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Posts posted by fredbob

  1. We were linked witht his guy in the summer weren't we?


    He was one of the sort of not so obvious types we were linked with throughout the summer and it was hard to tell if we were really after them or not.


    Should be interesting to see if we bring a number of these types of players in January. It would probably be a clear indication that Wise and his team were really after these sorts, which Keegan wasn't as comfortable with.


    That's what I reckon, I think we would have seen many more signings but Keegan wouldn't approve these and Ashley would only back Keegan if Wise said Keegan's targets were worth signing, then on the last day Ashley, Wise et al got sick and bought Xisco and loaned Nachoman.


    Which so called hidden gems did KK stop the club signing? As we signed: Jak Alnwick a England U16 goalkeeper, Aaron Spear the so called next Wayne Rooney & Nile was singed.



    Every player singed (not loaned) for the first team level had played in the Europe's best leagues last year & all were either internationals or U internationals, hardly unknowns plucked from South America or some shanty town in Africa..

    I don't think KK would have any say on youth players tbh.  I'm not sure if he did prevent us from sisgning someone, I just think it would make sense if he did.  He certainly wasn't allowed to go for his own targets or we would have had at least one from the scottish leagues as Keegan kept on goin on about it.


    Know that for a fact do you?


    The irony.


    Do go on.....


    I think you'll find I've always said that it comes down to a matter of trust, and due to everything Kevin Keegan has done for this club in the past, that is why he gets my backing over Mike Ashley.


    And thats fair enough. Im not 'attacking' that, your beliefs are down to faith in one man and are void of facts themsevels, and thats fine with me, I just think its a little ironic that you'd call someone out  on thier 'percieved' lack of facts to back up a perfectly good explainationation. Just seems a little hypocritical, thats all.

  2. We were linked witht his guy in the summer weren't we?


    He was one of the sort of not so obvious types we were linked with throughout the summer and it was hard to tell if we were really after them or not.


    Should be interesting to see if we bring a number of these types of players in January. It would probably be a clear indication that Wise and his team were really after these sorts, which Keegan wasn't as comfortable with.


    That's what I reckon, I think we would have seen many more signings but Keegan wouldn't approve these and Ashley would only back Keegan if Wise said Keegan's targets were worth signing, then on the last day Ashley, Wise et al got sick and bought Xisco and loaned Nachoman.


    Which so called hidden gems did KK stop the club signing? As we signed: Jak Alnwick a England U16 goalkeeper, Aaron Spear the so called next Wayne Rooney & Nile was singed.



    Every player singed (not loaned) for the first team level had played in the Europe's best leagues last year & all were either internationals or U internationals, hardly unknowns plucked from South America or some shanty town in Africa..

    I don't think KK would have any say on youth players tbh.  I'm not sure if he did prevent us from sisgning someone, I just think it would make sense if he did.  He certainly wasn't allowed to go for his own targets or we would have had at least one from the scottish leagues as Keegan kept on goin on about it.


    Know that for a fact do you?


    The irony.

  3. Strange one this, thinking about it, i wouldnt put him in becasue an environment like this will do nothing but stifle his talent. I cant think of too many young players with obvious talent who are able to develop in a team that is struggling. Would be too much too soon if you ask me. Dont mind the odd cameo appereancebut nothin too heavy, not whilst we're inthe shit we are in at the moment.

  4. Where exactly would he fit in? Im pretty happy with the wing options we've got on the moment...

    Kaz on the right, Jonas on the left.

    Or in the middle with Butt or Guthrie, depending on who's fit.


    Toss up between a place for him or Zog, id probably go for Zog. Cant have him in the middle, will get dominated very very easily if you ask me.


    If he's not a better midfielder than Habib Beye then he shouldn't be at the club.


    Good point.

  5. What is it then? I thought is was something to do with there version of jesus marrying a 6 year old. orsomething like that.


    I think you are fuking weird.




    Are you kidding me? Thats legit you ignorant cunt.


    What else is the paedophile refernce to?





    Fuck me, that is embarressing. My bad. I genuinely had no idea about that, whats that got to do with Mido?


    Its to do with Boro you dumb shit.


    Why Mido in particular? I got the impression from the write ups last year that it was part and parcel of the Islamaphobia aimed towards Mido, happy to admit im wrong.


    TT doesnt change the fact that your a cunt though.


    Becuase his name rhymes with paedo?


    Stewart Downing, as a Boro lad, got it loudest when he came over to take a corner (and seemed to take it in jest going by the smirk on his face). The "Islamophobia" and the paedo stuff are totally mutually exclusive.


    My bad, i didnt realise. Hence why i asked in the first place, not actually heard this. Obvious now you say it.








    Go do what you do best and touch up some children you dirty perv.




