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jack j

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Posts posted by jack j

  1. 28 minutes ago, AyeDubbleYoo said:

    People at the match whinge just as much as people on the internet - if that matters at all. 


    The people around me were absolutely ripping into the team on Saturday.





    People slagging players off for being shite on an obscure forum is one thing..likelihood is they'll never see it


    But the moans and groans inside the stadium must grind them down

  2. 1 hour ago, TheBrownBottle said:

    Likewise.  Christ, its been a long time since we played the smoggies 

    Just looked and it's 14 years. Mental that

  3. 49 minutes ago, Wolfcastle said:

    There's never been a good atmosphere against a Luton, even peak Keegan/atmosphere in the cup, certainly the last top flight game against them with mostly terrace was dead. That goes for pretty much everyone. There's always some games for everyone that's just bread and butter games atmospherically.

    Pretty much everywhere has the same discussion. See the state of Villa on Tuesday.

    Its been generations now since they were last regularly good anywhere in the country.


    It's not the lack of atmosphere I'm on about today

    It was shit didn't expect owt else


    The way the fans turned  toxic when that 4th went in was embarrassing. If we hadn't scored minutes later it was just starting to get even worse.


  4. 3 minutes ago, STM said:

    If someone put a button in front of me and said I could end the season right now, I'd press it in a heartbeat.


    Every time we seem to be coming out of the clouds and injury occurs and knocks us back 3 paces. How do Isak and Gordon get injured, immediately when Barnes and Wilson return? It's a joke.

    Felt that way since about October

    Which is brutal really because it should have been such an enjoyable season

    (Still had some great moments which I'm grateful for like)

  5. The problem today was long term season ticket holders I've got no doubt about that

    Whinging bastards who thrive on any opportunity to turn it toxic


    I'd rather have a full end of day trippers

  6. 6 minutes ago, OCOCOL said:

    not bring agist im early 40s myself but we’ve one of the highest average age of ST holder / match going fans. Regretsbly you become more of a moody / angry joyless cunt as you get older I’m finding - just to what degree you turn!

    If you've got the passion to get up and scream and ball at players and managers for being "shit" then surely you've got the same inside you to support the team you're supposed to love


    Fucking backwards

  7. Just now, NEEJ said:

    Was a bloke in front of me in the Gallowgate who sat there in silence until he had a go at Eddie for not taking Burn off sooner after his gaffes. Completely silent as soon as we equalised. The mind fucking boggles. 

    You've just described most of the gallowgate there


    Toxic cunts

  8. Struggle to find worse support in the country than ours


    Its one thing sitting on your hands and not adding to any positive atmosphere. But the ability to turn on players and managers is 2nd to none


    Fuck off you cunts

  9. 2 minutes ago, Elma said:


    This has always been my favourite style for numbers.




    That was a classic and stands the test of time in my opinion. Ideally the shirt would have a striped back and they would find some way to provide the numbers already made up onto the patch, although that might be tricky for personalised kits where the name/number combo isn't one of the named squad. When that shirt came out I cut a black square of cloth, added the iron-on numbers that you could buy online, and then stuck the patch onto the shirt (with wundaweb I think). It was all do-it-yourself in those days.

    Did you put Papavasilou on the back yourself as well?

  10. 43 minutes ago, Matt1892 said:

    2 x midfielders to replace Bruno and Joelinton


    Striker to replace Wilson


    Right forward to replace Almiron or Murphy


    Centre back


    Left back






    Dya mean a Centre back to replace botman ? Saying as we are getting rid of our 2 Best midfielders as well

  11. Was there any ID checks tonight out of interest? Think a fair few tickets are starting to get passed around again...I know a couple that were going with bus spaces

  12. 62 points got 6th last season and 61 7th

    Our remaining home games..




    West ham



    Sheff utd


    Probably need to be taking 18-20 points out of them if we want top 6



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