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Big River

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Posts posted by Big River

  1. 1 minute ago, Unbelievable said:

    Indeed, but doesn’t diminish from the fact he’s skipped 3 days of training to force a move. I thought our powers that be prode themselves about their due diligence and no dickheads rule?


    nobody knows what's gone on though. you don't know he's been a dickhead and Everton weren't the ones in the wrong. Howe, Ashworth and whoever else probably do know the full story.


    maybe he was made certain promises after the Chelsea situation, with regards to a future transfer and they've fucked him about. this is Everton, remember :lol: they're the worst ran club in the league, by some distance.

  2. Just now, Unbelievable said:

    Downed tools at the first sight of a better pay check by the looks of it


    weird how he didn't do that last season when Chelsea were in for him

  3. the way people lose their mind over fees... you'd think it's coming from their own bank account. who gives a shite, really? :lol:


    none of us have a clue when it comes to our FFP situation, so just chill ya beans and enjoy us spending a bit of money for once. it's long overdue.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Yorkie said:

    Looking through an entirely different lens now, all that tells me is that he's going to fit right in.


    :thup: I thought exactly the same thing.


    I reckon Tripps is the type of character who'll have enjoyed Gordon showing no fear and giving him shit.


    reminds me a bit of when Rooney said he knew Bellingham would be a player because he was leaving one in on him when he played against him at Derby.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Weezertron said:

    :scared: Signing Manures castoffs. Not good, like.


    Wonder if any of our recently bought crop of players were Eddie's choice?


    I think we can say for certain that Chris Wood was:scared:



    Not trying to be negative on Eddie, but there's a reason we have a scouting team. 



    :lol: wind ya neck in

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