    Shit craic.


    Bet you love shitty cracks eh?



    I did until i saw your mums, luckliy 'Nurse Ratchett' was on hand to clean it for her.



    If that Mumbai stuff is correct, then those people ought to be ashamed of themselves though.



    Just undermined your own argument there.



    No I haven't.


    Singing about Mido looking like Richard Reid is entirely different to singing about him being in Mubai due to his religion.




    Wullie: I know what you mean, but it's old stuff and at the end of the day it people died due to it.


    The gas masks and suits were funny and that is taking the piss, the paedo stuff is just stupid it doesn't mater how long it has gone on for.


    Guess there must be quite a few younger posters on this thread judging by the above comments.


    Who died?




    Death by embarrassment I imagine.




    Fucking hell, the knives are out arent they, I'm a marked man, yeh ya right mate, it is embarressing Ive never heard of this before, so the eggs on my face.


    I guess it makes a nice change for you to be the one giving the stick out rather than recieving it. Ill let you have your moment.

  7. What is it then? I thought is was something to do with there version of jesus marrying a 6 year old. orsomething like that.


    I think you are fuking weird.




    Are you kidding me? Thats legit you ignorant cunt.


    What else is the paedophile refernce to?





    Fuck me, that is embarressing. My bad. I genuinely had no idea about that, whats that got to do with Mido?


    Its to do with Boro you dumb shit.


    Why Mido in particular? I got the impression from the write ups last year that it was part and parcel of the Islamaphobia aimed towards Mido, happy to admit im wrong.


    TT doesnt change the fact that your a cunt though.


    Becuase his name rhymes with paedo?


    Stewart Downing, as a Boro lad, got it loudest when he came over to take a corner (and seemed to take it in jest going by the smirk on his face). The "Islamophobia" and the paedo stuff are totally mutually exclusive.


    My bad, i didnt realise. Hence why i asked in the first place, not actually heard this. Obvious now you say it.








    Go do what you do best and touch up some children you dirty perv.




    Shit craic.

  8. What is it then? I thought is was something to do with there version of jesus marrying a 6 year old. orsomething like that.


    I think you are fuking weird.




    Are you kidding me? Thats legit you ignorant cunt.


    What else is the paedophile refernce to?





    Fuck me, that is embarressing. My bad. I genuinely had no idea about that, whats that got to do with Mido?


    Its to do with Boro you dumb shit.


    Why Mido in particular? I got the impression from the write ups last year that it was part and parcel of the Islamaphobia aimed towards Mido, happy to admit im wrong.


    TT doesnt change the fact that your a cunt though.


    Becuase his name rhymes with paedo?


    Stewart Downing, as a Boro lad, got it loudest when he came over to take a corner (and seemed to take it in jest going by the smirk on his face). The "Islamophobia" and the paedo stuff are totally mutually exclusive.


    My bad, i didnt realise. Hence why i asked in the first place, not actually heard this. Obvious now you say it.





  9. What is it then? I thought is was something to do with there version of jesus marrying a 6 year old. orsomething like that.


    I think you are fuking weird.




    Are you kidding me? Thats legit you ignorant cunt.


    What else is the paedophile refernce to?





    Fuck me, that is embarressing. My bad. I genuinely had no idea about that, whats that got to do with Mido?


    Its to do with Boro you dumb shit.


    Why Mido in particular? I got the impression from the write ups last year that it was part and parcel of the Islamaphobia aimed towards Mido, happy to admit im wrong.


    TT doesnt change the fact that your a cunt though.


    Becuase his name rhymes with paedo?


    Stewart Downing, as a Boro lad, got it loudest when he came over to take a corner (and seemed to take it in jest going by the smirk on his face). The "Islamophobia" and the paedo stuff are totally mutually exclusive.


    My bad, i didnt realise. Hence why i asked in the first place, not actually heard this. Obvious now you say it.

  10. What is it then? I thought is was something to do with there version of jesus marrying a 6 year old. orsomething like that.


    I think you are fuking weird.




    Are you kidding me? Thats legit you ignorant cunt.


    What else is the paedophile refernce to?





    Fuck me, that is embarressing. My bad. I genuinely had no idea about that, whats that got to do with Mido?


    Its to do with Boro you dumb shit.


    Why Mido in particular? I got the impression from the write ups last year that it was part and parcel of the Islamaphobia aimed towards Mido, happy to admit im wrong.


    TT doesnt change the fact that your a cunt though.


    Massive ebarressment here though. Happy to admit, i didnt relasie.

  11. What is it then? I thought is was something to do with there version of jesus marrying a 6 year old. orsomething like that.


    I think you are fuking weird.




    Are you kidding me? Thats legit you ignorant cunt.


    What else is the paedophile refernce to?





