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Posts posted by thewellander

  1. I've no idea what to think about this.


    He's been our most successful manager in recent history so why not give him another go.


    My main concern is we're trying ignite old flames, is like dating an ex when you know its doomed to fail.


    I dated my ex once and now we're married. Go Keegan!  ;D EDIT: And her initials are "KK"...coincidence?...well, yes.


    I honestly don't know what to make of this. I'm just going to support the decision and keep supporting my club. Let's hope he has the time to rebuild this team.

  2. I'm bored of all the speculation already. I hope they sort this out by the weekend.


    I think Villa were in a worse situation than us before they got a new owner and Martin O'Neil. We just have to get through this, and hopefully get a decent manager and we'll be fine.

  3. Apparently he just wanted to use the bathroom. He was heard yelling "I've got to take a sh*t and I'm sick of it!" Owen naturally got scared and called the police.

  4. I think the point is, though, that Geremi was a player who was performing way under par and had lost the confidence of his manager, and not only did Allardyce not see this and sign him, but he also made him captain, meaning he was almost forced to start him in every game.


    Even worse, though, after Smith's run with the club has been so poor, he made him captain during Geremi's absence, committing the same error twice.

  5. The thing is that when most people on here say they want an "experienced" manager, they mean "a manager with winning experience with top-flight clubs." And those managers probably aren't going to come here. The truth is that we've made the position something that no one in their right mind would want. The only reason any manager of calibre would come here is if for the money, and I would rather have someone managing the team who is doing it because he is passionate about the club. Shearer has been involved with football his whole life and knows the ins and outs of NUFC better than anyone. Also, he's well respected and was idolized by many of the young players coming up through the ranks these days. I don't care how Roy Keane has done with the Mackems; Shearer and Newcastle are a different thing all together.

  6. To be fair, only a small number of fans come on these boards. I would reckon that the vast majority of Newcastle fans would welcome Shearer as the manager. Frankly, I'm one of them. It's time for us to realize that we're not in a position to get Mourinho at this club. We're a mid-table club and we're going to stay that way. At least we know Shearer will be passionate about the job and do everything to get us winning.

  7. If Redknapp gets it I am trying to work out his motivation.


    Is is that he genuinely wants the opportunity to work at club where football envelopes the whole community and is the centre of everything (not wanting to belittling to Portsmouth but I think its fair tosay the mentality towards football in general amongst the footballing puclic is different in the 2 cities)... + win a 1st trophy for the club in a million years


    or is he just thinking, its a nice chance for one last big pay day before I start settling down by the seaside.


    For fear of raising Jose's name, with him, you genuinely feel that he wants to rule the world but with Harry and probably most other managers, you dont get that sense of real desire and I think thats the one quality that we are looking for.

    Keegan early on said, tongue in cheek, "Look out Ferguson, here we come".. he was driven to try and make us the best.

    I am worried about what Harry feels he would  get out of the move.


    I am sure they are all driven to succeed in their onw way but I just dont know




    It could be that doesn't feel Portsmouth will back him in the transfer window as well as Ashley can / will. It's probably about the pay cheque, though. I don't know how much he makes at Pompey, but you would be pretty hard pressed to turn down the kind of money that's being talked about if you're Redknapp.

  8. can't work this all out - seems to me the press only have one link at the moment and that's that ex spurs mouthpiece who's talking to the papers, he wanted redknapp once so therefore 2+2=7.2324


    the pompey stats on nufc.com are diabolical, no goals at home in the last six games...they're a good side away from home but at home have no flair...last part sound familiar?


    why would ashley get this guy?  i just can't see it...he was just arrested for match fixing allegations wasn't he?  makes even less sense...


    i have a feeling (although it may be blind hope) that ashley is gonna pull a rabbit out of the hat here...


    I haven't read all 22 pages of this thread, but I was going to make this point as well. We would be an absolute laughing stock if we signed him and these allegations ended up being true and he went to jail. If we want a long-term manager, then we shouldn't be looking at someone who is under a criminal investigation. Last I heard, this hadn't been resolved.

  9. Completely agree with everyone saying our midfield needs sorting out. I think a two stronger CMs would do a wonder for this team. Someone who can score off set plays and put in decent corners would be nice, as well. Zogs' corners were terrible, imo.


    All and all a shameful performance today. One side looked like it was in the Premiership and one looked like it was in the Championship. You would think that we were the minnows hanging on to a replay.

  10. I would be upset to see any of the following players go, otherwise, I would boot any one out whom I could find a suitable replacement for.












    Edgar (but only because he's Canadian)

  11. Front page of the Sun tomorrow has a story on Barton crying in jail :lol:




    Shocking journalism.


    Should have smuggled a camera phone inside and put the footage on You Tube


    I know what you mean. Barton's never been an 'ace.'  ;D

  12. Chaos in Kenya? Pakistan? The finacial crisis? No a story about Joey f****** Barton.

    if the Sun is your paper of choice, thats the story you want to hear tbh


    I love their half-hearted attempt to put a story about Bhutto on the front. We have Sun papers here in Canada that are similar, though seemingly not that bad.


    Too bad about Barton, though, in all seriousness. It's hard to feel too sorry for someone who has everything going for him and throws it all away, but I don't wish the worst for him.

  13. I didn't see yesterday's match, so this isn't based on the most recent form. EDIT: I originally had no African players but the official site is saying that everyone is available for this game, and Martins will be around for Man Utd.







    Subs: Harper, Cacapa, Butt, N'Zogbia, Martins

  14. I certainly don't want him now.


    People who are saying that they want Shearer now are judging him as a player, not as a manager. I've got no doubt that he has passion for the club and cares about NUFC, of course he does, but so do I. Would I want me managing NUFC? (well, I'd play 4-4-2 with Milner and the Zog on the wings), no - at least not outside of 'Football Manager' on my PC anyway.


    Shearer may well turn out to be a great manager, but the thing is that right now, we don't know, and it is a huge risk. I think that we've had enough grief and things going wrong at NUFC to take on an unknown as manager right now. I'd prefer that Shearer went off somewhere else, lower down and got a bit of experience. NUFC is a hell of a club to manage. I don't think we're unmanagable as someone said once, but it's not the sort of job where you want a complete managerial novice.


    Right now, Shearer is a big risk, and I would hate for him to get the job and for it to go wrong - Most of all I'd hate it for the club, but I'd hate it for him as well.


    Great players don't neccesarily make great managers. Let him have a crack lower down and at some point in the future if he's shown he can cut it, then by all means give him the chance.


    You're hired!  ;D


    As far as Shearer goes, I think it would work out if he managed us sooner than later. I have nothing to base that on except for the fact that he probably understands better than anyone what a manager of Newcastle United should do. Also, if we want someone to build the club over a long period of time, he's the man. I find it hard to believe that the fans would treat him the way we've treated Souness, Roeder and Allardyce, even if we had the same results.


    Something tells me, though, that the players would get up for Shearer.

  15. http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php?action=dlattach;attach=5820;type=avatar


    Is that Sam Allardyce?


    It does kinda look like him now that you mention it. But it is, in fact, Heath Ledger (sp?) as the Joker, as stated above.

  16. ...............Given...................





    Harper, Rozenhal, Barton, Smith, Geremi


    Never going to happen like..


    Spot on, imo. Except perhaps Owen on the bench, if he's fit. But then, who do you leave out?

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