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Everything posted by PauloGeordio

  1. Fraser is drilled and follows instructions. Maxi God love him is Maxi!
  2. He had a winning goal assist in the Leicester game ?
  3. ?? and it’s reflected back
  4. Think and hope he will, at least until we’re mathematically safe. Then this yo-yo shit can be put to bed for good!
  5. It’s almost a ParduBrucesque hybrid of gobbledegook wordsmithery ???
  6. No way until mathematically safe, Eddie changes a winning side unless forced to by injury or illness etc. And I hope we smash these!
  7. ?? awesome intro that would be, camera zooming in and moving rapidly back and forth between the players eyes! ? Brings back fond memories of Castle Donnington 1985 ????
  8. Except when they beat Man U 4-0!
  9. And it pulls Southampton into the relegation mix (mathematically that is)
  10. Remind me, are we supporting Burnley for the Everton relegation factor?
  11. I watched the documentary Minus 17 I knew then he was our best choice, he’s made the impossible possible once before
  12. He isn’t going anywhere. He’s found his ♥️ place!
  13. The pass is as good as the goal for me, both sex, in fact double penetration!
  14. I’d hope he wouldn’t want to go back. He’s loved and appreciated now
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