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Posts posted by thewellander

  1. Yeah, it's just a different culture over here. We all really feel connected to our roots, and we don't grow up in an atmosphere of contempt for the other clubs. So, it's not as hard for me to hope that the other British clubs do well in a competition that Newcastle isn't in.


    But back to the footy:


    In spite of the loss, I think Man Ure are in a better position to go on than Chelsea are. You have to win at home. Man Ure survived and I think they'll have confidence in the next round. I just can't believe that a player with the experience of Scholes is still so sloppy with his tackles. How often does this happen?

  2. The Guardian are claiming that the Roma fans charged the glass barrier to taunt the Man U fans after the goal, and the Mancs took the bait and charged back. So, the police viciously beat on them.

  3. Has anyone else seen the footage of the riot in the away stands of the Man U v. Roma match? I've never seen anything like that. The Italian police are in full riot gear and from the footage I saw, were just wailing on the fans with their clubs. One guy (clearly a Man U supporter) got carried out unconscious, completely covered in blood.


    I've never seen anything like that. Everywhere Man U fans go in Europe this year, there's trouble.

  4. Parker is capable of playing much better than he has been lately. I definately wonder if he's happy at Newcastle these days.


    Butt, on the other hand, has played better than we all thought he would. I would take Butt over Parker these days.

  5. We would be in the top 6 if he played Luque tbh




    Oh wait, you're serious?


    Sorry, just kidding. Maybe it would have been worth a shot to give him a sustained go at it this year. I would rather that we were in 11th place and gave him a chance, than be in 11th place and paid him to play in reserves.

  6. Whenever my friends make fun of me for Newcastle's lack of success, I always just tell them that people don't cheer for NUFC because we think they're going to win. I've always felt that it means something to be a fan of this club. It means that you love the game and you care about passion more than silverware. It bothers me more that there are players like Bramble on the pitch, who don't seem to care at all, than the fact that we're losing. We can lose every game, but as long as the fans and the players respect the sport and conduct themselves with pride and passion, I will proudly wear the black and white.


    can't have two clubs mate


    c. Stevie



    I don't agree with that. If we're not from Newcastle, I don't see why we can't cheer for clubs in other leagues as well. Newcastle United is my top team, but I'm going to be right into Toronto FC in the MLS this year, since they're in my neck of the woods. But, there's no sense in me not cheering for one of them, just because I cheer for the other. They're in different leagues and will never play each other.


    Even with national teams, I of course cheer for Canada. But at the same time, Canada games never get televised on Canadian TV (go figure) and we've never been in the World Cup. So, I cheer for England also. Pretty much everyone in Canada does the same. During the World Cup, the different areas of Toronto are great for supporting other National sides. We have the English area, the Portugese area, the Brazilan, the Italian, etc.

  8. Well, fans have the luxury of coming up with decisions without having to look at the whole picture. I think Roeder (and all managers) have a lot more things to balance than we fans take into consideration.


    I'm not defending Roeder. I'm just saying...

  9. http://eur.news1.yimg.com/eur.yimg.com/ng/sp/empics/3433742


    Considering he's always standing around with his hands in his pockets, this is either one small axe we're talking about, or Roeder means something entirely different.

  10. I would welcome Crouch coming to play for Newcastle. I think he's underrated. He gets a lot of flack imo because he's kind of awkward and he started to get a lot of attention last summer for his stupid robot dance. But, let's face it, Owen and Martins won't be able to play together and we're missing a physical presence up front. Crouch would add diversity to our attack that we're sorely missing. Plus, he's an English lad, and I like when we field players from the home country.

  11. Hmm. I've been mulling this one over, and I think that maybe there's a point to be made that we're not safe from relegation. We have some tough games ahead and we're really not that far out of the bottom three, are we?


    Maybe if we all convince ourselves that we're in a relegation battle, we can all feel better when we stay in the Premiership.

  12. Roed: We'll get European spotApr 1 2007

    By Neil Farrington, The Sunday Sun


    Glenn Roeder last night guaranteed Newcastle fans European qualification next season . . .


    If the club stays relatively injury-free.


    The United boss concedes that a top-six finish is beyond his side this season, but sees it as a certainty next year - fitness permitting.


    "Next year, injury-free, we will return to a season where European football is guaranteed," promised Roeder.


    And the manager vowed to ride out any criticism that comes his way in the meantime.


    "If you do well you get a pat on the back and if you don't do well, you get a kick up the backside. That is football," he said. "You get judged every game.


    "I love football and the business, and I accept that responsibility. If you only want to get patted on the back, don't become a manager."


    It irritates me that he won't acknowlege even for a second that he has played a role in the bad form of the club. Once again, he mentions the injuries, and he claims that the fans are only down on him because the club aren't getting results. Basically, our specific gripes about him are just the rumblings of the ignorant masses.


  13. I'm a Canadian. My grandparents immigrated from South Sheilds, but my ancesters also lived in Boro and Sunderland. I could have chosen any of those teams, but I chose Newcastle because I thought it was the team with the best fans. In a way, it disappoints me to see fans turning on the team, but I do understand why.


    I'll come and see them at SJP some day, and regardless of whether they win, lose or draw, it will still be a great memory.

  14. great idea bring it on .pity it takes so fookin long to get the go ahead though.

    one question though if the winner of the fa cup has already qualified for the champions league would that meen the loser would get in instead i wonder.


    I would welcome the FA Cup winner qualifying over the 4th place club, but if they already qualified, for it to fall back on 4th place, and not the runner up. I also agree that the UEFA Cup winner should automatically go to the Champions League the following year, even if it means a lot of clubs from a single country are in it.

  15. Link


    United, like many of the top flight, find themselves in a "comfort zone" which is getting increasingly difficult to escape from.



    I wasn't aware that we were in a "comfort zone." Here I was thinking we were in 11th place.

  16. If England played Andorra at Old Trafford, and for some strange reason no england supporters were there, Andorra could fit their entire population in :lol:


    My god, you're right. I looked it up.  :)


    Andorra Population: 71,201

  17. All over. SUPERB!


    Result is all that matters, but the half-time bollocking from the crowd clearly kicked them up the arse imo.


    Thought Dyer looked lively. :thup:


    I disagree. When we're playing Andorra, results aren't all that matter. You can't ignore that the majority of the game was the England of late. 3-0 seems like a good result, but the performance was lacking.


    I was being sarcastic overall, though the win is the most important thing in a qualifying campaign.


    Gerrard just basically confirmed what I said anyway, said it was the hardest atmosphere he's ever played in.


    Yeah, it's definately great to get the three points and stay alive in the campaign, but something needs to happen before the next round of matches. England are still in trouble.

  18. I would be upset if Newcastle didn't have English players, and I'm Canadian! Obviously, you're happy when your club players do well, but you have to cheer for your home country. In the case of Canadians, we tend to cheer for the country of our descent, and we're still very loyal.

  19. All over. SUPERB!


    Result is all that matters, but the half-time bollocking from the crowd clearly kicked them up the arse imo.


    Thought Dyer looked lively. :thup:


    I disagree. When we're playing Andorra, results aren't all that matter. You can't ignore that the majority of the game was the England of late. 3-0 seems like a good result, but the performance was lacking.

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