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Everything posted by PauloGeordio

  1. Possibly because nobody from within the club is telling him any facts about a private matter. Eg: ”here’s how much we’re going to bid and in what increments” guesswork at best regarding the numbers (and yes they may guess close)
  2. Guessing. They don’t “know” I would presume (but I don’t know for sure)
  3. Walks into thread to see if we’ve signed this fucker yet? Enters the twilight zone. WTF ?
  4. Late night news article of speculation. Guaranteed to get da clicks!
  5. He’s letting the hope rise in readiness for his “thunder turd in the bath” ?
  6. ?? didn’t realise the agent connections. That’s quite key. He must fancy the move!
  7. They didn’t, he managed to add the “angling for a new contract” factor in just to piss on our chips! Click bait cunt!
  8. Sunday papers………….. in fact any day papers
  9. He seems pretty cock sure about it. I’m all in!
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