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Posts posted by durhamunigeordie

  1. What a pathetic human being Falcao is. He will regret it when he looks back on his career and realise he's achieved pretty much nothing.


    Yeah, pathetic man for wanting more money while also being part of an interesting project. I bet you wouldn't leave your job for a better paid one if you got the chance would you?

    Yeah I would, then again I'm not doing what I love for my job and getting paid a ridiculous amount to do so.


    How do you know he loves football? Maybe he does, but that argument gets reeled out quite a lot and I must confess I don't buy into it.

  2. Didn't realise that Leigh Griffiths who has scored loads of goals for Hibs this season was on loan from Wolves. Superb management decision that one.


    Said something racist on twitter so they shipped him off to Scotland to be with his kinsmen.




    Pretty sure he was already on loan when he came out with that january stuff. Think he made it clear he didn't want to be at Wolves so they let him go out on loan.

  3. Unbelievable comments!


    IMO he will stay until our first 'string' of bad results. Delaying the inevitable!


    That's the real problem. Doing that will muck up next season as well.

  4. You know what, I don't dislike the bloke. I think he genuinely loves the club, I think he works hard. I just don't think he is good enough.


    I f***ing hate him.




    But fair. I detest having to listen to his spiel and the excuses he reels off without taking any culpability for his own shortcomings.

  5. It was daft, but I think some have gone a bit OTT. I need to see it again to see if it was outside of the box, but it was certainly risky considering he was on a yellow already.


    That's it.  Little to complain about his shot stopping but it was a complete rush of blood to the head when he'd already picked up a silly booking and hopefully he'll realise he was an idiot and learn from it.


    I haven't seen it again, but surely as the goalkeeper and the ball is in the box he's entitled to handle it. If he's managed to gather the ball, end up outside the box but with the ball still in the box then surely it's a great bit of goalkeeping? We can't have players allowing for poor refereeing in their decision making?

  6. You know what, I don't dislike the bloke. I think he genuinely loves the club, I think he works hard. I just don't think he is good enough.


    I fucking hate him.




    Been going since 83, season ticket holder since 89. Daft thing is back then it cost next to nowt to watch NUFC. £45 was the price of my first season ticket, albeit a kids one. Now people are whinging about the costs yet the attendances have rocketed since those days as the sky generation pack stadiums out demanding to be entertained and then spitting the dummy when they're not enjoying it as much as they thought they would.




    What's even the point in all this 'sky generation' stuff. Nothing I can do about when I was born and extremely difficult to attend games prior to conception.

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