout, leave him be FFS

    Still a hero in my eyes. Experienced 2 fantastic periods of watching the Toon while he was here as a player and then manager. Unforgettable.

  4. HUGE problem?  Where? ???


    There's a slight problem at games, which gets hilariously overblown by the press and non-Glaswegians.  Sure half these songs are "sectarian", whatever that really means to the average man on the street these days, but no-one up here actually gives a s***.  It's all you lot, and dare I say, the PC culture pissing and moaning about these stupid songs.  Glasgow gets along fine, it's only on an Old Firm matchday (in the stadium) there's a "problem", and later it's in certain areas.


    Aberdeen are as bad as any of them, but they get away with it, cause they're not sectarian.


    Why are we allowed to call people all sorts under the sun just because of an area they come from, but the Old Firm lot aren't allowed to sing s*** over (ridiculously) legitimate religious beef?


    If there's a big problem with bigotry in Glasgow, then there's a problem everywhere.  Everywhere else gets away with it because, as I say, it's not on religious grounds.  Try telling me some of the stuff that's been said about Liverpool and Sunderland amongst others, on here, isn't bigotry.

    I've heard that area's around Glasgow, like Motherwell, Wishaw, Falkirk, Largs, Kilmarnock and Ayr have a bigger problem with sectarianism than Glasgow itself and on a match day more incidents occur in these places.


    Well, they can have all the problems they want, but they're not part of Glasgow, where the majority of Rangers and Celtic fans are from.  Motherwell I can speak from experience though, and that's overblown.  Will give Wishaw, but then, I wouldn't go down Wishaw any time of day, week or the year.


    These aren't sectarian problems, behave man.  They're social problems, like the rough areas in and around Newcastle and every other city around Britain.  What do you thinks happening, sectarian riots or something?  Will be random scuffles with two sets of supports, again, like any other city around Britain.

    You sure most Celtic/Rangers fans come from Glasgow? Are they not the equivalent of Englands Man u/Chelsea for gloryhunting?

  5. whats the fascination with playing these bigoted scumbags

    Bigots ? Thats an UNDERstatement.

    Yep, they still sing their IRA songs and wave the irish tricolour. Slimey tossers.

    Still - I've probably had more friendly chats with the Celtic fans after the game than the other set of Glasgow bigots.


    Agreed, there are bigots on both sides of the fence....I was a little suprised by SM's reaction to my previous comment .... maybe he has a problem with me or thinks I have with him, if so he is wrong.


    I've met canny lads on both sides of the divide and its sad that even they get dragged into the religion and bigotry .... and its also true that in my experience very very few fans of both Rangers and Celtic don't drag this s**** into the conversation at some stage.


    The support for the IRA, UDA etc is appalling. I am pleased these scumbags don't play in the premiership and hope that they never ever drag this bollocks down to England. I don't like NUFC playing them and never have.



    I agree with the above statements. Both Glasgow clubs bring on the bigot accusations themselves. I personally would rather we didn't have Celtic fans down here. Trying to take over the city with a "We're the biggest and best club in the land, with the best following." attitude.

  6. Thanks Glenn for your time here, you provided us with entertainment at the end of last season. thanks for getting us into europe and bringing Martins to the club.


    good luck glenn in the future!!!!!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

    Well said. He wasn't the man for the job but i can't hate him like some do. This isn't a man who deliberately tried to ruin us but a man who loves the club and genuinely cared. He was just out of his depth that's all.

    Good luck Glenn.


  7. Boro, for going on and on about the one and only trophy win in their 100 and odd year history. Singing "Have you ever seen the Geordies win a cup?"

    They should get tetley "one cup" tea bags to sponsor them next season.

    They go on phone-ins and talk about Newcastle instead of their own club. I hate them and would love to see them go down, though it won't happen this season unfortunately.

  8. To be honest, they are only thinking of the kids.


    If adults stand up, the kids wiill have to stand up to see, and that means that Dave wont be able to see with the gang of four year old kids in front of him.




    Gerraway man. Away games- Stand up.



    If you don't like, don't go the away games.

    Go to most away games with "the lads" and happy to stand up. It's just the done thing and never really think of sitting down. Don't know why we stand though. We don't stand at home so why stand away? Are we trying to make the home fans think we're mental and we are mad 'cause we stand up?

    I take the bairn away to games occasionally. When i do, it would be nice to choose to take her in an area where we could just see the game without having to hold onto her while she stands on a wobbly seat. I think in Germany you've got certain grounds with both terraces and seated areas. That would surely cater for everyone.

    As for "don't go to away games if you don't like it", why should away grounds be no go areas for kids because they can't see? If the kids don't go to the games now, who's going to go in the future?



    Say, Fat Fred announces tomorrow, he's had enough with the whinging fans and rather than selling the club, him and john hall are raising  SJP to the ground and selling the land for redevelopment because they could probably make more than what they could from selling the club. In an extrordinary move, the city council then subsequently bans any other club from setting up in the city, and in a last twist of the knife, FF takes all trademarks and naming rights to NUFC with him.


    So before anyone gives it any s**** about never switching it's in the blood or any other s****, we are all football fans and know what it means to have a particular club, and while it would never be the same, you would eventually to a greater or lesser degree, be it after a year, or 20 years, start following/watching/supporting another club/s, if only to not to take up DIY. Anyone who claims otherwise is deluding themselves imho. Remember, NUFC is dust and will never rise again.


    So, who would it be?


    Premiership? Championship? Local team? Foreign team? Pub team? Womens team? National team?



    Been watching St Mirren a few times a season since 1983. Stayed nearby for about 3 weeks and seen some of their games. Adopted them as my second team. I only go up there when the toon aren't playing and could never be as passionate as i am following NUFC.

    And before anyone starts with their "there's no such thing as having a 2nd team" rubbish, it seems acceptable enough if that 2nd team is Celtic/Rangers.

  10. Looks like I'll be getting an ST after all, the two nephews want one, how easy are they to get and is the family enclosure the best place to be for bairns, one is 8, one is 14?

    Family enclosure is probably best, although don't know how long it'll take for seats to become available. Me and the daughter are on the waiting list. Think i only applied last season mind.

    Trouble is the area is so small isn't it? Because of the general feeling of unrest among the fans at the moment, maybe some will not renew next season. Then again parents will be under pressure not to disappoint the bairns by taking their s/tickets off them.

    Suppose some space has to become available each season because once the kids in there reach 16 they have to move elsewhere in the ground.

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