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Posts posted by thewellander

  1. Very impressed by Enrique today, looks like he's got the makings of a top full back.


    The Cacapa-Faye partnership deserves to stay on today's evidence.


    As for up front, I think we won in spite of the Owen-Martins combo today in all honesty.


    Yeah, I kind of agree with you about the Owen-Martins combo to an extent. I think that Viduka-Owen or even Viduka-Martins is a better choice. But, with that being said, the team played cohesively today, and I'm not sure that anybody had a bad performance - at least compared to the performances we had last year.

  2.               Given


    Beye   Caçapa  Rozehnal   Enrique


    Milner    Geremi  Emre  N'Zogbia


             Owen     Smith


    Smith is on a ban, I believe.




    Beye  Caçapa  Rozehnal  Enrique


    Milner    Butt  Emre  N'Zogbia


            Owen    Viduka

  3. I think Barton sees playing for Newcastle United as an honour and Big Sam as a good leader. Owen, on the other hand...well, we all know what he thinks. It's been talked to death.


    It's nice to see some of our new players having a lot of respect for the club.

  4. I haven't read this whole thread, so I'm sorry if this has been discussed, but I'm more than a bit concerned about this fake pitch in Russia. We use this surface at BMO Field, where Toronto FC play, and I'm convinced the injury problems we've suffered have been at least in part due to it. It's hard on the knees and has very little give to it. I think it's dangerous, and I worry for Owen's fitness, with his recent run of injuries.

  5. I think it's getting to the point now where Owen has just had too many constant injuries, and there comes a time when you have to say 'enough is enough'. In Martins we have a young (supposedly) and talented player who can match up well with Viduka or Smith up front, and he should be chosen ahead of Owen, regardless of how much we're paying for Owen or how much prestige he brings to the club. I think it will be a disaster if Martins gets disillusioned with sitting on the bench, and seaks to leave in January. I'd be happier if Owen left, tbh.

  6.                 Given

    Beye  Faye  Taylor  Enrique

    Milner    Butt    Smith    N'Zogbia

              Viduka  Martins


    If we want to win silverware, the Carling Cup is the best shot at the moment, and this is a tough test. Might as well put a strong team forward, and if Owen is facing time on the sidelines, we need to get the Viduka / Martins partnership going.

  7. I think it showed that we are going to have a good side moving forward once Enrique is starting. N'Zogbia is terrific at LB, but we were dominant with him at LM. Get Barton in the midfield, and I think we will be a lot better.


    And it was definately nice to see a solid back four for once. Beye was impressive. I'm happy.

  8.             given/harper


    beye    roz     cacapa     enrique


    milner   geremi   faye     n'zogbia


                owen   martins


    against west ham, get the new boys in and shake things up



    I think Enrique would have been in if he was fit.  I agree that Zog has to be moved to midfield, but I think that, based on tonight's performance, Taylor deserved to be out there before Rozenhal. Roz was consistently beaten, and seemed out of sorts when the pace was picked up.


    Even before the game, I looked at the lineup and thought that we have too many defensive midfielders, and no strong attacking midfielder. The performance proved me right. It's all good to think that Barton will be coming back soon, but we need more options (and Smith isn't one of them). In the end, though, Allardyce did bring in good defensive options, and I'm not going to jump down his throat because he couldn't bring in another attacking CM before the deadline. We should demand better, but we should also realize that Rome wasn't built in a day, and Sam is doing his best to improve the squad.

  9. 1. Newcastle

    2. Aston Villa

    3. Liverpool

    4. Everton

    5. Man City

    6. West Ham

    7. Arsenal

    8. Reading

    9. Bolton

    10. Portsmouth

    11. Blackburn

    12. Wigan

    13. Boro

    14. Birmingham

    15. Derby

    16. Fulham

    17. Man Utd

    18. Chelsea

    19. Mackems

    20. Spurs


    And I would have Norwich, Sheffield United and Sheffield Wednesday promoted.

  10. London - West Ham (all those ex-Magpies)

    Birmingham - Villa

    Liverpool - Liverpool

    Manchester - City (that's who Oasis cheer for and they're my favorite band, which is a horrible reason, I know)

    Sheffield - United

    Glasgow - Inverness CT (because I wouldn't live in Glasgow. If I lived in Scotland, I would live in Inverness)

    Wild card - Norwich.

  11. I really like Milner, though I know he's not the best player on the team. Martins would be a close second, I suppose.


    All-time has to go to Shearer. Solano was always one of my favorites too. Incidently, today is the first time I'll see him in a West Ham shirt, and I'm not looking forward to it.

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