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Big River

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Posts posted by Big River

  1. 9 minutes ago, GeordieT said:

    One unintended consequence of this is that in the future it’ll be significantly harder to get home cup tickets.


    aye. in Hughesy's case he could have bought 1 cup ticket for £20 and just not turn up. which benefits nobody.


    it's a really difficult situation and a hard one to get right. I think they've done the best they can and it seems pretty fair overall.

  2. 28 minutes ago, Joey47 said:

    I understand this might sound ridiculous but I’ve just seen this video of Neymar on Twitter and it really reminded of all the highlight videos I’ve been watching of Gordon. Based on that alone I can say with 99% confidence that Gordon is gonna be world class. He’s already as good as Neymar at diving [emoji38] 

    *half trolling half serious but did honestly see similarities in the two 


    he does say in this interview that Neymar is his favourite player.



    probably why he loves a dive. which I do hope he tones down a bit, it's canny ridiculous at times

  3. 5 minutes ago, LiquidAK said:

    Considering booking a hotel and coming up to Newcastle for this. As a complete non-local, how easy will it be to find a pub to watch this in? Is it going to be utterly impossible? 


    there's about 800 options so I'm sure you'll be fine :lol:

  4. Just now, cubaricho said:

    What do y'all even say for the second line? I can't even pick out one word. :lol:


    Although it is catchy as fuck and should definitely take off.


    he's our number 14 and he plays in attack


    Mad Mick should replace the ol' boy the booth, he'd get SJP rocking :lol:

  5. 2 minutes ago, Doctor Zaius said:

    We've got a hotel booked for London but I think were gonna sack it off and watch it here


    eh how come? just feel like town will be a bit of an anti-climax with everyone split over the many pubs/bars.


    plus it's a Sunday, so people will be off home for work the next day.


    it's a massive occasion and should be treated as such, the usual match day routine will not suffice!


    for me, anyway :lol: people should do whatever they bloody well like.

  6. think acoustics is one of the biggest problems, the noise just doesn't travel well at all. I sit bang in the middle of upper Gallowgate and it's massively noticeable. the corner and upper gallowgate (west) are never ever in sync.


    can't hear a thing from any other area in the ground, even from the away fans.


    also, wish someone would snap the announcers CDs in half, he's absolutely shite.

  7. On 23/01/2023 at 20:01, Lush Vlad said:

    Anyone know if you can still get the basic, kind of thick striped scarves anymore? Similar to the ones at Shearer’s testimonial? 

    I’ve been meaning to get a new scarf for years and I know want one for the home semi next week.

    I had a lovely one with just a small, gold embroidered badge at the ends. But I swapped it with a Brugge fan when we played over there. 



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