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Everything posted by Ash

  1. At Headingley tonight for the rugby so we'll be on the lookout for potential pick up points. Any suggestions?
  2. That Arsenal shirt is mint.
  3. That's a fair few from the Lincoln area now, which should make things a little easier getting to a pick up point.
  4. Ferrybridge is still very much on the agenda. As you've pretty much said, it's an ideal place to pick up. Once the draft route is planned, I'll upload it onto here and we can alter it accordingly to suit as many people as possible.
  5. I personally don't mind wherever we pick up (within reason of course), just need to sort it with the driver. I'll mention central Leeds and will see what he suggests.
  6. Quick update... I should be sorting a potential route out on Sunday with the driver. For those in the Leeds area, can you put forward any suggestions of a pick up point so we can try and implement this into the route?
  7. Ah well. Least it's only a very short trip for me when we play them away.
  8. Ash

    Arda Turan?

    He would accept but if the spurs offer 20 million euros, he can not sell him for 16 any more. Now that wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.
  9. Ash

    Arda Turan?

    Think that might be the best way to go in order to get him signed. Didn't they show an interest in Emre during the January window?
  10. Obviously not a Hull City fan but would be good from my point of view if they go up, shortest away game of the season.
  11. And the rest. Not sure I like the tone of that wink.
  12. Info now added to the Facebook Group.
  13. Just about to do it now. No point winking at me!
  14. Time for an update, brilliant news too as far as I'm concerned. I've convinced the driver I know to drive for us, so that's one thing sorted. He really is spot on. He will go out of his way to make things easy for everyone and those who choose to come on the coach will soon see that. I've also managed to secure a great deal for the coach too. If we can fill a 49 seater, the cost per person will be no more than £12/£13 return. If the coach isn't full on certain weeks, it may be around £15 but I'm hoping this isn't the case and we can fill the coach for every trip. I think this is a cracking price, I was expecting it to be around the £20 mark so to have knocked a large amount off that is fantastic. Now that I've sorted a few more details, I'm hoping to gather how many people are still interested so I can check on numbers and see where we stand. I'd also just like to say thanks to everybody who has sent me a PM wishing the trips well, the support is greatly appreciated.
  15. Thanks for the heads up, will do just that now. Good luck. You could have told me before I posted it on there!
  16. Thanks for the heads up, will do just that now.
  17. I just pray this isn't a sign of things to come... I feel exactly the same. Way, way too early to really get worried yet though. This season has still got 3 games left to play and he is only one player. Yep. Although I'm disappointed and I imagine the club are too, we cannot dwell on it. We need to move on and focus our attentions elsewhere. Hopefully he wasn't our main target anyway.
  18. I just pray this isn't a sign of things to come...
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