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  1. That's actually outrageous. Most of it should go to the associations of the countries involved or something.
  2. Ha, I'm color blind so I just let Google handle it. I was annoyed they didn't keep the colors going from the line graphs, but couldn't be bothered to fix.
  3. The two most stable revenue sources are commercial and matchday. For English clubs the only significant differences in broadcast revenue are UEFA money and the merit portion (approx. £3m per league place). Transfer profits are obviously very lumpy. Matchday is impacted by extra games (Europe and/or cup runs), but there is a solid baseline for each club based on capacity and ticket prices. Here's where we stand with the latest numbers... And the main reason I did this was to be able to see whether we're gaining ground or not. There's been a lot of debate about growth rates and when we might catch up, but percentage gains don't buy players. Ultimately, it all comes down to cash. Honestly I could be positive or negative about this chart (and I could guess which forum members might fall on either side ), but it does show how we are continually running uphill. Let's end on a happier note:
  4. For anyone used to American prices this is basically the cost of going to any live event. In some cases it's the cost for one ticket. For some sports and teams it's the last seat in the building or standing room only.
  5. Is it that or is it something to do with the Anderson/Greek swap? That's the G3.5 section. Much better news if it's what you said though as it's a big adjustment.
  6. Yeah, there really are too many factors. Going to take Eales at his word, but my prediction is that we will sell at least one of Gordon, Barnes, Bruno, or Joelinton. Not because we need to to be compliant, but because it creates flexibility (and possibly also because they want out).
  7. Yeah, some quick math says we'd be at around 76% with these numbers. If we qualify for Europe we need to be below 70%, though anything less than 80% we'd in the first-time offender small fine territory so we'd have options.
  8. The release of the four part documentary ‘We Are Newcastle United’ on Amazon Prime in August 23 together with changes in the operating and financial models for the Club’s retail and catering activities all contributed to the overall increase in Commercial income. This is interesting as I'm quite sure Swiss Ramble had been including this in the 2022/23 accounts, but we've recognized the Amazon doc in 23/24. The downside of that is it's a one-time thing Not counting Champions League our broadcast revenue was down £11.5m. This is mostly from lower merit payments (4th vs. 7th) and also two less TV games. Staff costs up 18% is from first team wages and also another 115(!) employees. Playing staff, team management and support from 210 employees to 252 Business operations from 200 to 273 employees Future outlook discloses new commercial deals with VT Markets, RedBull, and Bet365. Senior management wages increased from £3.5m to £6.9m
  9. I'm very happy about the revenue number there, partially because I thought it had to be more like £310-320m but Kieran was keeping it around £300m. Take that expert. What stands out to me as pretty eye popping is the wages and other costs.
  10. This number really doesn't mean anything. Have to include amortisation.
  11. If you had tried to script the worst case scenario for today this would have basically been it.
  12. Obviously wish we had him but the odds of him playing well for a final v Liverpool seem low.
  13. Not even sure how it’s questionable. He kind of missed but his intent was a punch / forearm to the head.
  14. The thing I'm worried about after City and tonight is that the occasion might be too big for us again. I was hoping it'd be different the second time and after CL games, etc. and maybe it will be, but feels like it could happen again.
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