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Posts posted by thewellander

  1. What's scary to me is that Big Sam appears to have believed that the last two wins were justification for his ridiculous tactics, when in fact, the games were won in spite of his efforts. Like always, we arguably had four players out there playing outside their best positions. There was no reason to not put Jose Enrique out there against Derby and allow N'Zogbia and Milner to play where they're best suited. How hard is it to figure out:







    If that team goes out there today and allowed to just play the game at the level they're capable of, Derby would be beaten, imo.

  2. Derby - Win

    Wigan - Win

    Chelsea - Lose

    Man City - Draw


    The teams directly above us are playing some tough games, while we have Derby and Wigan. We need to win the next two. After that, it's a tough go, but I think we'll get a point or more from Man City.


  3. I'd go with an attacking side, and hope to put the game to bed by the 60th minute, to safely bring on some recovering players later on in the game - in an ideal world. It's also a good time to reintroduce Jose Enrique.







    Subs: Harper, Duff (on at 60/70), Viduka, Barton, Faye (if fit)

  4. Milner has been one of our best players all season, even though he's often being played out of his natural position. I think he has a tremendous up side. He has done nothing to warrant losing his place in the starting 11. I really don't get why so many people on these boards thing he isn't good enough.

  5. I was happy with how it went today. We kept a clean sheet and our defenders stood strong against some long bouts of pressure from Fulham. There were some mistakes, but thankfully we got away with it.


    Emre should be on from the start against Derby next week. I'd also welcome Faye back into the squad over Roz. If we pick up Wes Brown in January, it's hard to imagine that Roz will get many starts, but he'll be a good squad player for us.


    Even though we've been squeaking out wins as of late, I'm not convinced of the 4-3-3. We were dominated in midfield in the 2nd half, and I think a 4-4-2 would give us more of a presence in the middle that is sadly lacking.

  6. If we get an early goal we'll probably stroll it. If the crowd begins the game half as good as last night, an early goal would trigger pandemonium and we'll keep it tight on the pitch. Vital that we go at them from the off.


    And that we don't concede early, even though the lads handled the pressure well against Arsenal. We've been letting in too many early goals the past few games. Personally, I'm really hoping for a clean sheat against Birmingham. Nothing would make me happier.

  7. Barton's comments are crass & self-satisfied(AS IF he has anything to be self-satisfied about!).


    These players have an inflated opinion of themselves - setting himself up in judgment of the fans when he has blotted his own copybook on innumerable occasions - merely shows how out-of-touch the whole of football is becoming in its relations with the grass-roots fans.


    We owe them NOTHING - they get ridiculously well-paid to do something they should enjoy doing and keep fit doing it, whilst many people(and this will increase over the next year)struggle to pay their mortgages....

    This article smacks of a Siege-mentality , not surprising to me as Football in general does react this way when criticised, and these players deserve criticism...

    Much of the blame for NUFC's performances are , in most people's opinion, the fault of the manager and his tinkering with tactics and players' positions in the side but the players cannot be immune from accepting their share of the blame.

    I sympathize with them to the extent that they are being messed about, but the last thing any of them should do is to lay the blame at the fans'door for having a go at their poor performances ; fans are , at the end of the day, CUSTOMERS and customers have a right to complain about sub-standard service or product - and that is EXACTLY what they have been presented with over the past month or so.


    As for assertions about ' impatience' and 'fickleness', I will never accept these comments about NUFC fans from those who have not been part of the fanbase themselves - other clubs supporters will come out with this stuff for 2 reasons;

    1.They know how big Newcastle's fan base is, and they are frightened that we ever reach our potential as a club, or

    2. They wish to destroy the fans' belief in their club's potential.


    People like Barton are simply mercenaries, paid to do a job and with no link to NUFC other than that.

    Would Alan Shearer come out and say this? Absolutely NOT, unless the fans had booed the team/manager after the first game at home against Villa, when accusations of impatience would have been warranted. Shearer, because he knows the club's history, knows EXACTLY why the fans are getting fed-up with what is happening - its because they have seen it all too often before, AND they see other clubs leaving us behind.


    IF Shearer does take over at some stage, I wouldn't imagine Mr Barton will be a Newcastle player for very long, and he may not be WHOEVER comes in if Allardyce goes.

    The comments about Kluivert are simply stupid and reflect his ignorance.


    But he was just being honest, and he was correct in saying that players who have a choice of where they want to go may be turned off by Newcastle fans booing the team. As well, the relationship between fans and clubs is more complex than customer / business. I do agree that fans pay their money and the players should work as hard as they can, but if the fans really want the team to win, pissing the players off is obviously not the way to do it.


    Barton only said what all the players are probably feeling. It will probably hurt him for saying it, as it will just make the fans dislike him even more, but at least he had the courage to tell the truth - and he had a point.

  8. I thought Mort came out a while ago and said we will strengthen in Jan as we have a few players away in Jan.  Summiks up!!!  : :razz:



    I just hope they're not going to use the Roeder approach and pick up some unproven players on loan rather than buy quality. I wonder what Onyewu is up to these days?  :undecided:

  9. 10,229 at Bolton tonight. Pitiful result, n'all.


    It's amazing how the players and fans put so much weight into getting into Europe, and then nobody shows up for the games.

  10. Think it could possibly be;        given


                                        beye rozenhal faye enrique

                                      milner barton butt n'zogbia





    smith playing between attack and midfield like sibierski used to do when were away in europe.



    no martins?


    Has Viduka's fitness improved since last weekend? He looked terrible out there. Unless he's 100%, I'd go with Smith / Martins, and maybe put him out for the last 30 minutes, if we need him. I don't understand why Sam would play an unfit striker (Viduka) up front, and then play a fit striker (Smith) in midfield.

  11. The penalty and red card against Blackburn was criminal, and it sunk them. Our defence would never have stood up to the pressure that Blackburn put on Villa in the first half, and it's hard to imagine that Blackburn will lose two straight at home, especially since they'll now have a chip on their shoulder. We can only hope, though.






  12. It'd sure be nice of Setanta to add some more content to it's North American channel.  Who doesn't love being advertised a channel that you've already purchased 20 times an hour?


    No doubt. After paying $20 a month, I would like to have half time coverage of some sort on the weekend games, instead of that graphic for 15 minutes.


    I actually switched to the Broadband service. I find it much better than the North American channel, and it's a tad cheaper than it is here in Canada. Only problem is that you can't seem to go full screen.

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