    Fuck me, that is embarressing. My bad. I genuinely had no idea about that, whats that got to do with Mido?

  12. Let me ask you dear forumers,  would it be racist to sing to Shay Given that he has a bomb as he is Irish? IRA and all that. I don't see it as racism saying he has a bomb just a stereotype. Just like singing "he loves his mam Pistone"


    In todays world i think it would be yes. Depends how stronlgy you believe in equality.

  13. I don't remember this much when people chanted at Bramble and Dyer for being rapists?


    So what?

    Seems weird for people to complain about implications of paedophilia but not rape.


    Think paedophila is a reference to Islam, hence the racial implications of the taunt. Tedious and tasetless.

  14. Is there no end to the evil of the man? He buys the club simply in order to sell it, appoints Keegan with the deliberate intention of forcing him out of the club, and then -- just to piss people off -- refuses to sell the club after all. Finally, just to rub it in, he insists on coming to sit in the stand that cost him £45 million.


    Makes Hitler look like Mary Poppins.


    Aye, he uses the safety of his kids as an excuse for why he has no choice but to sell the club, then when he can't sell it for a profit after a year when he's fucked up the club and put it in real danger of relegation at the same time as practically all other businesses have gone down massively in value, it looks like he's going to use his kids in PR to try and make it look like he's had a change of heart.


    Move over Mother Teresa, this man's a Saint.



    Watch out next week for part 2 "Ashley was offered £500m for the club but turned it down because he didn't think the new owners had the best interests of the club at heart."


    Fucking hell!  :lol:


    Nothing gets past you, does it? You wily old fox.


    Watch out for part 3 "Callous  Mike Ashley uses his own kids as Cocaine mules"

  15. Needs to be played on the left wing. Beye doesn't offer enough support on the right at the moment so Jonas is always isolated and that's no good.


    If we're focusing on lack of support from the FB alone, I think you're neglecting the fact that Enrique gets forward even less than Beye here.


    That's true. But on the left Jonas can cut in effectively but not so on the right. I guess that's not focusing solely on lack of support from the fb but either Beye has to push forward more or Jonas has to switch wings. I don't even mind Jonas starting on the right then drifting over to the left when Charlie has the ball. Create a 3 v 2 situation against their rm and rb.


    I actually think that Jonas cuttingin from the left would actually benefit Enriques attacking side, he'd have so much more space to maybe get in more advanced positions down the left.

  16. Then again, i suppose the simplistic view is to make him, as the Chairmain accountable for anything that goes wrong at the club, irrespctive of actual repsonsibly of incident. Fair enough i suppose.


    Aye he had nowt to do with it :lol:


    Remember your post above next time your waffling on about Freddie Shepherd.


    It wasnt a dig you bamp, it literally is the simplistic view, blame the man in charge, its the way the world works. Hence the bit in bold.


    As for Shepherd, I lambast Shepherd et al for the decisions they made themselves.


    Keep on missing the point though - you'll get there eventually. O0


    Bamp!?!? If you don't think the MD/Chairman had any part to play, your bigger idiot than what most have thought for a while.


    Decca had a major fallout with KK if your not up to speed on that it is not my fault.


    Weak comeback.


    For a start I'm actually telling you its ok to lay accountablitly with him yet you're still arguing with me like a dick.


    Secondly, i was under the impression that Keegan walked becasue he was being undermined? Not sure where DL's accountability lies in that specific instant.


    Thirdly, when did that argument occur, was it before all undemining stuff came out and therefore a catalystic incident giving you legitmate claim for DL's acoountabilty, or was this in the aftermath and therefore completely irrelvant to the real issue?


    Fourthly, the argument could quite easily of been Keegans fault, and Keegan may of caused it, but i guess your too dumb or blindsighted to even entertain that possilbity, which isnt my problem.


    "Fiftly" Im actually telling you its ok to lay accountabilty with him yet you're still arguing with me like a dick.


    Keep on keeping.

  17. I agree, he should be far more vocal in the sense of trying to build relations with the fans and giving the fans a focal point but i just got the feeling that people are making him responsislbe for the actual incident which lead to Keegans departure. 


    Then again, i suppose the simplistic view is to make him, as the Chairmain accountable for anything that goes wrong at the club, irrespctive of actual repsonsibly of incident.  Fair enough i suppose.

    Yeah I dont think people are specifically pointing the finger at him as the reason that Kevin left, but as the man in charge, people would have expected him to have been more vocal and more visible in the club's attempt to turn the season around and to move on.




    Agreed. I think there does need to be a tiny bit more transparency at the club, would help things so much more irrspective of potential sales of the club. Theres still way too much animosity at the club and its clearly affecting the team.


    He needs a good slapping if he's repsonsible for the statment.

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