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Posts posted by ShearMagic

  1. Wullie, the reason i asked earlier about the enterprise value of the club was because it helps explain why man u can have debt and invest. The cash in is bigger than the cash out on an annual basis. 


    As for analysing the structure of ashley's wealth, thats exactly what you SHOULD be doing. If 600m is held in devaluing equity then the question of where 25m is coming from is a very pertinent one. Especially if one of your biggest assets cant pay for itself. 


    But putting aside Ashley's personal wealth, should a club of our size not be able to fund transfers of its own accord?


    These latest figures don't make good reading and show what a mess Shepherd left us in but they do show a club shorn of debt (other than to its owner which we can ignore for the time being) which makes us one of the very few in the league in that state iirc. Seeing as much of the "loss" is this amortisation business, which is a paper loss rather than cash, these figures look to me (as someone who knows jack shit about it so please put me right) like we are one of the few clubs who can actually afford to spend rather than the other way on - especially when they don't include three season's worth of ST money from at least 25000 people (my guess).


    Can someone explain to me: if we can't afford to buy anyone, how the fuck can anyone else (obvious exceptions, Villa, City, Chelsea apart)?


    I'm not sure that the three years worth of season tickets will make a huge difference.


    If the club is smart, that will be going on their accounts per year, because it's stupid to put it all on one year, meaning that in one year we're going to have lots from season tickets, yet in other years we're going to have nothing.


    Plus, with the stadium hardly selling out these days, there's somewhere between 5,000 - 7,000 tickets going spare, which at 35 quid a pop (on average) is somewhere between £175,000 and £245,000 each match that's not getting paid in, that would have been in previous seasons.

  2. The problem with Owen is his lack of self sufficiency. He's at that stage in his career where he needs service to thrive as a footballer, service that is becoming less and less frequent the poorer we play. At this moment in time we need self sufficient strikers, ones that will make things happen. Yes I know he's fantastic at what he does but when he isn't getting the chance to do it makes him little more than a passenger.




    The problem with Owen is that he's lazy and doesn't give a fuck.


    That's what it comes down to really.

  3. Need to get rid of him ASAP.


    Sick of his lack of effort, lack of heart.


    The fact that he is CLUB CAPTAIN is a disgrace.


    Please come in for him Man City, I'd give him to you.

  4. Always made me laugh when people would go on about how Martins misses so many sitters while Owen NEVER did.


    What literally makes me gasp is how weakly Owen strikes the ball. It is astonishing stuff.




    He almost never scores from outside the area


    The goal on the weekend was the first goal he'd scored from outside the area since November 2002. It was just outside the area too.


    Thats not true he scored a goal from outside the area for England last year or the year before. I remember it because everyone was saying how unlike him it was


    I meant in the league.

  5. Always made me laugh when people would go on about how Martins misses so many sitters while Owen NEVER did.


    What literally makes me gasp is how weakly Owen strikes the ball. It is astonishing stuff.




    He almost never scores from outside the area


    The goal on the weekend was the first goal he'd scored from outside the area since November 2002. It was just outside the area too.

  6. In the last six months of his contract a player is entitled to speak to clubs outwith the jurisdiction of his club's national association about a Player Contract and may, in this way, enter a "pre-nuptial" agreement with a new club. When his contract expires a player is free to speak to any club.


    Where did this come from?


    My understanding is the same, however I'm trying to make a point on another forum and I'd like to know where it came from.



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